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hello all....it is my first time soil grow and things were looking sweet as hell!!....almost too sweet!!.....four weeks into flower...... then i tested the runoff water after a feeding and the ph was like 4.85.....so i 'panicked' and began 'seeing' nanners popping out all over:yoinks:....i can't figure out what came first...the chicken or the egg....or what i should do...i began flushing early in case it is recommended to harvest early before seeds have a chance to develop.... please help:1help:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
First, don't panic. There may be a small reduction in yield and potency but, not enough to warrant tossing the grow. Try misting the plants early in the day, water is known to kill pollen. Then when you're not in danger of spreading loose pollen, go on nanner patrol and pick them off. I'd let the grow go as long as you would have if the problem hadn't occurred. You've put too much work in to short sheet yourself.


New member
...it seems as the nanners fertilize the nearby female hairs(pistils)...they begin to turn red/orange...does this mean they have been 'activated' to produce a seed?..or is it normal to see red/orange at about this time?...


New member
....i guess the next step is to determine what caused the hermaphrodite to want to fuck itself.....what kind of stress did i cause?.....is the proper way to determine soil pH by testing the pH of the run-off water after a feed?....


New member
...is my grow-space now contaminated with pollen for the next grow?.....what measures can i take to de-pollinate grow-room?.....is all of the energy now going into seed production and male energy expression..or will it continue to produce female flower?.....i guess i have more questions than can be answered easily.....there isn't much info out there on what to do if you have 'nanners'...thanks for the response and feedback freezerboy.....


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Pistils turn brown or red due to age. Once upon a time this was used to determine harvest time. These days we use microscopes and trichome color. Pollenated, the pistils will whither and disappear. Are yours' shriveling up? Are the calyxes swelling?

While I'd do what I could to lessen the hit, I wouldn't let this effect harvest day. Run to the end, clean up and start anew. Don't quote me on this but, I think pollen has a fairly short life span. It may all be dead before there's a girl ready to use it. Let's see if someone else pipes in on this. You could always wash walls, equipment and floors if paranoid.

While it's possible you screwed up or environmental forces screwed you, it's just as possible you did nothing wrong and the plants genetics took their natural course.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!

what medium are the plants in soil coco or hydro
if your runoff is PH 4.85 whats the PH of water being fed the plants
what type of lighting
whats the temps
any light leaks during darkness {ie} little red LED lights on a/c units fans plug in strips ??

{.it seems as the nanners fertilize the nearby female hairs(pistils)...they begin to turn red/orange...does this mean they have been 'activated' to produce a seed?..}

correct if the cylx has been pollenated it'll turn color and die
now some hair naturally turn color and die as they mature this takes little time. a pollenated cylx turns color and dies in few days

as Freezerboy mentioned water kills pollen if your abel to remove the girls from flower erea do so you can wipe down the inside walls and spray mist water on carpet. spray the plants down so they are soaked check for nanners and remove all. now maybe put a fan blown on them to help them dry. you want plants dry before placing back under the lights
water kills pollen pretty much on contact light degrades the pollen

seed take on average 4-6 wks to mature and become viable if you harvest seed besure to allow seed approx 2 wks before planting. i like to allow mine to cure on the plant some after i've choped when i've pollenated plants


New member
..."While it's possible you screwed up or environmental forces screwed you, it's just as possible you did nothing wrong and the plants genetics took their natural course"-fb

.....thanks again freezerboy for the 'calming' tones toward my panic situation..... i have been beating myself up feeling guilty that i allowed too much stress on my women.... i have found out since that just about every clone of this strain(g-iesel) expresses some 'nanners', mine are a lil' early than usual...but i am a beginner...


it is soil medium....i feed at about 6.1 pH (5.8-6.3).....under a 1000w hps....the highest i have witnessed the temp get was 83 F....average is like 77 F during lights on.....i was having problems with light leaks with my GrowLab tent...but i thought i had sealed them all off...i may have missed something.... it would be sweet if they invented something you can put in a dark room over a dark period and it would indicate if light had hit it(like a piece of film) during that time......

...anyways....thak you guys for feeding back some knowledge...much appreciated!!


Pick the bananas off like Freezerboy suggested. Sometimes they will stop producing the bananas. Don't harvest early, a few seeds wont hurt anything.


New member
...man...my tummy is full of nanners:monkeyeat....seems like the best way to get rid of them...:canabis:...i hope i don't get pregnant:chin: ....


Damn, I just found some nanners on one of my bettys too. I have a few pictures of my strain that were in Hightimes hung up on the wall for motivation for the little girls, now im starting to wonder if It was like plant porn to my plants? If so, that would explain why it fucked its self, I mean I dont blame them since I generally would probably masterbate if I was locked in a little room with smoken hot females on the wall too...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Nanners suck....but, you can still get decent smoke off that plant....example below. I hope you nail the cause of stress or whatever happened..

You can see nanners speckled in there...I want to say that they showed up about half way through flower, but the plant yielded well enough. We tossed this strain eventually...bummer.