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naming your plants and moms


Active member
this does have something to do with strains so im hoping im posting this in the right place,
does anyone else name your plants or at least your moms? i have always had the habit of naming my moms usually the tag will read the strain on oneside and then the ladies name on the other... (ex pineapple train wreck mom is called penelope, bubba is bella, sour diesal is shunka og is... you get the idea... to many to go on, not really my point in this...

what brings up this question is my girlfriend took the time to name all 80 of my flowering plants at the beginning of the run and turned out to be a great run, everything else remained the same. no new ferts or additives, same set up etc.

does anybody else take that much time to do all that? im just curious because working with them i got more in touch with each individual plant and it just seemed natural once it was done. im not sure i will take the time to come up with a new set of names or even to label each plant but if she wants to its fine by me.

let me know what you think :) I've heard of and some times do sing to them.i constantly talk to them and tell them how beautiful they are and how life is so good because i love them and am here for them, im crazy yeah. i use one of those nature sound machines and use the river selection (i don't know if they can even hear it with sound of the all the fans and running during day hours) some people play music, again you get the idea... i know there is science backing up the music and talking to them but what about those names?

lots of different styles on these boards, some people cut at day 56 no matter what, some wait for those trichomes to turn. im of the latter group and except under extreme situations will i cut early and then only what i have to. im assuming most folk will say its not a huge deal but....
be interested to see the different responses.

peace and love,

super mods, can u hit me up if you move this just so i know where to look, i haven't had a lot of free time for a while now and do my best to check my mail and see whats shakin here but it can be a few weeks some times... thanks!


I never thought about naming my moms although thats a good idea. Wouldnt the clones have the same names as the moms? I tend to not name things I am going to kill as to not get too much of an emotional attachment.


New member
Named my Lady Berry Kush " Eric the red "...the cat I got her from had recieved a test seed run from Radvancan. He popped 4 seeds and put colored tags in each cup. The best, in my opinion, was from the red tag. Hence, Eric the Red.


Active member
what you never heard of fat britney ??

what you never heard of fat britney ??

shes quite the hit !!



Well-known member
I use a simple naming system so I can track what female was pollinated with what male.

Example, LUI #1, LUI #2, Blue Moonshine #1, BM #2, etc. I keep a notebook and make notes of the sex and traits of each one, so after they are cut and I'm separating seeds, I know what is what and can choose the seeds I want to try after a smoke test.

I personally don't think naming a plant Jennifer or Marlene makes it any better or worse than #1, or #3, but I ain't knocking the practice. If it makes you feel closer to the herb, then it's all good. Harmony and all that.

Talking to plants has a basis in science. When you breath out, you release CO2. Plants use CO2 during photosynthesis. Spending time with you plants allows you to get to know them. If you know what to look for, the plant will tell you what it needs. More or less water, lower PH, more MG, etc.


my complicated system is- 1,2,3,4;
i have to wait till the wife is out before i cull any as she always wants to
keep the runts, "because they are cute".


last year I must have pissed off my genetics - the "gal" I named Tess was male

not gonna try to name any more


I call em either the ladies or the girls. But, if I need to keep track I use numbers. Thats cool that it helped you out.


Active member
good point about the clones CE

like i said i dont know if i would take the time myself to name every one of them each time especially not different names... like ya said, i also usually just call them the ladies. and i always thank them and then apologize before i... chop!


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
I got OCD so this isn't for everyone but i feel naming plants helps tremendously.

I name each seed, wether it pops up or not. that way i can find out how many survived out of that strain. I started naming them at first after the 98 hurricane season names (i grew up in florida). and whatever name i left off at i pick right back up with the next grow.
once i get caught up with current names i will go to the first names ever used, and go all the way through again.

my next grow will be like this...
sour bubblegum, 5 seeds...
1 Arlene
2 Bret
3 Cindy
4 Dennis
5 Emily

now i know the next strain will start at F, so i can easily glance at the grouping of plants and pick out strains quickly alphabetically.

the names give them faces for me, and i can remember their entire life cycle and smoke quality/taste. even if i meet or hear a name i used before all these pictures of that plant pop up. even after almost 2 years.

at first i felt weird naming female plants boy names, but let me tell you i will smoke earl any day of the week and that aint gay. haha.

If they were numbered there is no way i would be able to remember every detail about my plants, # 5 would never evoke the same picture. and the next set of seeds #5 would just confuse things.

OCD finally has paid off:crazy::crazy::crazy:
I usually use numbers to name pheno's, but sometime I get bored and use greek letter( alpha, beta, gamma, ) or roman letters(a,b,c, ). I will have to give colors a go, but I really can't come up with more than like 10 color names, so I guess I will have to pick up a box of crayola to get going on that.

As for plants themselves, clones, veg, moms and such all are called by their strain name or an abbreviation of it.

I like to play music for my plants and myself when I work in the garden, I also sing to them from time to time. I have thought of having some music on a timer for them, but for it to be loud enough over the fans, I may hear it around the house.

Peace all.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I always name my plants.... :D

It helps them. not the name you give them, just the fact that you name them....

Positive energy. Energy Transference.... however you look at it.

Check out the Secret Life of Plants... good read.
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I once had a single female plant growing in a closet, in an attic,

I called her Anne Frank... cause she was my persecuted girl hiding away.

one of my best plants to date.


well, what comes to my mind is the ssh-cut floating around in my area, she's called Susi H. you get the idea..


I don't particularly like the idea of giving plants "people" names. It seems a little disrespectful, like your talking down to the plants. Just call everything by its Latin name Cannabis sativa L. lol, no but really peoples names are obnoxious, and the plants don't like it. They don't mind small talk but they like to be recognized in their true nature, I sometimes communicate best with my plants without even talking. Plants don't talk after all, its all about the vibes.


Active member
if you have a plant that you named "golf balls" you're doin alright. anything that puts out hard round frosty white nuggets can't be too bad.


I cannot say that I have ever named my plants, unless you consider a label to differentiate clones from one mother or another "names", but I have named my grow projects (eg. "Rasputin" for SS White Russian, or "Hendrixes' Hope" for a haze hybrid).

Getting to the point of using girl's names would give me too much emotional connection to the plants to actually chop them down when the time came ... :)

one Q

i remember being a nooooooooooooob and naming plants. Then after a few grows and a variety of genes that all came to a halt. I have more important ways to use my creativity than to name a plant that already has a name.

Now I do come up with what I think are cool strain names based off of what I may cross from my collection of beans. But these names dont get used untill the crosses are made and a few test beans have been flowered.

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