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"Name that TUNE"...the plant version!!


Natalie J. Puffington
Some of you might be old enough to remember the game show "Name That TUNE"; well, this is the plant version! "NAME that PLANT!"

Just wondered if anyone happened to know what these were... I found them growing near the irrigation channel.
Anyway, it's not important, but I am curious... I figured someone here might know. Hope no body minds! :)

Thank you in advance, to anyone who might have an answer!
:thank you:


Natalie J. Puffington
Ding Ding!!

:bis: :jump: 100 points to Sheriff Bart, for the win!! :jump: :greenstars:

I hope these turn out as pretty as the images I saw in my google search... I thought they were weeds at first.

Thanks for humoring my query, Sheriff Bart and MIway! :thank you:
You guys are the best; I knew someone would know exactly what it was.
...piles of geniuses cruise these halls. ;)
