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Naked Swamp Mans 350 gallon smart pots 2012

Prep pic-
Also carried in all the materials to build supplies, and 6-8 bags of manure & compost. The spot with the auto's was done solo, other one has a partner, but we do intervals on trips (after set-up) so he doesn't have to see my nutsack. I gave up on waders for checking on stuff in the swamp, bad for security & I always got wet anyways. Waist deep at points, don't give a fuck about bugs & shit, plus if I ever got bopped I'd like it to be a good headline!

The auto's spot- aprox. 350 gallons of soil! Planted 15 from seed, second round of male culling left me WITH ONLY 4 FUCKING GIRLS. Damn it! Oh well, they're rippin' along, and I'll plant some regular strains at some point. Always thinking long term- I/WE plan to set up more of these over time, and adapt as well.
Auto strain- wish I knew, it's straight FIRE, some of the best shlt I've EVER had, on par with all the elite's I'm running NO FULKING JOKE, ran it indoors and it's got one pheno that is just pure diamonds! I'll try to find out next time I am in touch with dude who got me the seeds.



Next spot- Weird shape for sure, this one is sitting on a pallet instead of touching the water, except for the added on section where the auto's are. So we might set up irrigation if things get bad (dry) this season, irrigation supplies are on hand & just need a bit of tweaking.

Clone only, ECSD, Chem-D.... and a few more of those auto's. I planted the auto's on the sunny side, followed by the Chem-d since it will def be outshadowed by the sour. Haven't checked on this spot since planting, gonna be in for a nice treat I think, be out there soon to cull auto males but might send partner out this trip-


Note the healthy roots despite the lack of drainage holes! After a very successful indoor run with zero run-off I determined they aren't needed for indoors/vegging, that was a bad idea only because if vegging outdoors you have to anticipate rain.


I'll get some pics from far away next trip so you can get an idea of the size of these homemade pot's, they are mini islands that you can stand on & blaze one & be comfortable while enjoying the view!


All planted-



nice plants and smartpots, also kudos on going all natural.

But isnt it bad for camouflage? I mean the skin and everything.

Plus what if you get ticks or leeches on your ballsack? I once had a tick just below my ballsack, wasnt pleasant I can tell you that much.

good luck on your efforts, and watch that ballsack.


Well-known member
LEROY,Put your clothes on .

You crazy man???lol
Nice work :biggrin:Hope you get a good harvest.


, The Ghost of
Watch out for LEO once you start seeing news reports on 'The Wildman of ***** Swamp'.

Thats a lot of soil. Do you have plans on amending it at harvest so that its primed for next year? Maybe Im looking too far ahead. cheers


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
The missus says you look good, carry on Leroy, carry on!
You gave us a right laugh, thanks you and may your plants grow large and healthy under your care.
Watch out for LEO once you start seeing news reports on 'The Wildman of ***** Swamp'.

Thats a lot of soil. Do you have plans on amending it at harvest so that its primed for next year? Maybe Im looking too far ahead. cheers

Nah, I don't think such a thing is possible (looking too far ahead!) I was going to just prep with a bit more manure & plant-tone. The one with the auto's is all organic (minus what comes in promix), it's promix bx, plant tone, composted manure, and composted manure & humus (The one that just said manure on label was 1-1-1 vs .05 .1 - .05 IIRC), and some extra lime, most of which was tossed at bottom . The other one is all the same stuff but I also added osmocote, not sure if bringing in the organic ingredients was a waste of time or not since I added chem nutes, but whatever, this is experiment stage & hopefully we will have a deep deep freeze this winter & I will go hog wild setting more up. My past swamp experiences have always been explosive growth initially followed by severe N-def, 1-place was from oversaturation, and the other was from underfertilization.

hehe tagging this one, kudos on lugging all that soil.

yeah man you wanna watch out for them ticks!

DUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEE! I almost forgot! The one with the auto's that I set up solo.... I left everything 10 ft away from final dest...... during a drought.......... came back a few weeks later........... DO NOT LET A BALE OF PROMIX BECOME COMPLETELY SATURATED EVER! Don't know how I didn't pop my knee out getting the worst one up in there.

Ticks aren't bad in the swamp, got a spot or two where they are though.

Think I'm just going to use this thread as my outdoor show. Just sexed another auto plot, this spot has the craziest most diverse & biologically active soil ever. Pics couldn't ever do it justice, it seriously glows green from so many different bio luminescent insects. Think that's why I had much better m/f results, and I think it also caused a male to start reversing, or maybe it was at a real pivitol point I dunno, haven't had any stability issues in previous runs, but it is a new batch, + they have always been very male prone, very male prone, but still, sexed 40 auto's & only one was herm so I'm not sweating it. Anyways, started w/ 16, left with 11. The 2nd pic is not the herm. Wait for these ones in a month or so, they are going to be so healthy as long they don't get eaten or found, a def. possibility here, hit & run type of spot.



Sexing the auto's has proven pretty easy so far, the male's hop up nice & early & everything is pretty stable, wish I knew the lineage, will try to get it.

On to the normal plant's though.... Here's the line-up, and yes, I totally fucked up & lost the labels on 95% of these. These things have been through hell in back, multiple locations, over & under fed & watered, hot, cold, you name it. Looking good now though, pics a bit old.

Chem-D, Chem-4, ECSD, Chem's Sister, Candy Chem, Apollo 11 (Genius), mss. I've also got some mandala stuff going



just do it
how did these turn out? i would recomend ditching all the plastic sheeting, besides being pollution it sticks out from above in the off season, i use a finer mesh chicken wire and it eliminates the need for the plastic


just do it
also why would you ever put a pallet underneath? the roots on mine go deep in the muck and drink for free, theres no yanking them without a saw

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