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N. CO. Need Help Please.. Getting Kicked Out..


I am living in Northern Colorado at the moment and am renting a separate space other than my apartment to grow my own personal prescribed 12 plants in. It is commercially zoned. My landlord there is actually cool with it but wants to kick me out because he's concerned with the legality of it and thinks it's illegal. He's very calm and giving me a little time but says if I can show him that it is not illegal then I can of course stay.

No where in my lease does it mention about marijuana or cultivation. He loves my plants, he just doesn't want to get caught up.

He tells me that previous tenants were going to rent a larger commercial space from him to do a licensed commercial grow. The prospective tenants then found out it wasn't legal here in the city limits of my town. He therefore tells me it is illegal, however I am only growing my six plants plus six more prescribed to me. I am not growing commercially even though it is a zoned commercial space to me it is only a private storage or warehouse.

Again, it is my understanding that my town is not issuing commercial licenses, and calling commercial operations illegal. I get that. That's not what I'm trying to do here. I'm only trying to grow my own shit because in my apartment's lease it DOES state that I cannot grow, posses, smoke, etc.

Am I correct in thinking that as long as I stay within my legal state plant numbers then I can grow in a commercial space that has been rented for personal use?

When I answered the ad for the space it just said small storage or workshop, not commercial or retail. Please someone with some know-how hook me up with some advice?


ICMag Donor
Do a search & show the man exactly what the law says. No city can usurp an individuals Right to grow their supply. Technically, you don't need a card for 12 plants.

You are within your limits from what you describe & as I understand what I've read.
No card needed for 12 plants? I thought the state law said each individual could grow 6 plants with 3 max flowering?

Also, while I agree with you in principle that a city cannot take away my constitutional right to grow, I think that in the a64 wording they allow property owners to allow or disallow it on private property.

I spent the day convincing the guy that I'm legal and also having him speak to an attorney that I also spoke with and he's still on the fence and uncomfortable with it. Therefore, asking me to move out by the end of this month. I don't really want to fight with him. I'll just move out if he wants me to. Still sucks major though.

I'm extremely sick of this. Those words don't even come close to describing how defeated I constantly feel. I grew illegally for more than a decade and never experienced as much harassment as I've felt here in Colorado in a year's time. My apartment has been 'inspected' about 7 or 8 times. They keep checking the sprinklers and smoke detectors about every month or month and a half. They give 24 hours notice at least but they spread it across three days and say 'we will be doing mandatory inspections from the 16-19th of next week. So I'd have to hide my plants in my car with shitty light if any and shitty feed. Always ruining something every time I take my grow apart or my tents apart. Sometimes we'd get all cleaned up just to have them not even inspect our unit.

Thats why I got the separate space. I grew legally and unencumbered for a short few months and oh my god it was amazing. That all goes away now, again. Along with my income and back to being a broke loser who spent 14 grand to move into this shitty situation. I really want to buy a cheap house in south CO but that won't happen without a grow. I worked two shitty jobs, 80 hrs a week for months, just to afford the separate grow, saved months of operating capital and then quit to grow.

I came here to avoid this whole thing. Now I don't know what to do. Sell all my gear I guess. This upcoming harvest was supposed to bridge the gap in my expenses as I'm at the end of my savings. Therefore no chance in moving to one of these newly available grow-friendly rentals. I'd love to get a high interest loan for one of these cheap ass houses in south colorado. I've seen livable places for less than $30K. No down payment, credit or job history though. I'm just fucked.


That sucks man, I have had the opposite experience. Been growing my legal amount in my place and have not had any issues at all, it has been really nice not having to constantly worry. I believe your interpretation of the law is correct, it is up to the property owner if they want to allow grows or not. It is like owning a pet. On the plus side, they can just kick you out, its not like you go to jail for manufacturing narcotics or whatevs.
That sucks man, I have had the opposite experience. Been growing my legal amount in my place and have not had any issues at all, it has been really nice not having to constantly worry. I believe your interpretation of the law is correct, it is up to the property owner if they want to allow grows or not. It is like owning a pet. On the plus side, they can just kick you out, its not like you go to jail for manufacturing narcotics or whatevs.

I wish I could say the same. Reading your comment almost sends me into a downward spiral of depression. All it would have taken was this one little aspect of being left the fuck alone to follow the laws and grow my prescribed amount. That would have changed my whole life for the past two years and into the next two. I gave up a very lucrative career to come here and grow. Had money saved up, etc. Now I'm looking at probably selling all my grow stuff, everything I've accumulated over the last 11 years. To maybe avoid being homeless for a short few months more. I have a complete stand-alone grow setup. It's all I need to turn a consistent profit. Except, oh yeah, a place to set it up. There's not a single spot where I can setup and grow.. Seems unlikely but true.

I see all these grow-friendly places to rent now that didn't exist when I moved here. Doesn't matter anyway, I have no work history for two years (nothing significant enough to get into a place anyway), no money saved up, shitty credit. It's funny because there's a ton of weed around CO but none of it's any good. My shit really stands out but since everyone and their dog think they're a grower, that doesn't afford me any opportunities either.. I've only harvested twice since I've been in CO. I just don't know what else to do. I'm not at a crossroads but a perceived dead-end. A crossroads with no good routes. Homelessness is not looking fun. picked up a tent and an air mattress. Kids will go to their grandparents. My poor cats will probably be euthanized eventually in some sad fucking shelter. I've really let myself and my family down.

The saddest part is I feel this is all unwarranted. I planned ahead, saved funds, made a legit plan. Made sure my lease for my grow space didn't say anything about not growing or possessing, etc. Got my plant count increased with a prescription. Made sure I stayed within those numbers. But just like that, on a whim, my landlord shuts it down just because he wants to. I don't think he realizes this is my lively-hood and how I feed my kids.

Not even sure who I'm talking to. I'll probably get some fuckin troll telling me how it's all my fault and how stupid I am.


Active member
I hear you, I finally got a job in a grow after a year and quit after a month. Working nights at a grow for $10 an hour is just plain wrong. There is always another route in your journey. Go get a job until you can do what you gotta do. Always avoid landlords, I just bought a place and my landlord found out after I moved out. There was nothing on the lease about growing, only smoking. So he said the house smells now after finding out and I know for a fact there is no smell. Problem is he can't do a damn thing since it was not in the lease lol. I managed apartment complexes back home and know the legal loopholes. If what you are doing is legal i don't think he can kick you out until the lease is up. The lease protects you as a tenant from bull shit like your going through. Maybe look up Colorado laws on rentals and growing.


New member
Growing Marijuana is still illegal Federally. Technically the Feds can take any property that is related to a drug offense. This means that if I lease my building out to you, and you grow marijuana in it, the Fed can take my building away from me if they want to.

Although this has not been happening in Colorado, it is legal and CAN happen.

Your landlord has every right to deny you the ability to grow in this space regardless if he did not put it in his lease.

Colorado may say that you can do it, but the federal government say you cannot.

In the future, I recommend telling your landlord that you plan on cultivating cannabis, and you get his or her written content in the lease. There are landlord who are fine with cannabis cultivation, and this will save you a ton of headache and stress in the future when the landlord decides to drop by for inspections, or decides to send random contractor to the building for maintenance.


Kiss My Ring

I am living in Northern Colorado at the moment and am renting a separate space other than my apartment to grow my own personal prescribed 12 plants in. It is commercially zoned. My landlord there is actually cool with it but wants to kick me out because he's concerned with the legality of it and thinks it's illegal. He's very calm and giving me a little time but says if I can show him that it is not illegal then I can of course stay.

No where in my lease does it mention about marijuana or cultivation. He loves my plants, he just doesn't want to get caught up.

He tells me that previous tenants were going to rent a larger commercial space from him to do a licensed commercial grow. The prospective tenants then found out it wasn't legal here in the city limits of my town. He therefore tells me it is illegal, however I am only growing my six plants plus six more prescribed to me. I am not growing commercially even though it is a zoned commercial space to me it is only a private storage or warehouse.

Again, it is my understanding that my town is not issuing commercial licenses, and calling commercial operations illegal. I get that. That's not what I'm trying to do here. I'm only trying to grow my own shit because in my apartment's lease it DOES state that I cannot grow, posses, smoke, etc.

Am I correct in thinking that as long as I stay within my legal state plant numbers then I can grow in a commercial space that has been rented for personal use?

When I answered the ad for the space it just said small storage or workshop,
or retail. Please someone with some know-how hook me up with some advice?

I wish I could say the same. Reading your comment almost sends me into a downward spiral of depression. All it would have taken was this one little aspect of being left the fuck alone to follow the laws and grow my prescribed amount. That would have changed my whole life for the past two years and into the next two. I gave up a very lucrative career to come here and grow. Had money saved up, etc. Now I'm looking at probably selling all my grow stuff, everything I've accumulated over the last 11 years. To maybe avoid being homeless for a short few months more. I have a complete stand-alone grow setup. It's all I need to turn a consistent profit. Except, oh yeah, a place to set it up. There's not a single spot where I can setup and grow.. Seems unlikely but true.

I see all these grow-friendly places to rent now that didn't exist when I moved here. Doesn't matter anyway, I have no work history for two years (nothing significant enough to get into a place anyway), no money saved up, shitty credit. It's funny because there's a ton of weed around CO but none of it's any good. My shit really stands out but since everyone and their dog think they're a grower, that doesn't afford me any opportunities either.. I've only harvested twice since I've been in CO. I just don't know what else to do. I'm not at a crossroads but a perceived dead-end. A crossroads with no good routes. Homelessness is not looking fun. picked up a tent and an air mattress. Kids will go to their grandparents. My poor cats will probably be euthanized eventually in some sad fucking shelter. I've really let myself and my family down.

The saddest part is I feel this is all unwarranted. I planned ahead, saved funds, made a legit plan. Made sure my lease for my grow space didn't say anything about not growing or possessing, etc. Got my plant count increased with a prescription. Made sure I stayed within those numbers. But just like that, on a whim, my landlord shuts it down just because he wants to. I don't think he realizes this is my lively-hood and how I feed my kids.

Not even sure who I'm talking to. I'll probably get some fuckin troll telling me how it's all my fault and how stupid I am.
that's sketch. good luck...practice that delivery!:comfort:


Why don't you try and talk to him again ? Tell him what you've told us ? He might change his mind , or at least be willing to look at the laws and your lease agreement once more. Could be worth a try . All the best .


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
i know it sounds crazy, but have your landlord call the sherriff and ask if it's legal, do not give address of course, remain anonymous, sherriff will most likely say it's legal so long as no selling and out of sight of public. show your paperwork with plant count to landlord... let him/her count your plants.


find a new place, i always tell potential landlords i'm growing for personal, private, medically necessary use. if they are ok with it when you first bring it up i move forward, if they balk at all, i move on to the next possibility....

sorry to hear about that, i've been thru it all with landlords... real pain in the ass, the struggle for housing in CO is real, and no joke, and especially difficult for small home growers.