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mystery death of plants


New member
Hi hope some1 can help ,heres some pics


^^both in hydro
and this last 1 waz in soil to test is pots waz a prob



New member
lamp = 600wt "dutch poot"
air = rkv125 out and rkv100 in
temps range = 65*f -105*f
hydro r ph @ 5.5 and fed hesi hydro grow during veg (with baracade
and sensi zym)
same for flower but @ ph6.0 and hesi bloom
both hydros r unknown genus ,but belived to be afganica
proly p.o.g ,but soil grow is Cindy 99 ,none PH,d tap water
@ 7.1 -7.2 with floragrow/micr as feed
fyi ,i have over 10 grows under my belt all turned out very well ,till now ;/
last 2 have gone yellow on new growth ,then as that grows outwards it makes leafs curlup and turn yellow/brown
and plant stops growing


New member
Your temperature is way too high with 105 F, it should be 85 F maximum.
Are you recirculating the water, if so you need to use a different nutrient, for instance Canna Aqua or H&G Aqua Flakes. These nutrients are especially for recirculating systems such as yours. They will keep your pH and EC levels stable, which is very important when recirculating.
The symptoms of the plants look like a shortage of sulphur, but that is almost impossible normally. But could be related with the wrong nutrients you are using.



New member
RGR ,fitting a rooftile to vent out of
and changing air sorce too
atm they r fed from opposite sides of the
houses sofets ,
my room is 6" X 2" x roomheight 7.5" iirc
hydros r 3 x top feeding pots with airstones
ppm/cf is unknown as i have no cf meter
ill get back on next grow ,AFTER geting temps down.
cheers ppl
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What are the temps in water?? How do you cool your water??? If you allowed the temperatures to reach 105 degrees fahrenheit in that room and didn't have a chiller for your water, then there is your problem, plain and simple.


New member
Hmm ,but 1 is in soil and looks same
plus ,this started in veg stage wen room waz cooler !!?!
so ill sort temps out 1st ,then take it from there


gets some
Ph is in 7.0 and up range is pretty bad too. Overall your environment needs a lot of work for growing. Getting temps down, getting ph down (esp. in hydro!), and switching nutes would be my first moves for the next crop. With those conditions nothing will live very long.

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