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Mystery Chedda

roll it large

school holidays are nearly over mate should be good then
more than likely the same kid who's been doing it to me here too

he likes to disagree with neg rep but doesn't pipe up just lurks

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Hi..Yes that cut resembles the Brum cheese cut.
she grows much like Exo Cheese with just a lil more vigor and weight..
Its possibly a cross but non the less a decent one stinky and strong!!..is all i know.
Know what i mean Harry, enjoy bro!


Active member
Sounds like big buddah to me from what the guy said. Had some of big buddahs cheese off a local grower, was kinda spicy, pretty average.

Harry Lime

Active member
well chappie did say bb cheese wen he giv it to me but like i sed, i don think he really knew himself wot she is. she's sittin under a 400w now an lookin good. i'l post a pic wen there's sumthin to see
i kinda like the idea of her bein a brummie

Harry Lime

Active member
week 5

week 5

heres the mystery girl midway through week five. i bin upping nutes by 1ml a&b per week til yesterday when she got ec 1.5 wich seems just a lil too strong so tonite i gave her a run through with weak nutes and tomorrow al resume at 1.4ec

gotta say shes a pretty girl. my sense of smell is pretty crap but im smellin kinda fruity/kids sweets from her rite now

sum crystals showin nicely round the bud leafage but i dont think my crappy camera shows it.

Harry Lime

Active member
dates all wrong on mi camera lol!

here's a quick peek at 36 skunk specials under 3 a/c 600s i got in the same room


Harry Lime

Active member
week 7

week 7

sum more pics of the mystery girl. had 2 put some net over her 2nite cuz sum of the outer branches were almost horizontal so she's lukin a bit battered.
she coped with ec 1.5 last week. i upped it to 1.6 yesterday but she don like it so back to 1.5 2nite.
the stink is over powering, much stronger than the other girls in there. not gud at describn smells, she's just very strong, kinda acrid an i don like it!
however, give her stems a tickle and my hand smells kinda like red kiddies sweets. i like that!

got sum new cool tunes 2 play wen im workin in mi grow place heres 1 if yer bothered:rtfo:


I want to say blue cheese( not buddha) aswell, from structure don't think it's the uk cheese cut but the blue cheese is easily noticeable from smell and the crazy calyx stacking. But to guess what other cheese cut that could be is hard. Nonetheless it's easy being cheesy.

She's looking Stella anyways chap.

Harry Lime

Active member
i gots to say, shes the prettyest girl ive ever had in my place

i had another sniff of her 2nite and man its like very strong disinfectant - makes mi head hurt. theres no way i cud run a room full of these cuz i couldnt take the stink when im working in there
but from the buds now i can get a hint of the same fruity smell as the branches. i wanna say blueberry but i've never seen one - the real fruit or the mj. so i say kinda blackberry/raspberry.

my pics don show it well but calyxs are startin to luk fat.

still kinda hopin shes a brummie. i knew one once an she was nice


Active member
Hiya Harry:

thank you for sending me the link for your grow here my friend.. I'll be honest with you though.....had some issues understanding some of the accents here......;).......you know..me being over here across the pond 'in the colonies........:)....ahahahah

Having the wrong date on that camera is not a bad thing when you think of it....you never know whose eyes are looking at this stuff.......exact dates are not always advisable..if you know what I mean?

Damn, that is looking mighty fine there buddy and I bet she's a damn smelly one at that...you take care of your little girls there and they will most definitely be good to you as well as the 'growing Gods' like the ones who take care of their babies...

We'll talk soon......it's harvest time for me so I've got work to do tomorrow..

Thanks again my friend..


Active member
hey vukman, thanx for stoppin by. ill check out yer harvest later

my pleasure my friend...always a pleasure for you..:)

<add>.......I started a pretty interesting LED thread in the LED lighting sub-forum if you're interested...called 'My LED's and the errors of my ways........or something like that..
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