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Mycorrhizal Fungi for Aeroponics


I am currently running an Aeroflo2 with a 5ml/gal dose of H2O2 and am looking to use Mycorrhizal and Trichoderma Fungi in my next grow.

Is Earth Ambrosia and Nectar a good solution to run in my Aeroflo2 along with Hydroguard and Multi Enzyme? Or will the salts in my res just kill the Mycorrhizal and Trichoderma Fungi in Earth Nectar and Ambrosia?



Active member
I use an organic base with some of my chems for that reason. I like the way it works.


chosen said:
I use an organic base with some of my chems for that reason. I like the way it works.

Hey Chosen, Organics are hard for me with aeroponics because they clog the sprayers and cause the dreaded slime.

How do you protect your system from microbial nasties with organics?


well, the enzymes should help to eat alot of the gunk, so i woud go a little more hefty on that if clogging starts to occur. Also i would try a wetting agent*....a small bottle should last a while, and a capful in the res will help the emitters spray a clean mist and kinda prevent them from getting clogged up.

oh and ya dude E&A is great stuff. just be careful not to add too much h2o2 in the mix as it can kill the myco from what ive heard. peace



CantGetRight - How r you dealing with your issues? H202 is the only solution I have found to deal with it so far. I have herd of Physan 20 is a good solution, http://www.physan.com/, but it looks like it maybe harmful for my ladies.

RevolutionX - Ya it sound like everyone loves EN & EA, but I just haven't herd of anyone using it with aero. I have to get the stuff to try it out. My goal is to run EN & EA, Hydroguard, and Multi Enzyme (House and Garden). I want to exclude H2O2 all together or maybe just between reservoir changes. Hopefully my beneficials will be so stong that I never have to change my res until flush.


Active member
I use a compost tea in order to avoid clogging. You already know that the chunky organics just clog it up. I use hygrozyme along with my true flowering nutrient of Floranova.


A stronger pump would force gunk through misters I would think, also allow for a more airy mix..

That may be the way to go when brewing organic swamp tea for Aeroponic applications ?
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Hey thanks for the advice guys. I have it all planned out now, tell me what you think:

1. Hydroguard - will inoculate the entire system and prevent harmful bacteria, fungus, and algae.

2. Earth Nectar and ambrosia - more inoculation of the root-zone with beneficial bacteria to increase root growth and prevent harmful bacteria, fungus, and algae.

3. Multi Enzyme (House and Garden, similar to Hygrozyme) - brake down dead organic matter for beneficials to consume and keep roots clean

4. Coco Wet - a wetting agent to ensure injectors are clog free

I think with this regiment on top of my nutrient base, I will not need H202 and can avoid reservoir changes. What do think?


toss in a lil top max organic bloom booster and your styling.....seriously tho hygrozyme is the shit...so good i would go ahead and forget the hydroguard combo with multizyme because the hygro does the same purpose. but use what ya got for now mate. Also what is your main feed gonna be..i like pbp in hydro, it works pretty good but takes alot to get the ppm up there because its so weak. so it can be costly. oh and go easy on the nectar(kelp) as thats what leaves the film after dry, but the wet agent is good


Sounds like you got it covered too me :)

I got some AN Wet Betty (Organic) that I use for foliar sparys - you heard wetting agents help ?

Also - not related but what PH adjuster due you use if one ?
Im very much not liking the Earth Juice Organic down - its basicly Vitamin C & I think the micro cridders are eating it up in hours as im getting rapid PH climb..


RevolutionX - I am currently using House & Garden Aqua Flakes for my basic nutrients. My hydro store owner recommended it highly, saying it produces buds with better fragrance than Advanced Nutrients and General Hydroponics.
My goal is to have the best smelling/tasting buds and I think I am going to need organics to take to that next level. I am strongly considering Pure Blend Pro for once my Aqua Flakes runs out. I think PBP will be perfect for my first organic grow. In addition, I will make a point to switch from Multi Enzyme to Hygrozyme.
What are you talking about leaving a film after drying?

CantGetRight - I just heard that wetting agent helps keep injectors clog free and my injectors in my AeroFlo2 clog from time to time.
I used Mad Farmers pH down just because it was the cheapest at my Hydro store.
I am not sure about what is in Earth Juice Organic down, but I do know that a rapidly climbing pH is associated with harmful bacteria and/or algae. If you do not want to kill your beneficial with H2O2, you might want to chill your res or further lower the pH.

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