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Mycorrhizae, Mycellium, or what is this stuff.....check it out.



It appears you have Sclerotium root rot





http://keys.lucidcentral.org/keys/s...Fungal/SclerotialBlight/Sclerotial blight.htm

I recommend that you acquire some Trichoderma harzianum (Plant Shield is one brand name or email me through my webpage www.microbeorganics.com and I'll mail you a bit) and treat your soil. Exactly what is the product and spore count of Glomus Intraradices that you applied? I have a thread/sticky on another well known forum which may help. Other than that, use lots of compost or vermicompost in your soil.

Well I posted this here so I could get responses from people like you because this is clearly organic but I am in 100% canna coco and will probably just include something to go back to sterile....

I was adding a few organic additives but it seems risky....

I am also NOT the only person with this...I know of 2 other great gardeners that have had this show up.

May incorporate a light dose of h202 or potentially zone into the regimen.

On the myco product....it was from the promix reps....they had a bunch but there was essentially no label and they said it wouldn't be available for some time....I'll go take a pic real quick.
I've had this happen to me also, didn't notice it until I harvested a mother plant that I had in veg for a good 3 months. The plant was fine the entire cycle though which is odd.. I have a spidermite problem but thats the only bug I have floating around in there


That is likely your main problem if trying to grow organically

Not trying to grow organically...just added a few additives to help improve flavor...

I've had this happen to me also, didn't notice it until I harvested a mother plant that I had in veg for a good 3 months. The plant was fine the entire cycle though which is odd.. I have a spidermite problem but thats the only bug I have floating around in there

Yea no mites around here. It seems to happen on plants that are much older and have been kept very moist for a long time....Gonna nuke em....sorry organic guys...been there done that whole thang and I have 500gal of soil still cooking in the back yard for when I decide to go back.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Not trying to grow organically...just added a few additives to help improve flavor...

Yea no mites around here. It seems to happen on plants that are much older and have been kept very moist for a long time....Gonna nuke em....sorry organic guys...been there done that whole thang and I have 500gal of soil still cooking in the back yard for when I decide to go back.

No worries...one day you'll do it right, realize you get the same quality and yield by not touching the soil and then you'll stick with it. I speak from a high, commercial output experience.


Active member
gooroo- fungus gnats wont do that, not even close. Microbeman is right, its from adding the organics.

I went from growing in all organic soil to coco. I also, looked for a way to improve my flavor. The best method i found was to add some mollases 2-4 times during flower. I like to add some before a pk boost and a bit after, its greatly improved the flavors in my meds.

at first i added to much, to many times, and ended up getting mushrooms an shit growing outta my pots... just go light on the mollases.

from the pics though, your plants look tits, this is just a small refinement :)


No worries...one day you'll do it right, realize you get the same quality and yield by not touching the soil and then you'll stick with it. I speak from a high, commercial output experience.

No offense but thats pretty lame statement as in there is a 100 ways to do anything. And to say one way is right over another is well....silly.

I have done organics and I know all of this full well...I can hit 2.5lb/k in soil as well as in coco, or rdwc or anything....and I am speaking from a commercial output as well.

Whatever.....not looking for a debate of soil or not....and as you clearly didn't read....I still have all the wonderful soil I was using virtually no till for the last yr and a half cooking away in the back yard wrapped up in some tarps....nearly 500gal.....end of rant.....later


gooroo- fungus gnats wont do that, not even close. Microbeman is right, its from adding the organics.

I went from growing in all organic soil to coco. I also, looked for a way to improve my flavor. The best method i found was to add some mollases 2-4 times during flower. I like to add some before a pk boost and a bit after, its greatly improved the flavors in my meds.

at first i added to much, to many times, and ended up getting mushrooms an shit growing outta my pots... just go light on the mollases.

from the pics though, your plants look tits, this is just a small refinement :)

This is what I figured....Used to do straight organics, and learned to kill it but coco is titties when it comes to running over a dozen strains, which I have 18 in rotation currently....:tumbleweed:

what dose on the molasses do you recommend?


Well then what do you mean by one day you'll do it right?

Your insinuating I'm doing something wrong or that my methodology is not right...


It appears you have Sclerotium root rot


... I'm doing something wrong.... my methodology is not right...


Active member
They say your attitude determines your latitude.
:jerkit:smoke some herb and chill or somethin, no use in getting mad.
you mad bro? :huggg:

The Microbeman answered the issue you were posting about thoroughly :redface:


master shake

Active member
Looks like Toes nailed it. Saw the same stuff last year early summer. It was hot in the grow closet and probably didn't get enough fresh air in the dark hours. The plants grew like shit in flower and had completely stumped me with their deficiencies. Didn't know what the problem was until I emptied the pots after harvest, and had a feeling that was the culprit.



Active member
the best way to introduce a new pest, bad fungus, etc.... is to go out and buy a plant from Lowe's or Home Depot - I worked at both places as a plant nurse and I can tell you, the nasties were never-ending! and to put it lightly, the heads and upper employees said don't over-do plant care (what they meant..."don't do a better job than me, that would bring to light what a horrible plant caretaker I am to the bosses". The bosses say to work together and be on the friendly side of vendors and employees in garden, but to be on the friendly side of these people you can't go trying to fix everything... even if you EASILY could do what they NEVER could... "OH just spray it down and they go away.." the remedy to most everything.

I've seen some nasty shit, most commonly on the tropical stuff that is foreign; palms, etc.


Well then what do you mean by one day you'll do it right?

Your insinuating I'm doing something wrong or that my methodology is not right...

I think what MM is refering to is the fact that you can't be truely organic in coco or water. Soil is created by the break down of organic matter and minerals over a long period of time. You can create your own living, true organic soil bed.

In my opinion he is correct, it is the only way to do organic, correctly.


the best way to introduce a new pest, bad fungus, etc.... is to go out and buy a plant from Lowe's or Home Depot - I worked at both places as a plant nurse and I can tell you, the nasties were never-ending! and to put it lightly, the heads and upper employees said don't over-do plant care (what they meant..."don't do a better job than me, that would bring to light what a horrible plant caretaker I am to the bosses". The bosses say to work together and be on the friendly side of vendors and employees in garden, but to be on the friendly side of these people you can't go trying to fix everything... even if you EASILY could do what they NEVER could... "OH just spray it down and they go away.." the remedy to most everything.

I've seen some nasty shit, most commonly on the tropical stuff that is foreign; palms, etc.

word up to that...you should start a thread on this

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