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My Wife, I Hate Her.


Active member
There is ALWAYS too sides to the story.I have a feeling its your way or the highway Kush.Nothing disrespectful meant.I live with someone very similar..lol.


What a heartbreaking story, please dont do anything stupid & fuck her up, that prob just what she wants you to do. I get where you are coming from about trying to make it work for your son, but say things get even worse & she gets you busted for growing & you get sent down then what can you do for him then?
She really sounds like a nasty piece of work, there is a place in my spare room should you ever need it!
When my wife takes the kids downstairs, I know the cops are coming for me. hehe

30 years of marriage and now she takes the grandkids downstairs. OMG!!!

Dont be me, in your future, the earlier you get out the easier and quicker you get back on track.

My wife says sorry, and I'm right back to zero sum.

Run, Forrest, Run



It may not seem like much, but for the first time, in...I dunno...ever, tonight we sat down together and hung out I guess you could say. Although we did have a small argument, I actually may have let myself go further than I should have over some little meaningless shit, but she played the grown up, and when it was all said and done, we ended up watching a movie together, and managed to share a few laughs. And for the first time in as long as I can remember, we aren't going to bed, (at least I am not, and I don't think she is either) angry about anything. Not that the movie was real romantic by any means, (Bruno) but like I said we enjoyed it together. Can't remember the last time we did anything like that, ever. No major fights today, no bull shit, it was a better day. I saw my brother and sister in law that are divorcing Sunday at my sons birthday party, it was uncomfortable. His wife, seemed like she just wanted to crawl into a hole and die, I really don't know anything about the situation, but I really think that what they are going through, has alot to do w/ the way my wife is starting to act. she is very close to her, and of course her brother.

Tomorrow is a new day, I am sure it will be challenging, but we will see. I have reiterated to my wife that OCt 16th is the first day that I am eligible to file, and she continues to press the fact that she does not want that. Funny huh, coming from her. Regardless of what happens, it is a good feeling to have a good day, a more positive day.
Thanks again.

(reminder to myself, ggpg5.)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

for over a year my wife nagged @ me, "I'm gonna leave you! I'm gonna leave you!"
I/we tried marriage counseling and more....... one night she starts in on the threats
again about leaving me so I pick up the phone & call my brother Greg to ask his help
in moving Marie back to her folks house (the apartment was always mine), when I'd
hung up the phone and turned around Mrie was still standing there but now with her
mouth hung open and w/o any crap coming out, "now you're gone bitch" was all I said.
The utter surprise on her face when she'd realized I was calling her bluff, priceless!

vgl2u KUSH.......



Active member
wow kush you have all of the communities support, even rezdog and gypsy! i hope the best for you, your marriage, and your son, regardless of what happens, i have a friend going through what happened to you pre-marriage with the kid, and it just isnt fair, shes always cheated on him, with his ex best friend! hes the nicest guy anyone knows, and he doesnt even know if its his kid, born a week or two ago, and the worst part is other people know :fsu: sorry to detract from your thread ie


wow kush you have all of the communities support, even rezdog and gypsy! i hope the best for you, your marriage, and your son, regardless of what happens, i have a friend going through what happened to you pre-marriage with the kid, and it just isnt fair, shes always cheated on him, with his ex best friend! hes the nicest guy anyone knows, and he doesnt even know if its his kid, born a week or two ago, and the worst part is other people know :fsu: sorry to detract from your thread ie

Hey no baby, don't worry, this is really everyone's thread, anyone that has a similar situation or what not. To be honest, I am floored myself at all the love and support, I really did not expect quite the response that it got. All these nice folks here must not realize what a douchebag I really am lol. Thank you for the well wishes friend, my heart goes out to your buddy, I had to live w/ not knowing for about 2 years, best thing I ever did though was get that test done, you should encourage him to do the same, he doesn't want to wait to find out it will fuck w/ him. Having that doubt linger in your head is not a good feeling, at all.

I had never really posted anything this personal before, and really I don't talk to anyone in my life about any of this stuff, I can say that it is a huge tremendous value to get sooo much input, a million thank yous would never be enough, it really is unbelievable and very appreciated, I feel like...I don't even know....:yeahthats


Active member
@ S4L

respect man , they should learn not to keep messign with our heads and causing stress over nothing


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
did your wifes sister she sign a prenup?
women are usually happy when they get divorced cuz they take half of their husbands stuff. maybe she is upset cuz she isnt going to get shit!!
but what do i know???


No I don't think so, she was completely blindsided by it, they appeared to be the perfect couple, I was shocked to hear it as well. It was pretty much out of the blue, and apparently she does not know why. No one really knows except her husband, she is crushed by it and very very sad. There is obviously something going on w/ him, but at this point no one really knows what.


more women plot evil shit unlike most men, they plan shit out and execute it, their better at faking a smile or telling a lie because they are better socially more often. just hope she dont play you for the fool and she ends up fileing first

the most i hope for in a relationship is the bitch dont cheat

if she starts to act ugly i just goto the basement and hit the pipe:abduct:


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Hey, mrred, what ever happened? You showed us that log of your ladies chat, what up with that?


well after reading the beginning of your thread and your most recent writing....i can see there is a chance. ya know...one thing i have learned in 13 yrs of marriage(not that its really a long time....but it's my personal record anyway)...is that if you can remember what brought you together then somehow try to get that back. you may find you can't...well, then you tried...and that's all anyone can do. but if there's any chance...go for it.

there's no way you are going to find someone who is perfect...who is, ya just have weigh out the pros and cons...i don't mean infidelity or psychopathic behavior. if that's the case then by all means...run.
but if she does stupid shyt like fart in her sleep, talks with her mouth full, doesn't do the dishes...that's stuff you can learn to deal with or work on...i'm sure she'd have a list for you.:spank:

also...you've got to learn to fight nice. don't go for the jugular and call each other pig f*cker and c*nt....perhaps you don't...idk, but judging from the title and first post...i'd say there's probably potential for bad behavior, eh?:biglaugh:

anyhoo...those are my tips. btw....i really hope it works out for you and your family.

but i totally understand if it doesn't:Bolt:...i mean what if she totally is all those bad things you said she was.:whip: then well i wouldn't blame you one bit.

either way...we are here for ya.:smoker::lurk:


She should thank her lucky stars everytime she takes a breath that she is my sons mother, it's the only thing that is saving her from being completely destroyed.

I know that feeling all to well.........if she has access to your icmag stuff (I read this earlier) then you should delete this comment now.

Let me know if she still does or if you delete it so I can do the same.


WOW. Never knew there were so many angry men out there.............
WOW. Never knew there were so many angry men out there.............

Actually what this tells ME is........there are alot of crazy biotches out there!!!

Keep your head straight guys!!!!!

careful what you post! ESSPECIALLY if you are not using a proxy server!!!

Shit can and will come back and get you!! I DESTROYED my ex in court becasue of things she posted on the net!


budgood, i just wanted to know what people thought, blunt, what kind of stuff did she post?

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