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my whatever I've got growing thread


Put some calcium carbonate on your pile and water it plenty

Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. Yep got a small box of oyster shell left will measure some additional out and get it in there. I think bumping up the calcium and getting the ca/mg ratio more in line is prob my biggest macro issue. I like the gypsum I got its easily crushed to a fine powder too.

Well I cut back from 20/4 to 18/6 a couple days ago to try and jump start a few preflowers. I got 2 males that I took out, 1 strain each. Then I found about 3 that are female, another 2 or so that look likely female, and then the rest no sign yet. So I think I'll end up with a nice group, at least a couple from each strain! 6 is tops for me. The c99 x headbands, a couple are starting to get rockin and putting out vigorous growth that the headband clone showed, poking some roots out the bottom of the pot too.

So far I'm happy plants are looking good, I'm really getting close to taking a few cuts and being rdy to get them into the flower cab, because I will prob be challenged with size again although the lst should really help. Just need time to do it all, prob next weekend.



Theyre so healthy and happy. Perfect shade of green.

Thanks man yes after my last go around with the weird issues its nice to see things going a little better.

Well so far so good but I have some work to put in and not alot of free time, hoping I dont get behind. Looks like I got 8 girls! 8/10 I'll take it :) so space becomes an issue.. maybe what I can do is flower 6 below in the flower cab and 2 under the t5s that could be fun never tried that.


Everything's potted up to 3g containers and tmrw will be the first 12 hr dark period. I re-tied everything and pretty much pinched every grow tip, now the fun begins! Changed up a couple t5 bulbs to bloom for a mixed spectrum, I've never flowered under the t5's i'm looking forward to it. Debating stretching out a screen for the two in the t5 (normally veg) cab. Its gonna be a jungle pretty quick top and bottom.


before the transplant, when they were lookin pretty... c99 x headbands



c99 x maui 2s



Active member
Great thread! Subbed:lurk: this looks like this run will be a good one to watch so pulling up a chair.


Great thread! Subbed:lurk: this looks like this run will be a good one to watch so pulling up a chair.

Thanks man! I feel like I have some good potential here, so far so good hope the trend continues through to the end.

Good call netting the t5 plants. You can make sure that every top gets its fair share.

Yes I just feel like I need to be proactive in keeping the vertical growth limited cuz i think i'll need all the space i can get. Still haven't put it up, thinking about the best layout, but hopefully really soon can figure that out. So far I have just kept them tied and i can spread them out pretty good, but they'll need some firmer restraint and then support down the road!

Well this past week I have given a kelp foliar, and a couple days ago I did a neem/aspirin soil drench. Trying to stay preventative mode as much as I can... next up, hopefully in a couple days a tea foliar/drench. Up top just adjusted ties and then yah hopefully get some sort of screen figured out soon.

c99 x headband on left, c99 x maui 2 on right


c99 x headband branch


Down under the hps we're doin good too. Some early little flower clustering starting on some of the tips, but I had pinched just about everything to slow down vertical so a lot of it is still new growth starting to take too. In the past I've usually kept them vegging for about a week after pinching them before flowering but this time I flipped after only an extra day. So will be interesting to see if that has any impact on the outcome.

The two crosses definitely distinguish themselves a bit. The headbands are real stretchy with longer stem lengths between nodes. I really had to top these back I just remembered flowering the original headband clone and that thing was the same way. The Mauis are a little more branchy and bushy, more possible budsites and shorter node spacing. Looking forward to the next few weeks, some time I'll try to get some pics under non-hps light.



, The Ghost of
It all looks excellent. You could try supercropping the t5 ladies just before you net them.

I don't like pinching in flower either. Much prefer they get a couple weeks to recoup and get a few tight nodes pushed out. But then I don't like flowering too long after pinching either. I feel like theres a bit of a magic window there.


Thanks wild... yah I figure my total yield could take a hit due to moving to 12/12 right after the pinch but really for me I'm going to have plenty either way. I agree I think its best to let a few nodes push out for sure... would love to have the space to let them really go for it! but space is tight and already giving some vigorous seed starts 3g to stretch out in I think they will fill in just fine.. I did take clones so if something really sticks out maybe i'll run the winners again in spring.

never scrogged or supercropped... fun to try new something kinda new, might try to smush up a couple branches we'll see! my hortonova trellis squares seem to be too big for a screen and i have some like 1"x 1" that seems too small... hmm I might try to cut out some material and open the 1 x 1 up a bit that might be just right.


Looks like you'll be in the weed soon! Congrats!

Oh yah it just feels good with the anticipation of flowers and scents bursting out every time I open up the cab when i take my nightly stroll into the garage! Something to look forward to every day... can only imagine what its like taking an evening stroll through a patch of your trees in the late summer!

Pvc, screws and string - custom made.

Yah its gonna be part custom for sure :) I was smokin a bowl and pondering it tngt and think I have a plan with materials laying around! Got a tea brewing and hopefully around all the chistmas stuff i'll get that screen in and the girls tied down. Its on in there! Stretching and more little clusters starting to pop.. love growing herb, one of my best therapys... I'm sure for you too.. hey prayers for you and your mom just to find some peace and rest and things to be happy about through the holidays.


Another year just about in the books... will wake up tmrw just the same way as tdy only thing different is a numerical designation that somehow gives most a feeling of reset and renewed focus on their lives. Its all good I guess, any catalyst to spur on potential self improvement can be a good thing. Well the girls won't know any different, just keep stretching and working on those flowers at a little over 2 weeks 12/12!

So up top under the t5s I got the screen installed about a week ago. I had it all nice and even 4 or 5 days ago but stretch stretch i'll have to do a little readjustment and tie down to keep things in check soon.

Switched plant positions, c99 x maui 2 on the left now, c99 x headband on the right, bud shot is c99 x maui 2



Running out of room down under, after these pics I went through and cleared out the lowers and some of the weak branches to make more room. I'm hoping the stretch starts slowing down pretty soon but probably have another week or two left. Gonna do the best I can down there. They are looking good, its been hard to find time to try and take some decent pics but I got a couple.

Cab shot, a couple c99 x maui 2, c99 x maui 2 budsites





, The Ghost of
Thanks GB - best wishes to you and yours.

This turning out pretty good, wouldn't you say? No humidity issues?


Thanks GB - best wishes to you and yours.

This turning out pretty good, wouldn't you say? No humidity issues?

Yah man I would say things are right on track at this point! Smooth sailing so far, I feel like I've given the girls a good base to work off of and now its up to them to show me what they're made of :) I'm hoping that at least a couple of them will stand out, fun to have the anticipation.

No probs with humidity, got a new little temp/hum sensor and its usually been 30-50% lights on, prob a little higher lights off but I have good airflow and never really had a prob with humidity as far as I can tell. Been a little "cold" around here lately, I run lights on at night and off in the day to keep the temps regulated best I can, but they have been lower than ideal at times. But in my hps cab I do have a full size heat mat that is on 24/7 and that helps keep the roots happier for sure and temp fluctuations less of an issue.

I've tried to stay diligent on the preventative stuff on this run and so far so good, no signs of any pest issues at this point. Hesistant to do any more neem now that i'm flowering, think I'll just break out the no pest strip for a 12 hour session with no vent/fans running as preventative at some point in the next week or so. Hopefully that will get me through to the end clear on the pest front.

Anyways, yah wild thanks for stopping by to say hi. Was able to get out on a beautiful day and spend some time at one of my favorite places a couple days after Christmas! caught a few and enjoyed the sunshine and a little herb :) happy new year to all



Friday night in the garden, good times... Did some work in the hps cab, tied up the two in the back corner, they were the tallest and stretchiest... they aren't coming out for pics from now on. lighting not great but shows the stretchy structure and how I kinda cleaned out the bottoms. c99 x maui 2 on the left and a c99 x headband on the right, that thing is a beast...


A little more re-arranging, bending, tieing and it fits together better with all of them tucked in... they are poppin now :)




Looking good, a few are starting to distinguish themselves and stand out just a little bit more... but still a long road to go. 23 days in

Up top..


down low, just before lights on


c99 x maui 2 bud 23 days, this is kinda a good representation of where the flowers are, some a little better looking than others...



Its coming along still. 31 days into flowering, haven't taken any great pics its kinda tight in the cab underneath. Got a few but forgot to take any of the top cab. Its a pain to try and take any of the plants out since its so tight in there. Light distribution not ideal but trying to make it work with what I got.

They are differentiating more and more, the c99 x mauis definitely have more fruity smell and the x headbands def all have the more lemony/pine/fuely smell in differing degrees. Bud structure varies, two or three of them out of 8 looking ahead of the pack, and a couple not as hot at least this far.


c99 x maui 2 bud


c99 x headband bud



Evening thoughts after smoking a bowl and checkin things out... :) yah a few of them are looking interesting and yah a few are looking kinda meh.. c99 x headband under t5 looks pretty airy not great resin yet, but the other3 below are better with 1 in particular nice so far.

Kinda same with the x maui 2s.. couple with better potential but still not completely sure how they'll turn out.. think I forgot to mention these x maui 2s are from same seed batch as the little cuts I ran outside a few summers back to start this thread :) selected that one out of 4 or 5 that I had done back earlier that year just like I'mdoing currently.. still smoking on the last of some of those after a little over 2 yrs.. has kept well still looks great.. anyways hope one of the current ones could be similar..