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My Under The Stairs Cab


Active member
Self contained EnF buckets ahh, i thought it was DWC/Oxy pots at first, i see, neat man.
I also missed the 4' head room, maybe a bit of LST may be in order after all(i definately would). see why you were bothered about it now. nice show anyway man.

Look forward to seeing more. G'Luck!


I would worry too much about the stuff in the back. It will stretch around to find the light it can. Or else it will just die off. Id let them bounce off the ceiling too. Train them back down into the cages you got. Looks like your grow is off to a pretty good start.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Hey Bro, pull those limbs down and tie em. I use paper clips straightened out to make hooks to pull and hold limbs in shape as they grow.

It'll blow your mind how twisted and contorted they can get. I've had em break over a foot from the top and the top turn back upward and grow a huge bud in a 360 curl. You can get pretty rough with em, way rougher than then baby clones. LOL

Here's a little cab I use. I'd show a pic of the Blue Cheese that's in it now but I overdosed her last week so it's kinda embarrassing. Anyway you can see how I bent and tied her to fill the space. Now all those cola's are bubs about 14" long. And this cab is only 14"X20"X30" tall, and under 3 34W cfl's and 1 60W bright white incandescent.

The second pic is a few days into flower.

Oh yeah! And I flipped her on 4/20/2012 so she's on a water diet now.

There is a really cool story about this lil cabinet... I'll tell it one day soon.



Thanks for stoppin by Stress test, I know yer right I've done alot of lsting in the past and I'm pretty clumsy. I use thin,malleable wire like used for training bonsai's, and I've broken my share of branches. I also have this puddy you can buy from online bonsai stores thats for fixing/healing broken branches and such. Its like a play-do bandaid for plants. It seals any cuts and even supports broken branches a bit.

The lights went on an hour ago and I was happy to see only maybe "1 of stretch. Unfortunately I also noticed that I had left the lumatec dialawatt on the 150w setting after I'd gone to take a look last night, I turn it down cause it hurts my eyes, maybe this is why. I turned it back to 250w.

For now I'll just stick to the plan and use the cage to spread them open a bit. They seem to be doin a good job of filling the canopy themselves. If they get too tall i'll wire them to the cages.

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With my last strain I was tryin everything I could think of to get my plants to stretch more in vert and now I'm worryin bout the opposite. It's a nice change.

After a week of flower they've all drank 1-1.5 gal out of the each res. The ppms have dropped by 100-200ppm in each as well. I could probably go another week without changing but I think I'll add back about 50-100ppms to each so they don't starve till then.


Well at the rate they're still stretchin I think I'll be tying them down in a day or two. The runt of the lot is already bumpin its head on the exhaust ducting and its mum is bout 2-3" from the filter. While checkin the res on the mum I accidentally snapped one of the main colas off, just a sample of the problems that lie ahead. I used some wire and puddy to re-attach it, as long as I don't bump it again it might heal.

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Day 10 of flower

Day 10 of flower

Thanks Photon but unfortunately I lost it the next day. That was the first time I tried to re-attach a branch that had completely broken off, it's easier to fix one thats still hangin on by a bit.

Anyways I changed all the res' and increased the ppms by about 100 (roughly the same amount that they had decreased since the last change). I'm still usin equal parts M/G/B. I'm also using floralicious plus once a week as a foliar feed.


Pheno 1 continues to impress me, there's a ton of budsites on these two and they're slim build helps alot with light penetration. About the 4th day of flower I took 8 clones from them which are just startin to show root developement.

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I ended up givin 6 plants outta the veg to my buddy, all pheno 2s. 3 rooted clones and 3 12-16" tall young ladies, I only kept the strongest Pheno 2 clone. Need to make room for the next gen.


This will give me 5 spots for veg, the 2 god bud seedlings, 2 of the strongest OGK p1 clones, and the strongest OGK p2 clone.


Thanks Photon, at least it happened early I guess. Although if that happens again a month from now, I'll be pissed.

Lately I've been trying to resolve some ph issues I've been having for a while. Basically my ph pen, a Milwaukee ph600, is saying ph 6 and my drops are saying ph 5. Generally I just like to be within range +/- a couple points but 10 points? Calibrated and with new batteries still the same. So I go and buy a new ph pen, same model, and it says the same as the old one. So which do I trust?

I take the new pen and a sample of my nutrient back to the hydro shop and ask the guy to check it against some of their other pens. Just my luck it was the ol stoner (I mean this guy is livin proof that you can't OD on pot) at the counter and he looks like he just had his doob break. Everybody else was busy. He looks at me like I'm speakin chinese and starts calibrating my pen. I tell him I know its calibrated, I just want to see how another pen reads my nutrient.

So he pours a sample of tap water and checks that! He says the reading, 7.2, is feesable. I ask him bout 3 f'n times to check it with another pen! He finally shuffles over to an old nutrameter on the wall, calibrates it, and checks the tap water. It says 7.8. Then he tells me that the probe on the nutrameter needs to be replaced! WTF! He doesn't check the sample I brought, he doesn't try one of the many other pens they have, he just tells me that my pen works as its supposed to. I was so frustrated at this point I just left, never to return again.

For now I'm gonna go with my gut and just use the drops until I can afford a decent pen. The plants seem much happier this way, and growth has accelerated since I made the adjustment.

BTW sorry for the rant.


Day 16 12/12

Day 16 12/12

It seems strange that there's still absolutely no smell, though I'm not complaining. My last strain was more stinky than I could handle.

They're growin strong still but not drinkin as fast as before, ppms are only 400. I did read that OGK doesn't like alot of nutes but judging by their size I thought they'd be gobblin this shit up a little more. Also ppms are steady but ph is constantly dropping, not sure what it means.

Saw a few gnats buzzin round in the veg side so I put out a bunch of sticky traps. Everything still looks real healthy. Lookin at the Godbud seedlings and thinkin they might not be ideal for vert, too bushy. Gotta make a decision soon though, might just stick with the OGK pheno 1. Got 5 healthy p1 clones rooted and ready to buck if need be.

The Cheeze side view... when we first got her.


Day 23 of flower

Day 23 of flower

Here's a pic of them after a res change last night.

photo 2

Bumped the nutes up to 600 ppm, lucas formula. I lowered the flood level in each to about 3" below the pot and they started drinking faster right away.

Its gettin pretty hard to get them out of the cab without ruffling their feathers a bit which i think is whats causing the leaf curl. All in all they seem pretty healthy and are finally starting to give off a bit of a scent, mostly just when i touch them, smells kinda like pinesol.

Hopefully they start packin on lots of weight and fillin out. I was hopin to get about 6 oz in this setup, but I don't know how OG Kush usually yields. At least I know its good quality (I smoked some of the bag the seed came from).


Day 29

Day 29

Things are goin better now that I switched to Lucas. This might mean that my leaf claw is being caused by excess N. Think I might switch the veg cab to Lucas as well, I had a lot of success with a different strain doing this. Can't help but think they should be further along by now, oh well.

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I'm havin trouble deciding what to run next round, just the OGK again or a mix of OGK and Godbud. Part of me wants to play it safe and monocrop but then whats the point of having seperate res'?

I've got 4 OGK P1's vegging in the ENF and the 2 Godbud seedlings (fuckin things are startin to stink already!) in the cloner for now. Maybe I should throw the cloner in the bloom cab and sex those GB's. I spose I should flower at least 1 GB for some variety.
Decisions, decisions.

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helly yeah ! (sry for my low quality comment) iam XXX as hell ! your cab under the stairs is a great idear !! im very interested on your grow !


Day 35

Day 35

Not much to say... just changed out the res', added some kool bloom to the mix.

The Pheno 1s (on the left) are not gainin much weight, lots of popcorn. The P 2s however are fillin out pretty good even the runt.


The Mum is by far the biggest (big surprise lol). The largest cola in front is as long as my forearm.


Hopefully with some longer veg time my next run will be alot better.


7 weeks of flower

7 weeks of flower


Plants are beefing up nicely now, in fact I'd say they're almost done. Only problem is the trichs are seriously underdeveloped. Usually with the other blueberry strains I've grown they're really frosty at this point. These buds are way more dense but just not sticky.

So what do I do? Dial the wattage down? Decrease the light schedule to 10 or 8 hrs of light? Give them a period of darkness before I chop? I'm at a loss. Maybe I'll try all of the above.

Looks like I should be able to hit 6 oz anyway, lots of popcorn tho.

The biggest cola looks to be more than .5 oz dry at least. its about 12" long, 4" wide.


If anybody has any ideas to get these buds frosty let me know. I'm using GH flora 2 part Bloom/1 part Micro at 700 ppms.
