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My Tangerine Dream and Sensi Star Head Stash Project


Active member
:wave: Whats happening folks? I was hanging around in the auto forum because I was running those all summer and it worked out nicely I might add. Anyway I want to finish my season strong with some of these mother plants of mine. I had them in 5 gallon buckets and decided to transplant them into 15 gallon buckets. To keep a low profile I also planted them side ways and tied them down. I got them spread out like a fan :laughing: . Im at 43 degrees north in the midwest. To be honest that TD took like 13 weeks inside so I'm betting a greenhouse will be in order to get her to finish. First up the TD then the SS...... . and a wood bee gathering pollen......


Active member
I did run some TD indoors already and had my first initial smoke yesterday. I got 2 phenos. One of them has that tangerine flavor, which is the 1 I have going outside. The buzz from it is very nice and long lasting. Great visuals yet i still feel very relaxed. the other pheno is leaning towards the nevilles haze side of things. Racey, great visuals, and I got to find something to do after a smoke. A motivator for sure. I can't remember the last time I was speeding so much. Both phenos have a great buzz. The first pheno nailed the taste. 2nd not so much but buzz always out weighs flavor for me anyway. Hope this helps.......


Those phenos both seem pretty awesome for sure. A 13 week strain in the midwest sounds like a challenge so i'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out for you. Best of luck good sir.


Active member
Whats up Friend and thanks for stopping in. Yes the long flowering will be challenging. I'm looking into a little greenhouse. Besides I'm excited to do some winter growing also. Nothing like the sun.


I also am at 43 degrees, and have a couple TD's in the ground, on a protected south exposed slope. I knew I was pushing it with our climate here- but the description of this variety was too much to pass on, so thought I'd give it a fighting chance. Mine are about two weeks along now, so we'll see how they do.


Active member
@ Odkin seems like the breeders description of flowering time is always off. Maybe it's based on hydroponics but I use amended pro mix so it always takes longer than the breeders claim. I would love to see some of your TD so feel free to post pics here on my thread I don't mind. More pics from me coming soon.


Active member
Woke up this morning and figured I would snap some pics. Both plants are flowering nice and looks like we might get some rain today. My TD has filled out quite a bit and I'm impressed. I'm still leery that she won't finish. I'm going to put a greenhouse out there for her. Has anyone had any experience with this? I'm sure my SS will finish so I'm not worried about her. Anyway here is some pics folks..........


I'll slide some pics up when I can get a chance. But I have noted very little trichrome development on the flowers. Again, it is likely too early, but looking closely at your last pic above, it looks the same. Fairly nice flower development [though not exactly a heavy producer]- but no real frosting as of yet?
Same loose structure to the plant however. It responded to tying down very well, and consequently generated a unique growth pattern.


Active member
@ Odkin I'm not seeing much trichromes either and yet. Still early in the game for those. It would be a miracle if it finishes without the greenhouse. I'm still trying to decide which one I want. I started to notice some bug damage so I sprayed her down with liquid ladybug. Supposed to work from seed to harvest. Noticed some of the hairs were turning orange after application. I was told that wouldn't happen and $32 a qt. Neem would of done same thing for way cheaper (I already got some). So don't believe the hype on this product. Been getting enough rain to cause problems with SS. If it persists I'm going to need to seek shelter for her.


Active member
Yesterday I was examining the SS close and noticed fungus gnats hanging around so I got some mosquito dunks for the occasion. I used as directed from here in the forums. I don't see any on the TD but I plan on treating it also.I also put together some temporary shelter for both plants which they need with all this unseasonable rain were getting. I'm hoping to win this weather battle I'm fighting over here. After the SS is finished I plan on building a hoop house to fit the TD in. I will post some pics later......


We've lucked out on a week and a half of excellent warm dry weather, and the TD is moving ahead nicely. But after the full moon is looking like a week of rain, so it will be decision time. Thinking of putting a plastic roof over it for a few weeks. Never tried this befor, but i think I'll give it a try. Nice thing is no mould whatsoever. I'm impressed with the number of flowers, though not particularily heavy producer.


Active member
@ Odkin we sure have been having nice weather for a while now. Still no rain just a chance. I wish the cold would never show up. I got the girls covered so we'll see how it goes. The TD will pack on some weight. This pheno I'm growing tasted the part and the buds filled in nice. As you can see it's way behind the SS. Man that SS stinks. I live in the city and neighbors are close. Most of them know what I do and they don't care. I figure a couple more weeks so my nerves are a little on edge. My scope will tell me when. I'm waiting on some amber so I'm not in a rush. My stash is grown all organic with brewed teas. I'm hoping these 2 plants will keep me enriched till next season but I doubt it. lol. I'm still planning on doing a green house so I can grow year around. Once 12/12 strains are done I will run autos until august. I've grown some autos that were the bomb but some were not so good. In all they're a great utility in a non medical state. Stay toking my friends..........


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I harvested the SS and i got a dry weight of 6 3/4 oz. It's dripping with trichs. Its in half gallon mason jars curing up. I can say one thing if your looking for a narcotic high it has what you need. I'm a heavy toker and 2 joints of this had me driving all over the road. Glad I didn't get stopped. My buddy said it had him dizzy. I will post some dry pics.........


Active member


Well I chopped my tangerine dream down 2 days ago. She was pretty big and the smell was pretty light compared to the SS. The buds had purple and blue tents. The scissor hash was outstanding heady and stoney, but more head for sure. Here are some pics..........


Well-known member
High Roller
Looks like you rolled some 7's very nice buds. Hey I'm at 42 deg north Midwest US and grew out some med man and was very disappointed with potency. I was just about to pull the trigger on some sensi star DS Toker has mentioned many times about the potency on this one and sounds real good. But I’m hearing from you a finish time of Nov at 43 deg north no way that finishes for me in the Midwest. Any earlier phenos or is this what is to be expected ??


Active member
@ Hamstring thanks for the compliments. I'm positive things would of had a lot of mold if it wasn't for my visqueen shelter. I know we have had about 5 hard frosts since the mid part of October. I had a tiny bit of rot on both plants but nothing to worry about. Also things started blooming late this year and if it wasn't for my shelter I'm sure this grow wouldn't of gone as well. Last night I had to get a early toke off the TD. 3 days dry and I rolled up some of the smallest driest stuff. WOW! My buzz started climbing from the first hit. It has some exspansion on the lungs too. During convo the buzz had me so far out somewhere else its hard to concentrate on the person speaking to you. A very balanced high and I can't wait until she cures out to perfection. The taste had citrus flavor also. This was successful grow for me and I'm pleased with the outcome. My jars will be full. By the way dry pics are coming also.
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