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My (Soon to Be) 252w Cabinet


New member
Looking great, Zombo!

I just got myself a 126w unit. I had originally planned on a 345w, but life has a way of making you its bitch (Totaled my car, had to buy a mountain bike to get around town for the summer. :/)

Regardless, looking at it now, I think it might be a blessing. While I'll be spending more money in the long run, multiple 126's fit my closet much better than a 345. :)

I really dig that cab you got going, though. Has it been treating you fairly well so far?


Day 82 Update

Day 82 Update

Hello all! Well, Day 82 is here, and after examining the Pakistan Ryder's trichs and finding about 10% amber and the rest milky, I'm going to continue my pure water flush for the full two weeks (which will end on Tuesday) and chop her. I'll be sure and have plenty of more photos when I chop and trim, and will get a good accurate weight this time. The 126W performs flawlessly for me, works well in my cabinet and helps me grow fantastic meds.

Enjoy the pics!



Nice dense nugs

Nice dense nugs

I dig my 126w panels too. All my smoke lately was flowered under them. Every plant in the cabinet appreciates the lower temps that the panel produces. The other half of the cab is cfl/hps but I'm probably going to replace that with another panel.




The Trichs made me do it! I left a couple of buds on the plant in a desperate attempt to get some stress induced seeding to preserve the genetics. When you look at the pictures you will know why. When the harvest is dry and cured, I will provide the yield. Thanks again for the kind comments.



Great looking grow! Buds are looking nice and crystaly!
If you want to save that plant just reveg her and take clones.