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my search for the answer!

thanks for all your help these past few days.
In light of all your input ive gone into divide and conquer mode.

I had so many different answers to the same problem, and for good reason, it could be any of the things suggested. so i split all the plants and did something different to all of the groups.

i flushed half of them.

of the half flushed i split them into 4 groups.
1 got cal mg
2 got cal mg and fish emulsion
3 got cal mg and roots organics grow and trinity
4 got cal mg roots organics grow and trinity and fish emulsion.

the half i did not flush received the same treatment.

I left 9 and did nothing to them
and 4 of them just got a good flush with no added anything.

all are labeled according to the treatment.

i hope to get an answer to why my plants are growing like shit. problem is i amended some of the soil with dolomite lime and perlite. I say thats a problem because the company that makes the soil says its ph balanced with the woody material being acidic and the compost being alkili. so my next batch of young cuts i just put directly into the dr earths soil with no amendments. ill continue with this devide and conquer technique till i find what works.

Question???? If using fish emuslsion 5-1-1 at 1/2 tbls per gal. how often would you use it and would you suggest adding anything during the veg cycle? im using cal mg because i dont seem to have a scource in my soil (thats according to the advice that dolomite lime takes months to become available in my soil)



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more pics just for my own reference.

more pics just for my own reference.

the middle two are a weird leaf thing going on... not a clue


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hash head

I'd guess high/low ph... the spotty parts look kinda like high ph, and the parts were its crinkled or the leaf is growing irregular kinda looks like low ph...

Could be wrong.. the other discoloration could be from ph lockout as well...

do you know the ph of your water?
adjusting my ph is what got me into this mess.....

the soil has dolomite lime to buffer ph. that I added....

i think the ph is high because i was adding ph up to my nutes to get it to 6.5. that with the lime i think made my ph skyrocket.... idk, just my guess.

the soil manufacture said the soil is ph balanced with the peat and woody materials providing an acidic environment and the compost with an alkili environment balance eachother out.

my RO water seems to very from 5 to 6 ph


New member
Looks like PH shifting, with multiple different deficenceis/lockouts showing differently in different plants.

You can add dolimite and perlite to Dr Earth. I do. Perlite for drainage and dolimite for Cal/Mag and Ph buffer. I see no ill effects. Actually with out the dolimite I end up with Cal/Mag def.

It looks like your water is the problem. Adjust your water before you water. Get your water PH from 6.6-7.0

If your giving 5.0 ph water to your plants, your throwing your PH way down and as the soil dries the PH is rising and constantly changing. I fought this with when I started. Once I adjusted my water and amended my soil properly,its been smooth sailing.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
give them all a EWC slurry and let them grow. seems to me your making this a bit more complicated than it needs to be imo.


Active member
I wouldn't use too much cal/mag with the dolomite. While it takes time to break down, it's still working. As Jay said, some EWC. Keep it simple and there's fewer factors to consider when things do go wrong.
My problem before when trying to fix a problem was I'd try this and then that and end up over watering in the process.


Yea dude I agree with jay. Probably tried a little too much on this run :) Next time I would say to tone it down a bit and try to keep it really simple. They are really easy to grow in veg, just some water and a EWC slurry like Jay said will keep them green and healthy. For now in this situation I would let them veg for a while and see if you can get them a little healthier if you flower any time soon its gonna be a nightmare.

Guessing if the pH is high or low is something you will have to decide. I think you were on the right track guessing it was high, my first grows looked exactly like that and it was a high pH. Hard to tell though, they need some gentle feeding for a few weeks I think they can bounce back they are still small, still hope for sure dude.


Whoa I got deja vu for a second seeing those pics when I didn't notice I replied in your other post about nute burn.. I was about to ask did you just transplant? lol in your other thread you said you just transplanted into those 1 gallon pots..were they rootbound when you did? I'd stop feeding besides the ewc slurry that jay said (can only help) besides that I'd just chill since you just transplanted. sometimes they take a week or two to bounce back, especially if they were stressed before you up-potted em.
thanks peeps. i flushed with my RO water the half of them to see if high ph is the issue.

if it is, half of them should be looking better then the other half, if its not, they should all show some signs of improvement, i think......

EWC slurry? is that like ewc tea? aact?
ps ive been keeping it pretty simple with these plants. like i said it was just dr earth, perlite, and dolomite lime in the soil. i let them chill with just water for a week till they needed water then used roots organics veg and trinity in all of them. I ph'd the water for the feed as well as the plain water. after the ph'd feed they starting going down hill. I figure from lock out due to high ph (caused by adding ph up to my nutes and water to 6.5, while having dolomite lime in my soil)

I sware out of all you guys that have dolomite lime in the soil, half ph and the other half dont, and everyone gets "great" results.

Why wouldnt Fish emulsion or a good veg nute fix this problem? I mean I really feel like im back to basics in my garden right now, nothing over the top or confusing. some plants have veg nutes while others have fish emulsion, all have cal mg since i have no immediate scource as dolomite takes months to be available.....
I never had a problem untill i added dolomite lime to my soil! ive had several good crops prior to this mess, shit i just pulled 5 lbs 2 months ago now im pulling qp's.
So Jay.... I have 9 plants I left alone. no flush or anything.

are you suggesting not to flush and just to hit them with the ewc slurry? ill look it up.

ill try it on these girls once the tea is finished and see how it works.

how long would you expect to see signs of recovery??

thanks for everyones input


I think the fish emulsion would work but right now you don't want to rock the boat, they need at least 1-2 weeks to chill out, they look really stressed, after one more week possibly more i think it would be easier to make the decision what to do next. maybe you could very very lightly feed it some fish emulsion but i would still wait a watering or two.

the slurry is a tea like you said. it would be good to use EWC because they are so gentle and at this early stage of growth some gentle N would probably suffice til they can get goin. It's a hard situation I dont know what you got ridin on this but its easy to freak out I think it will be fine, maybe not 100% corrected but definitely better than where youre at.
if these chicks are stressen from lock out, and have been for a week or so, wouldnt be important to add some available nutes after the flush? cause there is none in the soil....
Ive started bubbling 4 gallons of RO water in a 5gal bucket. ive added 1 cup ewc and 4 tbls of unsulfered molasses.

ill bubble for 29 hours before i feed it to these last 9 of the struggle bunnies. i will flush 4 of the 9 but add the ewc to all of the 9. then ill be able to see if any of these methods are working.


I see watering/feeding them like cooking, if you add too much you cant take out the extra, if you add too little you can always add more. So if you are dead set on watering them with the fish emulsion i would start out small. They are stressed so they probably wont be able to just drink it up and improve right away which is why you should def use the EWC to try and condition the soil. Nothin is going to visibly help your garden within a day or two so you dont wanna go overboard and make it even worse. I recommend the EWC cuz its pretty much impossible to fuck up. The soil needs something to jumpstart it, and the EWC is a good place to start if you have no nutrient base in the soil. Kelp meal would probably be really good too use as well shit is like plant medicine. Start small though and let the plants put you in the right direction.


When he said slurry he may have been just saying to mix it in the water and let her rip, but I dont see anything wrong with aerating it. I just add it to the bottom of the bucket with lots of air stones and give it a nice stir. You may want to filter it through a colander or something after its ready so all the loose castings dont cake up on top of the soil.