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My Sea of Green [2009]


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
Well, i started late this year. I planted in late May last year and the plants were too big for me. I was a little worried about security and plus the wind and big plants don't mix too well. Every time there was a wind storm i had to go tie them down again and make sure the tie downs already there didn't break any branches. anyways. here is my first plot.

these first three are SweetToothxPotofGold clones.

this next one is from an unknown female plant

these last two are two feminized white widow seeds from dutch passion. i topped both of them today and am trying to take clones from the cuts. hopefully they take but im not going to hold my breath.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
here we have plot #2
these first five are hindu kush from nirvana. all from seed non-feminized.

this first one is a definite female. saw the pre-flowers today.

the next 3 are all SweetToothxPotofGold clones.

These last few are unknown seeds from plants last year.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
Last but not least is plot 4. These all had to go in tubs because the soil have too many rocks.

These first two plants are ice from nirvana. the first plants has shown some pre-flowers so she is a sexy lady. the other one has gotten shit on by spider mites and doubt it will survive. hopefully i sprayed some sevin on it before it was too late.

these two are SweetToothxPotofGold clones

next two are clones from an unknown seed mother.

the last two are from seed out of some buds of last years plants.

before the 4th of July i will be putting about 14 more auto-flowering plants in cornfields. i will get updates of everything then. enjoy.


Active member
Good luck out there man:)
I hope your infested plant picks up speed - I'm sure it will do fine if it starts showing some growth because the outdoors is also a dangerous place to be for spidermites:) (And they won't be forced to stay with your plants like indoors - many will probably crawl away to other plants instead of sticking around)


I planted in late May last year and the plants were too big for me

top them!.......less height, same yeild and sometimes a good method of avoiding budrot on suseptable strains

peace cmoon


Joint Date: Today.
planting in the ground would be the best solution to avoid thirst and boiling-roots problems.


Life is one big grow........
SweetToothxPotofGold sound like a bomb....witch breeder is that or ur own cross


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
here we have some late plants. most are auto flowering. these first 5 are short rider from nirvana. these will all be going out into the great unknown before my annual 4th of July camping trip.

This is my #1 seedling box. Feminized Short Riders. These will be placed in a field behind my home.

This is my #2 seedling box. Mini Garden in a basement. The two small ones are a runt freebie mazar and a runt blue streak.

Two Swiss Cheese blowing in the breeze from the fan. These two are feminized nirvana and are going to be planted in plot #1.

Four Blue Streak. I sure hope they are all female but i'll be satisfied with 2 females. These will be planted in a hedge row a long a corn field.

This one is a nice looking mazar freebie that i'll be putting in a cornfield. Sure hope it's a female.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
Here are my short riders. i haven't been out to see the rest in about 3 weeks. I went out today and was too worried about taking care of them to take pictures. i had to pull a few males in plot 1. although, i'm going out tomorrow to replace the males with some definite females. pics of the rest will come tomorrow. had to pull 2 hindu-kush's in plot 2, saw some little pre-flower nuts. one of the ice's was also a male that i pulled today. replacing all these males with definite female plant from seed.

In plot 4, two of the 16 gallon tubs are full of ants. one of them has red ants and one has black ants. Either way, i will be going to buy more soil tomorrow. I'm going to try and dig the plants out with a small shovel saving as much of the root mass as possible. If they die, so be it. the ants are already sucking the life out of them anyway. i'll be putting them in the new soil along with a clone. If there are any signs of ants in the root mass i will just toss them. it is not worth it.

I think i put my female swiss cheese out a little too early. they were still too young and sweet. i'm pretty sure a deer ate them. they were fenced in tightly except for the tops. i should have waited til after my camping trip. i was too worried about them drying out and drying. they had a better chance inside being dry for 5 days. shit really pisses me off, i wanted to see how they would turn out bad. now it is too late to try to germ some more. fuck it, shit happens.

Two blue streaks were male and the other two just started to flower. the blue streaks are about 8 inches tall. i tried a different soil mix with the mazar and they aren't worth a fuck anymore. i'll be using a small shovel to dig them out and put them in my normal soil. i have some work cut out for me after work tomorrow. oh well. when i'm relaxing on vacation in the winter it will all be worth it.

feminized short riders. before the move

feminized short riders. after the move


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
forgot the camera for plot #1. i'll get pics on friday when i go out and feed them with some nutes. here is plot #4. the ants were terrible. i just dug them up and dumped out all the soil. instead of just throwing them away. i dug a hole and put the plants where all the ants were. hopefully this will keep them away from other plants. i couldn't put the tubs back down because there were just too many ants. my guess is there has to be an ant hill under there. Some of the plants look white from the sevin i've been spraying on them. mites have been winning the battle since i couldn't get out for 3 weeks. they will not win the war though.

this is my lone ice that is definitely female. the other ice was replaced with a definite female, although it is unknown what strain it is.

these are sweet tooth x pot of gold

here we have 2 unknown bag seed definite females

these are the dirty little ants. i now hate ants. i've never really had a problem with them. this is crazy to think all of these ants were making a living in my tub. the pics of the plants are the ones that were dug up and just put straight into the ground to see if they will survive.

these are what i found when moving the wood chips to see how dry the soil was.

here is what the root mass looked like. GARBAGE!!!

This was the sight when the tub was picked up to be dumped out. Did you ever think there could be so many fuggin ants? Holy Moses!


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
Here is plot #2. Three Hindu Kush that are females. They're looking very sativa like. The other was a little Ice i thought was going to die when it somehow topped itself. she is a female though, and going strong now with the room to grow. There were two more clones that are an unknown strain. One of the unknowns from seeds still has not shown sex so i will let her grow. All of the males have been replaced with definite females, unknown strain. i'm thinking bubbleicious but i am not positive. i put one in a tub to see what yields the best results.
unknown from seed

sweet tooth x pot of gold clones


three Hindu-Kushes

And the Replacements. One of them almost snapped and is resting on the fence until she heals herself.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
helicopters buzzing around all my plots. it almost landed behind out in a farmers field by my home but away from one of the plots yesterday. don't know if they're checking the cornfields or what. kind of scary. if you pray, give a little shout out for some help for me. i think i'll be needing it.


Id wait as long as possible before going to check on them. When you do, dont bring anything that makes you look like a grower.

Good luck Smokey


Active member
I'm sure you already know this but when you do visit your sites make sure that you've concealed anything and everything that might be visible from the birds eye (rubbermaid tubs, tools, ferts etc). Wearing greens or earthtones will make it harder for them to spot you while you're there as well.

Good luck man, stay safe!


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i couldn't resist. i had to know they were still there. i went out and checked on everything today. everything is still there, for now. the assholes looked like they were near my plots but i guess they didn't spot them, for now at least. i planted late this year to keep them smaller. had huge plants last year and didn't like how much i had to take care of them. especially after a thunderstorm. i went more for numbers of plants this year, rather than size. i never leave anything out there. i don't want anything left there to be traced back to my home. i went out today on an atv, so if it just looked like i was looking for hunting areas. i hate the DEA. those are the assholes looking for them around here. local cops and sheriffs don't have the money in the budget this year.