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My scrog box - 2xBagseed, 400W HPS


Update time: The situation is looking rather stable at the moment, the buds are growing and it seems like there are no new seeds being produced or calyxes pollinated. I hope they won't relapse, though, since I don't know a place that sells dutchmaster reverse, and ordering it from overseas (I live in Switzerland and haven't found a store here or in Germany that sells it) would take too long to be worth it. The smell's really picking up, too, with the left plant having kind of a meaty smell to it whereas the right one smells sweeter and more typically like fresh cannabis flowers. They're on day 34 of flower btw.






And here's another pic of the stuff I'm currently toking on (it's bought, no clue what strain it is)
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It just keeps getting worse, most of the buds are now at least partially seeded and resin production is quite dismal. I guess that's what I get for thinking I could grow dank with some random bagseed I had laying around, oh well. Planning for the next grow is well underway, I've ordered Satori and KC33 and I'm also gonna grow out some SSHxWW and some Kali Dream seeds that I still have, so things are probably gonna turn out better next time. Day 40 of 12/12 by the way.

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it looks nice m8, dont let a few seeds get you in a slump, besides, there is always next time, im usually an outdoor grower but am also starting a 400 watt scrog in a ent like yours, what are you using for the screen?


it looks nice m8, dont let a few seeds get you in a slump, besides, there is always next time, im usually an outdoor grower but am also starting a 400 watt scrog in a ent like yours, what are you using for the screen?

I just took some regular string and kinda tied it around the corner posts of the tent. I wouldn't really recommend that (although it's been working well) because you have to fasten it quite tight and that causes the posts to bend a bit (you might be able to see how I did it in one of the pics on the first page, and you can probably also see the bent posts, lol)
Also, you can't really see the full amount of seeds that are sticking in those buds on the pics, it looks much worse in real life. But I realize that I didn't really do too much wrong, so I just consider this grow good practice.
Looking good!
Thanks, I just wish I could exchange those seeds for some more resin production..

Also, I just went down to my plants and had to cut at least 10 (!!!) penises off a single bud. That plant (the right one) seems a bit unhappy in general, so I gave it some more nutes with today's watering. I might just end up saying fuck it and make hash or edibles from this grow, I'll have to see how it turns out. But I know now to stick to real genetics, because while bagseed can be extremely worthwhile (I've had some great bagseed before), it can also be a load of crap like the stuff that's growing in my basement now. Pics are gonna follow, cam's charging atm. Also, on the up side, this just arrived today (took the pic with my cell):


Now I'm just waiting for my KC33 and Ingemar's Punch (not gonna grow that myself, it's for a friend) that I ordered from a certain well-known large British seed bank. I was a bit afraid that customs was gonna snatch my stuff and send 5-0 knocking at my door since seeds were recently made illegal here in Switzerland, but the tracking of the other order was updated today and says it didn't get handed over to customs by the postal service so they should arrive tomorrow or the day after.
Bud Buddington said:
Your Scrog looks good. I plan on trying this on my next run. I will stay tuned to see what your results are
Thanks, as I said the weed's probably not gonna be too great and it's not looking too good from a yield point of view either (the buds look big but they're very airy), my next grow is hopefully gonna be much better.



You can see that the right one is turning purple (prolly from a nute deficiency)


Left, happier plant

Right, unhappier plant, you can see the yellowing

And this is the one bud that's been working hard on its gender change


And as the ultimate testimony to the fucked-up-ness of these seeds, here's my little clone that's started to produce flowers under 18h of light. I've put it under 24h now in an attempt to curb that.

Edit: OK, so I called the post office this morning to check on my package, and the lady on the phone explained the status messages in the tracking app to me and it seems that some customs-related authority wanted to have a closer look at my package, but it wasn't the real customs themselves but rather the post office (we have a funny system here in Switzerland). I'm seriously shitting myself here, I'll know when the mail arrives whether I have to be worried or not (it's due to arrive today, and I'll see whether it's been opened or not).

Edit 2: The seeds arrived, the packaging was unopened and there was a small tax-free sticker on the envelope. THANK GOD. I don't think I've ever been this relieved in my life, since the Swiss customs/police are known not to hesitate when it comes to house searches based on illegal shit you get in the mail, people have been busted and their houses searched for a mere shroom growing kit, and I've heard of it happening for seeds before, too. Anyway, here's a pic (the freebie they gave me is quite crappy if you ask me, I'm not a big fan of autoflowering strains, but I guess that's what I get for not ordering from one of the SB's, but I just wanted the KC33 which Gypsy doesn't carry)
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