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my sativa 3rd month of flowering


Active member
the buds are just starting to fatten but only if i give her plain water if i try and give her any bloom nutes she just starts streching again any1 know how to keep them buds tight. the ones that dont get full light are fatter than the buds directly under the light. help me please any tricks i could learn


If you are running 400 watts or under (probably not) then I would check out Ceramic Metal Halide. It has the spectrum that makes MH and HPS jealous. Sativas are supposed to grow with very tight inter-node spacing and no stretch. :)


Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"the ones that dont get full light are fatter than the buds directly under the light."
That means the light is too close. Plants like to move further from the direct light as they get more advanced in flowering.

Even with blue lights, no nutes, and less intense light, some plants will foxtail no matter what you do. Genetics could be your problem. Are there other plants that are stretching and continuing to flower?


If you are running 400 watts or under (probably not) then I would check out Ceramic Metal Halide. It has the spectrum that makes MH and HPS jealous. Sativas are supposed to grow with very tight inter-node spacing and no stretch. :)


Why in the world would someone find and mark this reply as not helpful? The poster specifically asked about Sativa stretch and AFAIK, CMH's are supposed to prevent this. ??


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