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My Pure Blend Pro Feed Schedule -- Comments/Critiques?


New member
I was lacking nitro and raising the cal-mag corrected that. You are right though, i was under feeding and since then I have been giving them their correct dosage and they have been thriving.

Can you explain why you say that 5 ml of cal-mag is too much? I just dont understand what you mean and why.
Love the thread Jawn. Very informative for my own set up.

I do have a PH question for you though. You said to don't worry too much about it unless there is a problem. Does that mean you don't balance it before watering??

Reason I ask is because I have pretty much the exact same set up as you, except I use only RO water (tap here deadly). After mixing my solution my PH ends up being around 3.4 or so. Granted I am at about 1k PPM (week 4 of flower), so that drops my the PH dramatically. Then I have to add quite a bit of PH Up...which I do not like, but everywhere else is telling me that a 5.8 input is the best. Now 1 out of my 8 daughters are exhibiting a K def, that from my thinking can only be from the build up of too much PH Up...which is mostly salt(sodium bicarbonate).

This whole PH thing with Ready Gro Moisture confuggles me.

Thanks in advance for any insight.


5ml/Gal of cal-mag plus is not necessarily too much in all scenarios, however a 1:1 ratio of pbp:calmag+ is never healthy.

which version of pbp bloom do you have beachgreens? there are two versions.

Does Readygro Moisture come with a time release fertilizer? If so, you shouldn't be adding more fertilizer on top of the time release.

15-20ml/Gal of pure blend pro bloom soil is a proven 1 part formula.


greentrich: I use 40% distilled water to 60% sodium free spring water. The spring water has a buffering effect. That said, ReadyGro Moisture is, in effect, a coco/soilless medium, and as such, one can get away with lower pH. For emphasis, I don't adjust pH, nor do I monitor it with this nutrient regime (nor have I in the past with organics/PBP). The reasons for this are stated in the original post.

ShroomDr: 15-20ml/Gal is indeed a good formula...for the right time in the grow. I'm trying to develop a nutrient program that satisfies exactly what the plants need at given points in their life. For example, right now I'm feeding with 5.5ml/liter PBP Bloom Soil (or right about 20ml/gallon), plus 0.7ml/liter cal-mag and 0.3 g/liter carbo logic.

There aren't any extended release ferts in ReadyGro.


Something about the hormones in Liquid Karma can, potentially, inhibit budding. At any rate, it's of no benefit at that stage in the game...only really useful for clones, seedlings, veg, and transplanting. It's the rough equivalent of using Super Thrive during flower.

A grower more experienced than I laid it out for me a little while back. Can't remember all the nuances, but I trust his advice. At any rate, stopping Karma saves us some coin.

Good stuff man. I always stop using LK one week into flower, but i will try not using at all in flower and see how it goes.


Active member
You guys over complicate The PBP line, Just use 20 ml per gallon of pbp from start to flush:moon:



Jibman: You could probably continue LK a week, or even two weeks into flower if you really wanted to. But I doubt it will contributed anything positive, at least as far as my understanding of Liquid Karma goes.

Hades: Thanks for the contribution and insight. Thing is, if people don't experiment and try new things, nothing will improve. I'm tooling around with very specific fert doses, in a very specific medium, under a specific set of circumstances, trying to figure out exactly what plants need--on average--at given points in their life.

You could dump 20 ml/liter on plants the entire time, but chances are some of it is going to go to waste at the beginning, and/or push them toxic, while at the end it might not be quite enough/would be providing compounds they don't need at that stage. In fact, I don't use any Pure Blend Pro at all during the last three weeks of the plant's life (Monster Bloom, then flush).


Active member
PBP a wierd nute i been using it for years,,,,,,,,Its almost impossible to burn you plants, weather 50 ml per gallon to 10 ml per gallon, usaully the same results, since its hydro organic composition, its not like a salt based nutE , even though you can tell and if you have a CUTT ON YOUR FINGER, YOU CAN FEEL THE SALT BURN YOU FINGER !!!


Pure Blend Pro is not a 100% organic fert. I believe it has traditional nutrient salts mixed in.

But again, just experimenting. If your program works for you, then by all means continue running it.




Just wanted to pop in and dust this one off. Did another grow start to finish with this system. Strains this time Jupiter and Blueberry X O.G. Kush (both clones). Excellent results. Leaves will begin turning colors in the latter part of flowering, but not a reason for concern (natural).

The Bubba/Afgooey grow in my sig was the "training wheels" grow for this schedule, and even with some gooberisms it turned out very well.


ICMag Donor
nice to see this thread. was wondering if i had been underfeeding at 15ml/gal and every other watering. guess i was right. was scared to go full strength and every time as im just switching from FF and that shit would kill my plants if i used it like the bottle says. atleast i wasnt overfeeding :)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The Bottle says 45mls/1g for aggressive flowering. I have not tried it that strong yet.

I do everything you dont lol

I use bloom+Karma+Canna PK 13/14+cal/mag. Mixed up into a 65g tote with a 300gph pump to keep it mixed in no specific order. So far after 7 years of using it I have not had any issues using it this way. Karma has PK in it if you did not have a bloom booster this would work beter then nothing. I have MSSXSB BX1 flowering im at 1000ppm. Im going to 1200ppm next week and stay there untill done.

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nice to see this thread. was wondering if i had been underfeeding at 15ml/gal and every other watering. guess i was right. was scared to go full strength and every time as im just switching from FF and that shit would kill my plants if i used it like the bottle says. atleast i wasnt overfeeding :)

Just because they can take a higher concentration, doesnt mean youre under feeding them currently. Its a common misnomer. My plants did just as well at 2.1ec vs a 2.7ec. Now ive switch/dropped a few additives and now im @ ~ 1.8ec (counting my ~0.3ec).

As a matter of fact, higher levels of some some elements will start locking out other elements (K, Ca, Mg, Na all compete with each other). A good fertilizer keeps them in proper proportions, but start using poorly labeled additives...)

I think i was using 12-15mL/Gal of PBP bloom soil, every watering, in a recirculating reservoir, so depending on if youre drip2waste, your probably not too far off. (I had an EC pen, so i could monitor if the EC was rising).:tiphat:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
i just did a test. I mixed up 1 gallon using PBP+cal/mag . I used 20 mls of PBP and 5mls of cal/mag. This is what I got. If I saw this I would dump it and make a new batch. I would never use it with the # being that high. 10-15 mls sems to be a better starting point for those that have never used it. I dont use it that high. Im only using 5mls per g.

The PH was low 5.6 so I would need to add PH up witch would also increase the PPM


One day you will have to answer to the children of
It is really hard to 'burn' your plants with PBP.
Since most everything is not in an Ionic form, the plant kinda has to ask for it.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I would never chance that. I have had plants die at 1400ppm my fault and it will never happen again. My test shows that you would be close to 2000ppm by following the directions on the bottle. I will never use such high dosages. My plants speak for themselves.


And the labels say nothing about MJ.

Tomatoes want higher, i think ive read 3-3.5EC (closer to the label recommendations).
Strawberries want very little fertilizer, probably 0.8EC (m still messing around with them).


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's a very good point. Im just going to run my girls like I have been for years. Back when we all started using PBP we all would tell everyone not to use the recommended dosage. I wish you guys the best and hope you get awesome dank buds but im not changing any of my dosage settings. "If It ant broke dont fix it"
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