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My plants look very weak


New member
First grow and using bag seed. The set up is 6 plants in a white closet with 2 florissant lights (the kind that spiral). It's day 24 right now






There is only one large plant and the others are very small and weak. It seemed as if they weren't watered enough. Read that they only need 150mL a week, but it didn't seem like enough. Still stuck with that amount though

Last time it was watered was on saturday. Searched around on the site and figured they weren't watered enough. Also downloaded the Cannabis growing Bible and it said to water every 2 days.

Each was given more water this morning. The leaves have perked up especially on my largest plant.
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Active member
It looks like over water to me I swear but you said they perked up when you watered today? :chin:

What size pots are they in? and is that peat and perlite?

Also any nutes yet?

From what I can tell, the smallest one needs more mix in the pot, it is too leggy, put more in there to stabilize it. Any fans blowing across them?
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New member
pieceofmyheart said:
It looks like over water to me I swear but you said they perked up when you watered today? :chin:

What size pots are they in? and is that peat and perlite?

Also any nutes yet?
Yea they were drooping and shrivled but when I added more they perked right up. THey are in 8" (20cm) pots. I'm not sure what peat and perlite is.

No, no nutes. Should I be using them? Just water from the tap that's filtered with a britta water filter.


Active member
Well if thew water made them perk up then yes, they need more. With pots that size you can test whether they need to be watered by sticking you finger down in it, can't go wrong there right?

You will get a million different responses to your fert question, ok? I do fert mine by the third week, very weakly fert them. I use Fish emulsion which is Nitrogen.

That small one, dont be afraid to put more mix in that pot, fill it up around the plant so there is not much stem sticking up.


New member
pieceofmyheart said:
Well if thew water made them perk up then yes, they need more. With pots that size you can test whether they need to be watered by sticking you finger down in it, can't go wrong there right?

You will get a million different responses to your fert question, ok? I do fert mine by the third week, very weakly fert them. I use Fish emulsion which is Nitrogen.

That small one, dont be afraid to put more mix in that pot, fill it up around the plant so there is not much stem sticking up.
Ok how do I know that they have had enough water. And when using the finger test what should I look for?

Where can I get fish emulsion?


Active member
Well as far as testing to see if they need enough water, stick your finger in as far as possible, it if is dry then they need water. The soil will be dry on top long before it is dry around the roots and such. I never measure anything hun, I'm sorry but I just pour water in till they are fairly saturated. Not like sitting in mud, but all wet.

I have seen Fish emulsion at a lot of garden centers but there are many different things you could use, but in early veg they need more N.
Maybe you should read up on ferts because it can be very complicated or you can keep it simple. Either way they will be needing ferts of some type for the rest of the grow.

Dr Green

Get some Miracle Grow for Roses...asap....and read the direction carefully......and let us know how you make out.... :joint:


Active member
Carefully follow these instructions

Carefully follow these instructions

You should go ahead and start fertilizing weakly. You should fertilize with every watering. When you get your fert, tell us what it is and we can give you some teaspoon per gallon rates to try.

Things to look for in a veg fert.:
>2-1-2 ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus to potassium although 20-20-20 might be ok
>This is the most important... contain all the micros: iron, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, and molybdenum
>not contain potassium chloride but potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, monopotassium phosphate instead

You should add 1/4 teaspoon of both powdered gypsum + epsom salts per gallon of water along with the regular ferts if they dont contain calcium and magnesium. Do this in your first feed and then every third fert after this.

Epsom salts you can get at the drugstore. Powdered gypsum you can get at good garden centers. Just call around. Hoffman is a brand of gypsum. Sometimes you see it in 5 pound bags. Here is the maker of hoffman gypsum. Send them a email if you get stuck finding a place that sells this:
Good Earth, Inc.
Marketing Department
P.O. Box 290
Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: 716-684-8111
Fax: 716-684-3722
[email protected]

Be sure to adjust the ph of your fertilizer water after mixing to ph 5.8-6. Acids and bases you can easily find around town are in my signature "how to make your own ph up and down". At least get ph test strips from the aquarium section of a petstore. You might also find these strips at a make your own wine/beer store.

You can test the ph of the soil while you grow to find out whats going on. See how to test soil ph in my signature below.

When you water, you want 20% of what you apply to go out the drain holes in the bottom. Then let the pot dry out well. When wet it will be heavy and when dry will become lighter in weight and color. You can just lift a pot and be able to know how much water is there. Eventually, you find a schedule when you will know when water is needed. As the plants roots fill the container, you will begin to have to water more often. As a rule, it is better to have to water more often than have the plant just sitting wet for days and not drying out. That is why you want a light fluffy soil mix.
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listen to sproutco, he will help you

edit: I agree with the fish emulsion..keep 1 thing in mind: this stuff will possibly spread an (unpleasant) odour, but then again it's organic fertilizer..The best you can give your plants.. :joint:
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New member
I couldn't find 2-1-2 or 20 20 20. I bought 18-18-21. it's used for tomatos. and it has all of the elements including the micros sproutco listed. will that be sufficiant?

how much should i be adding in the water?
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lol dude. you need to do two things:

1. tranplants to better soil/and add more perlite
2. do what sprout says

these plants are not beyond saving.....yet... and can still turn out well.

if you plan on flowering the whole process with floros THEN START NOW! :) or after everything is taken care of, for a few days-floros only epentrate so deep.... you have already been vegin for almost a month...

also put a fan on them to to make them nice and buff.

your containter size looks adequete, i think you just filled the pots too low... looks like its a little more than half.... should be a little past line...
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New member
Fuzzy Lumpkins said:
lol dude. you need to do two things:

1. tranplants to better soil/and add more perlite
2. do what sprout says

these plants are not beyond saving.....yet... and can still turn out well.

if you plan on flowering the whole process with floros THEN START NOW! :) or after everything is taken care of, for a few days-floros only epentrate so deep.... you have already been vegin for almost a month...

also put a fan on them to to make them nice and buff.

your containter size looks adequete, i think you just filled the pots too low... looks like its a little more than half.... should be a little past line...
ok what kind of soil should i use?

also i still cant tell wether they are male or female yet so im not sure if i am pre flowering yet...
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