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my plants don't seem to be growing?


New member
The plant are grown from seed in mirical grow organic poting mix and i have 7 26w cfls and 1 46w cfl what is going on the strain is a auto white widow pics are at 4weeks from seed. lmk


Shot at 2011-01-31

Shot at 2011-01-31

Shot at 2011-01-31

Shot at 2011-01-31

Shot at 2011-01-31

Shot at 2011-01-31
first, don't use miracle grow organic as your only mix. you need to do some research on soil mixes before you attempt to grow. a quick suggestion would be something like i am switching to, for example Pro-Mix, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Perlite, Dolomite Lime and Earthworm Castings. This gives it a nice mix of necessary nutrients and aeration/drainage.

Also, keep in mind seedlings don't need to be fed much so you should be starting them out in very light soils - Fox Farm Light Warrior is supposed to be very good for this.

I can vaguely see some nutrient burn/deficiencies on some leafs...you could have nutrient lockout due to high/low pH or too much salt buildup, who knows. Soil is also very wet from the looks of it, and they are in very big containers. Rule of thumb most people like to start seeds out in party cups then transplant to larger buckets and whatnot after the rootsystem has taken a hold.


They would probably grow faster in a small contanier. 12 or 16 oz solo cups, the kind you get for party and such. The soil is staying saturated around the roots slowing the growth. Very carfully dig them up and transplant into the solo cups. make sure you cut holes in the bottom of the cups to provide drainage before u transplant.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Never start seed in 5 gal pots period. Read a tutorial on growing lots of them here learn first then grow. Try putting them in beer cups and don't over water. I bet you never had to water those big buckets did you? LEARN
ummmm, what they said

and take better pics

and how cold or hot is it in there? seedlings need warmth, dude! cfls don't provide warmth

get urself some real bulbs

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
soil needs to dry out, looks to wet for little girls. slowly add more water. but let em dry out before re watering

make sure temps are in 80-85 degree range

put bulbs closer to girls especially if not to hot.

get pots off the ground so the root zone is warmer or put heat mats under the pots. pots look real big for girls need to warm up the root zone...
I said good day.
Puff on.


The main issue here is you've stressed these plants. These are autos and have a limited life span. Its best not to stress them because they can't really recover and catch up.

The first mistake you've made is using those pots. They're far too big. Its best to start small plants in smaller pots. What you want is to water very small amounts in the vegetative stage to encourage root growth. If you keep the plant sated with water it has no incentive to spread its roots, and we all know the better the root system the bigger the flowers. So the combination of lots of wet soil and a small plant is really not helping you.

As someone said above warmth promotes healthy growth. You should have these plants beer cups in a propagator with a dome or in a nice warm area. Again, those wet pots get cold which in turn stunts growth further.

My advice would be to dig them out and put them into small containers, keep them in a warm place and give them more light.


Walk before run mate, never gonna impress no one with that setup, they are babies, take care of them, babies start of in a cot, or crib, not in the bed, done it me self.

You CAN get away with that, IF you know what your doing. Your not ready for that,but, don't blame you for having a go, that's how we learn, thumbs:good: up for you.


New member


my plants were started in party cup and transplanted into 1 gal pots i have only givin them filtered water and the photo was taken after repoting just after watering i let soil dry out before watering as for my soil it is 80% mirical grow organic 20% can peat moss (the soil that the seedlings were started in). in my area pro mix and other soils like fox farm are unavalible, basicly all we have is walmart. my plants have grown some but it has been very slowly


You shoulda let them become somewhat root bound befor transplanting. Or even better since there auto's plant them directly into there final home, being a 1 gallon bucket, not a 5 gal bucket. Also when it comes to cfl's light intensity is cut in about half every 2 inches the plants are from the light so the lights u got are only running at lets say 10% efficiency. With a few changes to ur setup, u'll be turnin out soem fire in no time. I would say at this point ur looking at 1 gram plants, i would scratch this round and start over.

edit: i was lookin at ur pics... are some of ur plants stems purple?
as for my soil it is 80% mirical grow organic 20% can peat moss (the soil that the seedlings were started in). in my area pro mix and other soils like fox farm are unavalible, basicly all we have is walmart.

walmart sells perlite, u need better drainage, you need to be mixing at least 20-30% perlite into your current mix...also that miracle grow is probably super hot out of the bag, a better mix would be 30% miracle grow, 20% perlite, and 50% peat

if ya can't find perlite, you can find loose coarse rocks around a backyard, or styrafoam packaging, popcorn, etc.

so if there ain't nothin around but walmarts, you must be surrounded by farmland, right? or is it just meth heads and trailer parks as far as the eye can see?

farms=garden/agricultural supply stores around


Take this for what it's worth...

I disagree with comments on pot size. MJ is grown outdoors with unlimited soil. Nothing wrong with starting small, but nothing wrong with starting big either. But whatever you do, let the soil go through moist/dry cycles. Don't keep them wet. So when they're little in big pots, dont drench the soil.

Miracle grow is too hot to start seeds in. All the soil advice above is good. If you can only get that, cut it bigtime with perlite or peat. Or something. And NO NUTES for awhile until they get established, at least a half dozen nodes. Avoid soils with added ferts. Read the bag. Nothing wrong with cheap organic potting soil. Avoid Miracle grow if you can.

Ya, warmth. It's winter, if they're cold, they will just barely hang on. High temps over mid 90's, and low temps below mid 60's slow growth dramatically. Won't neccesarily kill them, but they wont grow. Much.

With cfl's, its nearly impossible to get too much light. Move the lights closer, that will help keep them (a little) warm too. How close is too close? If its uncomfortably warm on your hand, it is to your babies too.

Good luck, read more, and have patience. You will certainly have probs and bad crops. But keep trying.
Mirical Grow is a terrible soil but i know plenty of people that have used it and done well from seed. Fox Farm soil and you cant go wrong keep lights close for added warmth I'd definitely agree with that. DONT OVERWATER its crucial just lost six outta eight makin that mistake and i've grown in soil for awhile though i'm makin my switch back too soil after trying my hand at hydro its allways a learning process trail and error plus alittle common sense.