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My plant is sick, and I don't like it!


New member
So guys I've had some problems over the past 3 days and I'm unsure of what to do. It has gotten SUPER cold for my area over the past 2-3 nights, including tonight. The day before yesterday I noticed it's taking a serious toll on my little lady.

All her fan leaves are drooping super low and all the leaf edges are curling upwards. I think the roots got shocked from the temp. I am keeping her inside on a heated mat to warm the roots up but it may be too late.

If I see no signs of revival in the next few days I am chopping her and using the trim/buds to either make QWISO or some BHO. Probably qwiso just because there isn't that much plant matter.

At least I would get something out of her, either way. Just sucks she needed only 1 more month or so to finish and she may die.


New member
I guess you're right. The unfortunate thing is that funds don't allow for me to order seeds, and the herb I buy locally never has seeds in it. Running across seeds to grow with is VERY rare.

Plus, I live in South East US. Generally always a sub-tropical climate. However during the winter it can get rather cold. This winter is really fucking cold for us.

Anyhow, what can ya do? I buy herb all the time, I just grow for shits and gigs, to experiment, and for some homegrown from time to time (nothing like growing your own medicine!)

But yeah might as well make some hash. :smokey:

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