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My Perpetual Ebb & Flow Cabinets



ok its perpetual...when a plant is ready to harvest and the others are not...how do you flush the one that is ready?...and feed the ones that are not....i use seperate rez for this reason...just trying to understand more of how you do this..peace


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
70's pothead: yup it's Flood & Drain Bonsai moms in that pic I give them a rez of Lucas 0-5-10 veg Lucas Formula and occasional Cal Mag Plus for extra Ca Mg and N. Lucas gets a fresh rez @ once a month rest of the time topped off with tap water. usually 3-4 weeks before they show slight signs of needing something.

Unicorn: I don't flush I drop ppm instead in prep for new clones. I don't have room for 3-4 tables running 3 diff nute strengths and with a good cure it tastes just fine, even smoking 5 days after harvest is 1000 times better than whats available round here street wise so I can't complain, and no one else who tries it has negative things to say either. Besides I think a flush is kind of a myth, just my opinion, but how do you explain my blue mystic showing N-MG-Ca and K defs in the last week of flower when the rez was fresh topped off and 1800-2000 PPM @ 6.0 PH and all other plants were healthy except for those within a week from harvest.
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i guess its all in the nutes you use..i use gh nutes and if i dont flush my bud doesnt burn rite and has a nasty after taste...peace


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
My nutes are GH but I don't necessarily feed optimally. The plants might not show it but they are probably underfed if not just a little. But I will be switching to PBP in a week or so....

Oh yeah seeds were sown @ 1am last evening, some are popping in moist paper towels in a seedling flat w/heat mat @ 85F
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This is how I flush strains with differant finishing times and growing from a single rez. Just made a simple bubbler to drop them in for a week or so on the same tray as the other plants...

works great too, This last grow I did 3 days with straight RO water and 4 days with Flora kleen and my bud burns nice and clean :woohoo:

70s :joint:


well i can definately taste the diference between flushed and unflushed...i never go above 1400 ppm with the lucas formula


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
What size lamp you running unicorn? Mines a 400, BTW just installed the cool tube am am going to bulid a new 6" to 8" reducer SIS carbon filter. The light distribution increased just like i figured and I didn't even mod the reflector. Looks good just the way it is, and any sativa-ish plants can be trained much better now that I have 4' in height that is pretty well lit ATM.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
My tray isn't square, it has sloped sides if I offset my tray a could do something like that. And I already have the pumps stones and rubbermaid I would use and the guy at the local shop gave me a quart of flora kleen to try too thanks 70's. I already rearrainged the rez to ond side just have to drill new holes for the lines and move the cool tube over the center of the table. Pics later tonight.
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Active member
awesome setup bro...you do real nice work.

I'll be keepin an eye on those Blockheads too



i run a 600 in a 5 1/2 w 2 1/2 deep 4 ft of vertical growth...i have my light slightly more to one side of the cab..i run perpetual two ready two more in usually 8 plants...kind of like a assembly line the two that are closest to finishing are rite under the light....the newbees are furthest from it...
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When do you have some new pics, m8? Wanna see how fast those clones grow. Please also take some closeups from those trained plants. It's pretty nice how much can be done in farely little space, looks and sounds like you deserve a much larger space. How many strains have you grown?


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Yeah I fell asleep before my roomies so I didn't get the pics, I just mentioned in one of your threads that I'll post pics of some of the mums but I did just trim them up today as they were growing into the lights and I trim them pretty agressively when I'm about to give them a fresh rez of nutes. I'll also show the difference between a mom started from seed and one started from clone. Hopefully later tonight.
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That'll be sweet. Tx
Yes these babies are from seed. looking forward to seing the difference. I actually didn't do many clones yet myself.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Update: Pics of 2 Moms and Flowering girls

Update: Pics of 2 Moms and Flowering girls

Hey guys, things this weekend went pretty good and I promised an update with pics so here it is

Mibri: Heres the pics of the moms

The mom from seed

The mom from clone

See the difference, a clone is much easier to get side branches and is easier to bend IMHO so I train the seedlings a bit take several cuttings from each and flower the seed plant. I try to make moms from seed and will with the seedling moms I have now after I determine keepers. Or go with stasis as -VT- suggested


I now have plants on the tray that differ in start time from 10/3/06 to 11/9/06 and this is the results. As I stated before I'll drop the nute strength for new clones and bump it back up in a week or so.

W Rhino and NYCD Clones

BLue Mystic Clone 5.5 Weeks Flower

And the WORST defeiciency I've seen running like this for a long time

Here is a pic of the whole flower table with the new cool tube installed, if you compare to pics of the cab with the old hood you can see the extreme differencs in light distribution.

And the new stuff I should see some ice things from in the next couple of weeks

Let me know what you think


Damn, that looks nice, m8. Awsome how many strains u run in that (little) setup. Could imagine what u could do with a room like mine, hehe.

I see nice and clearly how the clone get much more branchy. I'll copy that for sure (try at least).

Nice footage. I love the rubberbands. That should make it easy to tighten up here and there - i'll copy that too if u don't mind.

Is it smarter to keep throwing some new clones into the flowering compared to just do it all in one big harvest? I thought i would makes somewhat so that i could harvest the one tray, and then wait a month or so before the other tray would be ready.

NIIIIce big plant in that little candy bucket. (why doesn't it matter, that they're not light proof) i can see on that nice plant, that it surely doesnt care.
Are all of your seeds original? U must spend a fortune getting seeds like that!

My Jack Herer seeds (that i just soked today by the way) cost me almost 155€ :yoinks:
But i think it's cheap, but i only bought 2 packets (the one WW too)

Well, thanks for nice pictures, m8. Gave me some good advice.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
I only ran clones for a long time and want to get back to that point. The Jack Herer I've had for 2-3 years so IDK if it will pop at all just giving them their shot being that they won't get any younger in the fridge. Bought the Sensi Star to look for an OGRE pheno again and had SWT#3 mom also. Want to try most of the others so what the hell they're cheap enough for the beans considering I don't pay much for smoke besides elec and nutes.
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Active member
real nice man....i see you use rubberbands around your containers for lst...i've never lst'd yet but i'm going to be doing it on this next run and always wanted to use the rubberbands and thread so you can either loosen or pull tighter with no hassle....but where can you get rubberbands that will fit around a 3gal or 5 gal container? keep up the good work...peace