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my pc grow


New member
Nice! I have a similar setup, also running a 125w cfl. How's the temps in there? Also, I love how you can see into the case through the side of it, however unless you cover it with something or put it somewhere dark you will mess up your plants' dark period (when the lights turn off).


I'm curious about the temp. too. I'm using 4x23W CFL and these make temp. rising very fast. I have to put a glass under them and use 4-5 pc coolers for cooling. The bad thing about it is that the growbox is really noisy. How about this 125W CFL?

cpnamn IMO putting something reflective on the walls (i.e. mylar) would be a good idea.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Nice setup.
Try using some Refletix insulation and foil tape on the inside of the case. The stuff is like foil coated bubblewrap. Comes in lots of widths and roll lengths. I think some dollar stores sell it cheaper than the big box boys. The foil tape is the best. Has so many uses.
You can kill most light leaks and dampen the sound from your fans by lining the inside of your case.
You've got to close up that window like x-tac said or your going to fuck with the plants photoperiod.

BTW. Is that Antec fan by the light mounted up against a solid wall? If so, your killing the airflow from that fan. You've blocked the input side of the fans so the output will be shit. Try moving the fan about 1" away from the front wall and your airflow will improve. You want it to look like this.


The baby sized bungees work great for PC fans.
damn weve got the same profile pic and i have a pc grow box and im making my carb filter with a atrium grate just like you!!!