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My Outdoor 2009


Active member
Okay, so I received this clone from a friend, and it was given to me as a "blueberry" clone. I'm not sure that it is or isn't, but I'd sure like some opinions:

From the side:

From the top:


Active member
Any guesses? Speculation? IMO it's some sort of hybrid... these nodes are all sugar coated, sorry for the cell phone pics.. anyone? Even rampant speculation?


Active member
Heat stressed At 74* high for the week?:joint: Can I buy a bag from you?

Actually I can explain:

This baby started life indoors, under the care of a high school kid I've occasionally scored bags from.
They ended up giving it to me, after I couldn't talk them through getting their setup liveable and they got tired of trying to maintain it-
When I got it had some severe issues, I had to bare-root transplant it, and have been nursing it back to health as quickly as possible as it's entered the flower cycle.
It looks a MILLION times better since I've gotten it, but It's certainly not perfect. Just doing the best with what we've got :p

It's over-watering you're seeing in the leaves BTW. WE had a 6.5" rainfall OVER NIGHT the night before I snapped this. It's perked right back up since.

daddy fingaz

Active member
yeah looks like a knarley old mother plant, no idea regards strain could be anything, well done for rescuing her, u gonna keep her as a mom or flower her out!? enjoy!:joint:


Active member
yeah looks like a knarley old mother plant, no idea regards strain could be anything, well done for rescuing her, u gonna keep her as a mom or flower her out!? enjoy!:joint:

She has (obviously) been a mom for a while. I decided that once I was able to get healthy clones from her (~5 weeks ago) that I would have to just go ahead and flower her outdoors, as I'm still constructing my flower cab. I did do a quick DIY Rubbermaid with cfls to keep/veg clones.
The big cab is coming together, though. It's all framed up at 6x6x4 which should leave me a 2x4 space for clones/moms and a 4x4 for flowering. I still haven't bought all the equipment, but I'm certainly moving that way. I'll keep this thread updated with this girl's progress. I wish my camera would do her some justice, I'm in ~week 3 of flower, and the sugar is building on all the bud-sites, I just can't get a clear photo of it.


somebody good at this strain identifying by sight, come over and pick out the Cali Orange buds that got mixed in with White Rhino buds by accident.



Active member
somebody good at this strain identifying by sight, come over and pick out the Cali Orange buds that got mixed in with White Rhino buds by accident.


At this point, I figure it doesn't really matter what it is. I think I'll just keep posting my grow diary here, and if someone decides to chime in, I'm all ears :).


Yeah, really doesn't matter. Grow it well, cure it and smoke it. A rose is a rose by any other name. If you like it, you've got clones! Call it Batman's Balls.


Active member
Exatly Grim, I don't really give a crap. Obviously If I had better options, we'd being doing things differently, but this is what we have for now :)


ICMag Donor
Ummm...in reality...how is ANYONE...I mean ANYONE...going to be able to tell you what strain you might possible have at this point in flowering.... It really is almost the same as saying...look at these seeds, what strain is it...

No offense meant, but I just never can understand HOW IN THE WORLD people are supposed to be able to identify a young plant in veg...or in ANY stage of veg for that matter...or a just beginning to flower plant...maybe it is just me...but essentially, besides being able to tell sativa/indica traits...or the combination there of...it is IMPOSSIBLE to tell what it is at the point in the game....

ANYWAY...I know you know this...lol...but still, it gets me EVERY TIME I see that question asked and then see a picture of a immature plant...lol. I think MOST strains look the same up until they start filling out during flowering, showing calyx structures and giving off their terepene profiles, etc...


Anyway...best of luck with her...whatever she may be!!



Active member
but essentially, besides being able to tell sativa/indica traits...or the combination there of...it is IMPOSSIBLE to tell what it is at the point in the game....

Frank, I completely agree. Like I said- I'm transitioning this into just a journal of an unknown female. I'd be happy to hear if people think this leans indica/sativa or whatever, but at the end of the day It's a keeper or It's not. If it is I have clones! If it's not, I also have a burn-pit :)


Active member
Update: 9-16-09

Update: 9-16-09

Wow. The girl has really started to come into her own! Before the description though, I'll cut to the pics :)






As you can see, she's getting more and more bushy by the day, and the bud sites are really reaching for that Midwestern sun. This week trichome and calyx production began, and my girl is starting to produce some really interesting smells. Right now, the best description I can give is a pineapple/floral/skunky/berry sort of smell its very sweet smelling, but has a bit of funk to top it off. I'm stoked to see her progress!!!

Also, a small update on the babies. These clones are the 3 that were showing the most vigor (I culled 2 inferior ones). They have continued to show this vigor. This is about the second week of veg under ~125 watts of cfl, inches off the canopy:






she is getting fat and pretty! good luck.

She sorta looks like my White Rhino.