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My organic grow



Hey guys,

Growing again after several years off, and I'm growing indoors this time! I'm going as organic as possible for this grow:

For nitrogen, chicken manure and earthworm castings
For phosphorous, Indonesian bat guano
For potassium, kelp and just a touch of high P chem fertilizer with trace elements if needed.

How does that sound?

Blue Socks

I know it's not organic if you're using chem fertilizers. The rest sounds good. You probably can just use the kelp meal for K and be good.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
i wouldnt want to use chicken manure in a container mix ~unless it was huge containers

and i wouldnt want to use manure inside

& that point about chem ferts ~basically it aint organic no more once you apply one chem thing {couldnt get it certified and shouldnt call it 'organic' ~might work though}


I agree 100% about the chem fertilizer, but I needed a source of K and the kelp I'm using doesn't have N-P-K figures. :(

As for the manure, I use a very small amount as a top dressing and water through and have noticed explosive growth with it; since this is a small grow, I don't think it will be too odorific, but I haven't used it indoors before!


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
yeah; "the K conundrum" ~lots of folks using potassium silicate as a foliar

sul-po-mag in the soil is probably a better choice yet {remaining organic}

there are people having success w/ neem/kelp/crab/gypsum along w/ basalt dust and/or glacier dust & this relies heavily on quality humus w/ some assistance from the enzymes in a barley sprout rinse

i guess its not really a conundrum

GL w/ your grow BTW


Thanks! Unfortunately being where I am in the world, getting more 'exotic' organics means paying hefty shipping fees from the US. I am trying to make do with what I can get locally.

I've never heard of a barley sprout rinse to get things going...looks like I need to do some reading!

As for basalt dust, I could just use some outdoor dirt since it's the parent rock here. :)


there is acacian kelp that is high k and very soluble so you can feed with it later


Active member
why would you not use chicken manure pellets? I use them they are n-4 p-2.5 k-2.5.. should have lots of calcium too as chickens eat it for hardening their eggss... id rather use that that bat shit as its lots cheaper and an all round nutrient


I actually plan on using both! I'll harvest some good, clean dirt when I can; easier said than done in the city!


Active member
yeah same problem this end mate although I have got some farmers fields and some wooded areas around this way too


Lots of woods here too; I'll dig some up! Thanks xmobotx, looks like the solution was under my nose (or feet) all along!
I'm a little confused. 'Dirt' and Basalt rock dust are not the same.

Daylighting- Have you read any of the ROLS thread? FTI's Potting Soil 101? Or a very short summary of the ROLS thread I made a day or two ago?

Can you make a list of OG amendments that are available to you? Or a list of things that are difficult for you to source?


Our soil here is volcanic, meaning it is basalt or granite-based and there's lots of bare rock (and dust) everywhere due to erosion!

Everything is hard to get here (aside from chems). I prefer not to use blood and bone meal, which is cheap and readily available, but I can get high P guano as far as organics go. That's pretty much it! EWC and chicken manure require a two-hour-trip (each way).

I'll check out your ROLS thread. I read xmobotx' thread in his sig yesterday; interesting reading!


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
yeah i came on here thinking i knew something and people taught me stuff and i found out i was just getting started {probably still am} that progression is there to be seen somewhat in that thread



You're quite the organics guru now buddy. :) I definitely have tons to learn, but sourcing materials I want to play with is tricky here.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
idk about that but it seems to me like keeping your sourcing local is to be admired & a simple mix is likely a best choice

i still mess around using the amendments i have but as they run out i want to get to just neem; kelp; crab; gypsum & maybe fish bone meal in my peat/EWC/pumice mix


The crabmeal and fish bones are doable locally (I live by the ocean); neem, not so much and definitely not gypsum. :(


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
are you sure? i mean idk where you are but drywall is gypsum {i have thought about breaking up scrap drywall for it but its cheap} and as agricultural gypsum is available here in just about every hardware store and grow shop/seed-pet store