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My "No Bottled Nutrients" Grow

I started with a 1:1 of NurseryMan Black Forest Compost and Pro mix BX, but that was years ago. I have been amending the recycled with compost, EWC and other various meals, rock phosphates, and other stuff.
I have another 60 or so seeds of the same cross in a jar and I just sprouted some Afghani x Pure Kush and Afghani x Bubba Kush that are doing great.


They look awesome cannagardens! I'm on the same path, no bottled nutes, recycled soil. AKA, no more money spent on medium after initial purchase of some basic components I couldn't source myself.
any more details about some of your amendments over the last year? I've only been at this about six months, still dialing in my soil, I'm trying not to use blood or bone meal either (not even sure why anymore, just making things hard on myself, but self-sufficiency is always the goal)
anyway, plants look happy and healthy, well done sir. :tiphat:


Haha self.. "I'm trying not tO use blood or bone meal, not even sure why anymore". I've said the exact same thing. I guess it just creeps me out a little. And it is something I would always have to buy.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
blood and bone meals are sourced from the bovine industry, which is poorly regulated and filled with questionable practices and inhumane treatment of the animals. for that reason I'd like to eventually replace them in my amendment tool box, but for the time being I use them.

my only concern with bat guano is that collecting it seems harmful to the ecosystems in which it's found. seabird guano seems much less intrusive to harvest.

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