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My new vert flower room


Active member
Hey man, looking great! I grew out that same Big Blue last year. Love it. You will really enjoy that smoke. H--hgrade seeds?

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Yes Bobble is right it is a DPDT relay. The DP stands for double pull which means it has two switches. Like a light switch in your house. The DT stands for double throw which means it switches between two circuits and not on and off. Make sure it is a 120volt relay as a 240 volt needs a 240 volt timer to switch it.

Glad you like the Big Blue. Most people I talk to are like what is that.
Thanks Ichabod, and Bobble. I'm gonna try to pick up the relays local, I've seen some available was just unclear as to which one and how many i needed. I'll pick em up tomorrow, thanks again guys.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Glad too help sub.

Went into the room and trimmed today. Here are the pictures.

Started the flush of the three traveling sisters from the other room today as well as the other flower room.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
If someone knows how to get the pictures to pop up when you scroll across them i would be grateful.
I believe if you scroll down and use the manage attachments feature, they will do that. Lets test it... Yep, that's the ticket!


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Active member
Thanks a bunch Ichabod for the pics and info. Do you shut your ballasts off for the flip or let them ride?

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I leave them on, but they are housed in a metal box. I also have pulled the wires back from the contacts and taped over the wire ends. So there is not any thing to burn other than the plastic wire coating or plastic electrical tape.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Not much today. Did a flush of 75ml clearex in 5 gallons on my soon to finish room so I flushed the new room as well. Put 1 gallon of solution into each 5 gallon pot.

Thanks Arminius found the manage attachments feature so I will play with it when I post pictures next.:tiphat:

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I have not posted in a few days. I have just been waiting for my other room to get done so I can chop them down. According to the seed supplier they were to be ready on the 5th. Looked under the scope a few minutes ago and about 75% are cloudy but none are amber. They are putting alot of moisture into the air as I have drained 3-4 gallons of the dehu in the last 10 hours. The room is still at 50% RH. Things are getting fatter and fatter though.

Oh yeah I let them down a little closer to the light to help get some air between the buds. Don't you just hate it when they won't finish up when you want them too. Well that is all from snailville here where we never get to harvest.


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Still Learning
I have not posted in a few days. I have just been waiting for my other room to get done so I can chop them down. According to the seed supplier they were to be ready on the 5th. Looked under the scope a few minutes ago and about 75% are cloudy but none are amber. They are putting alot of moisture into the air as I have drained 3-4 gallons of the dehu in the last 10 hours. The room is still at 50% RH. Things are getting fatter and fatter though.

Oh yeah I let them down a little closer to the light to help get some air between the buds. Don't you just hate it when they won't finish up when you want them too. Well that is all from snailville here where we never get to harvest.

Looks great IC. Letem go longer, if you can. You'll be happy(ier).
Put the dehuey on a 10-20gllon tub and let it drain into the tub. Use a small wetvac to suck it out the condensatted water and use it for watering the girls. I was hesitant to use it for a long time but took a shot, it works for me >> then took a tire airvalve and put it in the bottom off the tub and it also feeds the 'humidifier', as needed. Good idea, lights away at the end, that also lowers light intensity. Would you think that a bulb of less wattage might accomplish the same thing? or strictly air circulation? !!!!!!!! fatter IS good...

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Ok have not been posting much so here are some pics. The first picture is my veg area and you can see that it is getting over grown because of the delay in my other flower room. The other two are my new flower room. It is looking so much better than my old flower room. Every thing is so much more shiny. I think this is because of the heat issues with the other room. To give you a idea of how much heat stays in my house keep in mind I live in northern Michigan and we have had snow on the ground lately. Well put it this way I am still ducting heat out side and my furnace has not lite yet this year and my house has not dropped below 65 degrees. So the 8k btu air conditioner is helping this room. I would also like to say that I am only running 2 1000 watt lights.

Went to the store to day to get stuff to harvest the other room today. I think I will have a lot of hash as a good amount of the buds were small. I think they are that way because I had to move the plants back from the lights. Hated to do it but the canopy temp was about 95 degrees. Still have some decent sized buds but not like the new room looks like it will have.

Ordered some chelated calcium and should get it monday. Plan to make me a low nitrogen cal-mag solution to see if this will speed up the ripening time some. Might not be on much in the next week as I will most likely be harvesting. It will take several days as the plants are in soil and coco and the soil is a little behind the coco. I will be making qwiso of the small buds and trimmings. So if I am not on you know why and have a great thanks giving day.


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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Sorry snook didn't see your post. I am using the water now to water with but it had some of the fungicide in it so I had to dump it.

I think I will have to get a humidifier eventually as my air is so dry down in my basement. Because I have to dump heat my veg room does not get above about 40% RH and I think it may be slowing my plants. I need to build a room for them as they just set in the middle of my basement now. I am afraid also that if I increase the RH I may get to much humidity for my house and will get some kind of mold. So for now no humidifier in the veg room.

Time wise for the plants I am just now starting to see some amber to the trichs. So It will be soon.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Ok started the chop on the coco 1 gallon pots. I have 9 of these. Here are some pics of the first plant to get the chop. It is 36 inches from the tip to the string that is holding it. Took me about a hour to trim. 8 more plants yet to trim in coco, then the 5 gallon soils in a few days. These plants are from my other room that I had heat issues with so they are small compared to the new room. This is also about the average size for these as some are bigger and some are smaller.

Sorry for the blurry pics will be on late tonight.


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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Ok still trimming. So here are two pics one of the roots of a 1 gallon pot. The other is what I have trimmed so far. 6 plants done and 3 more to go. The pic show the largest plant in the front it is 42 inches long. The far one is 36 inches long.

Well back at it.

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