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My new Grow, 800W NL, SSHxWW and Kali Dream


So I recently started this year's indoor grow and so far everything is going well. Strains are Kali Dream and Nirvana's Northern Lights from seed (6 seeds of each) and SSHxWW from clone (4 clones) under 2x400W HPS. Now to the pics...


One of the SSHxWW clones (I rooted them in tap water, no bubbles or anything and it worked great)


The largest plant I have so far, a Kali Dream seedling


Another big KD plant


Another SSHxWW from clone

The KD seeds were planted around 27th of February and the NL seeds around 2nd of March. The clones were put in one after another with about 2-3 days delay in between, whenever one was ready I transplanted it. I put the last one in 2 days ago.

Hope you enjoy, I'll update again tomorrow or in 2 days


I'm sorry, but is anyone EVER going to reply to this thread? I see this forum filled with active threads and I try to update this one as often as I can, but I'm not exactly getting much motivation from 55 views and no replies. If you are viewing this thread and like it in any way, please let me know! More pics coming soon btw


Hey Hazelnuts

Don't worry buddy, Were here :) Just wait till it gets more interesting in there... You'll get more posts ;)

All the best!



Hey Hazelnuts

Don't worry buddy, Were here :) Just wait till it gets more interesting in there... You'll get more posts ;)

All the best!


Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Here's a pic I took today:


The big plant in the middle is Kali Dream, looks like it's gonna be awesome smoke. But does anyone else think my plants are a bit slow? I have seen plenty of people who have a lot bigger plants after the same time than me, but maybe it just looks that way?


New update, I've now started LSTing the plants, but they're not all on here cause these pics are from yesterday.


The SSHxWW clones are growing like crazy, they're all zig-zagging






I wish you a safe path, your grow is off to a great start. Do you find any advantages to growing in clay pots? I only ask because I have used them in the past and found that the way they drain left much to be desired. Just curious. Peace


I wish you a safe path, your grow is off to a great start. Do you find any advantages to growing in clay pots? I only ask because I have used them in the past and found that the way they drain left much to be desired. Just curious. Peace

Actually I didn't use them voluntarily, just noticed I didn't have enough plastic ones so I had to use a few of those. I prefer the plastic ones as well, mostly because you can bend them to loosen the soil/roots from them to transplant more easily. I haven't really noticed drainage issues, but I didn't cover the hole they have (they tell you to cover it with a clay shard, but I didn't do that and everything's worked out fine until now). I'm going to transplant them all very soon anyway, so it doesn't really matter. Thanks for stopping by!


Nice Hazel, excited to see how the SSHxWW turns out. Im growing the SSH now and just popped a couple WW seeds for the greenhouse this summer, so it will be fun to see the two crossed after dealing with them so recently. Keep it up!


Alright, I've started 12/12 now. Gonna deliver some new pics tomorrow, I also repotted all plants except for two cause I didn't have enough soil. Some stalks were hurt, but the plants with a cracked/broken stalk still look great so I hope it's nothing major. Can't wait for those babies to sex now! In about a week or two I'll also take some clones, so I can keep any potential mother plants


I was away for 5 days (Amsterdam! 4/20 was great) and had someone else look after the plants while I was gone and I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I got back. They stretched to about double the size they had when I went, it's amazing. Here are some pics I took a couple minutes ago:


Probably my favorite plant, it's a confirmed female (you might be able to see it on the pic), it's pretty huge and I can't wait to see how it turns out


One of the clones in close-up, for some reason they have hardly stretched, but in turn they have been faster in producing flowers, some already have little buds


And that's an overview of the whole grow

I hope you enjoyed, things are gonna get interesting soon enough. The NL should have about a month or a bit more left, were on day 20 of flower now.

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