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my new closet grow...400w hps aka poormans setup #2

Hey everyone after a 2 1/2 year hiatus and some major changes in my personal life i am happy to say i have my little poor mans setup operational again. i learned so much on my first grow but it has been so much time i feel like some of the knowledge has been lost, so as always any comments on what i may be doing wrong(or right) are welcome!

I have only started on plant this go around as its a bag seed and i have absolutely no idea what it will be capable of. but all things look good so far. I am in week four of veg and have topped it twice so far...something i have never done before but she has taken to it wonderfully. I have started her in my closet but now that i own my own home i will build her a room in the basement as soon as i get some extra cash(like there is such a thing as extra cash). if you saw my last diary i am using the same setup but will post the details again below...

My set-up: Six slot bubbleponics (DWC)-free (came with my fiance´)
400w hps ballast with socket-free ballast -3$socket
Grow lamp for said ballast-30$
40w t-12 fixture/ballast-free (hand me down)
T-12 grow lamp-20$
Reflector made from an old popcorn tin cut in half
co2 tank-Free (hand me down from brewing buddy)

Nutes- general hydroponics go box 30$
ph down-20$
ph up-20$
new baskets for my dwc as i had a bug problem last time...3$

i do not have a camera yet put will get some iphone snaps as soon as i can and get my camera going soon too...pull up a chair this could be a learning experience for everyone:)

i always get asked what a go box is so here it is:)
after four weeks in veg it is about ten inches tall and about 16-18 inches wide which leads me to believe its female ..but time will truly tell...after looking at these pics i am embarressed by the cleanliness but i will take care of it tomorrow as i am up way past my bedtime:)
so im in the market for an ec meter any suggestions? i read on another site that the bluelab truncheon is perfect for my needs....comments?
just added 6 2 lamp t8 florescent 4 foot fixtures to the closet ....just white light for now but i will look into some grow bulbs for them when i get some extra cash....looks like a tanning bed in ther now...lol
so this will be my next project:)

i have 30+ of those t-8 fixture just chilling in there...just need some ventilation one more hid light and some insulating foam and im in business:)))


Active member
ICMag Donor
if you want to view your pictures in windows standard picture viewer - you can rotate them to the proper angle :)
if you want to view your pictures in windows standard picture viewer - you can rotate them to the proper angle :)

yeah i have a mac and i am a windows guy....i cant figure anything out on this darn thing....but i think i figured out how too take them so the come out right from now on:)


Salutations jolly!
OK I'm in for this one. Can't wait to see the results!
I also use a 400 in a 2x2.5 tent using recirculating drip.
I hope you have a heavy harvest!
Got home today and power is out in the niehborhood don't know how long it has been out but hopefully it won't affect too much... Still halfway in veg so should be ok


It socks when that happens but yup at least your in veg and it will test to see how prone to hermi are them plants seeds.
OK got a new phone with a better camera but still learning to use it so bear with me, she is quite health and has the shape of an orange tree. I have topped her several times ending up with 8 main stalks plus I have pruned many of the other branches as well . She slowed growth for about two days at the most but took to her new shape quite well overall

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