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My new cab - Female seed NL

Green Smoke

Apparently, the plant at the very end will push out a bunch of resin to protect the seeds. 48 hours of darkness is the trigger. If you just keep the plant under lights until the end, as the plant is dying, the THC is degrading. The 48 trick is supposed to boost the potency. I'm trying it out for the first time. I'm using some of the "Old Fart" grow tips.

Duely noted, thanks for sharing that.


Active member
Flower day 89 - The big flush

Flower day 89 - The big flush


Well, as my pictures below show, I still don't see amber trichs, but the girls are looking kinda tired, nute deficiencies, drying fan leaves - I think it's time to start flushing despite the lack of ambers.

So I'm now running my rez "sans nutes".

I'll give them at least a week of flush-time, before the big chop - perhaps the girls will begin to amber-up because of the lack of nutes?

Time will tell!


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Question: has anyone heard of/used Liquid Earth Nutes? We now have a local hydroponic shop, and they sell this. Anyone... anyone????

HERES A LINK to their website

guest 77721

I can see some red hairs starting. Looks like new calyx production has fallen off. She's not taking up nutes so it's time to flush. That's what's causing the def's and old look.
Keep checking your trichs, they should be starting to go amber as the plant is dying down.


Active member
Who's your momma???

Who's your momma???

Hey Friends!

I need to wait a while before daylight in the cab, and I needed to give Mum a watering, so I thought I should show you how she's doing, thereby also giving me a shameless bump to the top of the forum.


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(I used the ICMag universal measuring standard - the bic lighter, to show scale)​

Earlier in this thread you'd have learned that she was born from seed in November, and since then has needed to be re-potted once. I've been using THIS excellent "sticky thread" as my guide.

I've discovered that growing Bonsai moms is a bit like walking a tightroap - too much ferts, and she grows very fast - too little and she shows nute deficiencies... FAST!

So, she always has a few leaves that show nute deficiencies, but I think overall, she fairly happy.

Here's a shot of the cab temps - this is about as warm as it gets in here, which aids in keeping slow growth - but slows my grow cab (as you can tell - I'm pushing 100 days into flower with my grow, and as of last night - no ambers)

Green Smoke

Hell yea, there's more clippings on that mom than you can use for your next grow. Wouldn't now be a good time to start 6 or 8 to get ready for that next grow?

P.S. Got intake?


Active member
12/12 day 93 - quick update

12/12 day 93 - quick update

Trichs are still clear/cloudy - no ambers yet!

pH is rising, up to around 6.0-6.2, is this normal? My non-ferted flush water is @ 90ppms. Cab temps top-out @71F.

Let's see, the look of the girls really hasn't changed since the last pics taken, so I won't bother taking any tonight. they've been drinking around 1/2gal/day.

Hell yea, there's more clippings on that mom than you can use for your next grow. Wouldn't now be a good time to start 6 or 8 to get ready for that next grow?

P.S. Got intake?

Hey Green Smoke - how's it shakin'? Yeah, I'm thinking I might do an outdoor grow, and give the cab a rest over the summer. I have 2 5-gallon buckets for the job... perhaps, we'll see. Take a close look under the shelf that mom is sitting on, you can see 2 of the 4 1-1/2 pvc pipes that are used as intakes - this cab breathes quite well, I'm using my Red Greenery styled carbon scrubber to draw air thru the cab - works quite well!

guest 77721

How much light do you have on the Mom? Sounds like you have enough that it is actively vegging and needing nutes.


Active member
How much light do you have on the Mom? Sounds like you have enough that it is actively vegging and needing nutes.

I'm using 10w ea. soft white & daylight - 20w CFL total. I'd say it's been about 3 weeks since I've given her a haircut, she really is low-maintenance!

guest 77721

I gotta make me a mum box one of these days. Bonsai looks like a lot of fun.


Active member
Flower Day 96 - Trim

Flower Day 96 - Trim


A relaxing, slow evening, so I decided to give my girls a trim, pulled about 1/2 bag if dried & semi-dried fan-leaves. Here's what the girls look like now:

You can now definitely see what's growing here now, though I wouldn't even try to guess what my dry-yield will be... anyone good at guessing care to take a guess?

I have a pile of popcorn growing underneath the screen. I'll still have quite a lot of trimming when chop-time comes, which will probably be next weekend. I've been running nute-less now for a full week, still no ambers... ah well!

I gotta make me a mum box one of these days. Bonsai looks like a lot of fun.

You should, it is - and that LUI sounds like a keeper!

guest 77721

It looks like she's done making new calyxes. Can't see any fresh one's on any of the closeups. Looks like there's still some life in the bud leaves. She should amber up now you're on plain water. Could be you're running nutes too long in the last couple of weeks to get early amber? That keeps fresh calyx production going.

Oohh, the LUI is nice smoke. I'm hoping she'll reveg ok.


Well-known member
holy moly they huh:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:.

dnt no wat else 2 say. but this grow is a winner in my book.
thouse buds look like cotton candy. yumm yumm.



Active member
It looks like she's done making new calyxes. Can't see any fresh one's on any of the closeups. Looks like there's still some life in the bud leaves. She should amber up now you're on plain water. Could be you're running nutes too long in the last couple of weeks to get early amber? That keeps fresh calyx production going.

Oohh, the LUI is nice smoke. I'm hoping she'll reveg ok.

I'm thinking the same - I ran with nutes, waiting for the trichs to amber, instead I should have cut-off the nutes, then the amber would have followed... eh, right?? So tell me, will running a grow longer then necessary have an effect on the smoke?

holy moly they huh:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:.

dnt no wat else 2 say. but this grow is a winner in my book.
thouse buds look like cotton candy. yumm yumm.

Thanks cheesebuds -you're is lookin' great also!
OK, I gotta ask you - In your thread, how do you get your pictures display with that cool flash player thingy? I've been trying to do that with my images but I can't figure how to do it!

We need a ICMag Forum users guide for dummies thread!

I did figure out the multi-quote thingy, pretty cool.

Looking beautiful! :smile:
Thanks, growMEDS - and thanks for dropping a line!!

Green Smoke

A much better look at what's in there. This grow is way more successful than I thought from the previous pics. Congrats!! :joint:

They look mostly healthy, and much bigger buds than I envisioned. Why not keep feeding them water and not set an official harvest date.

Which brings up a question that I haven't heard a decent answer to yet. What happens if you actualy wait too long to harvest? I know that it would slow down the next grow, but I'm not talking about that. What if you were to just let them cure right there in place? How would buds like these turn out?

guest 77721

I don't think it hurts to let the plant run right out. If you were to find an outdoor plant in the bush, it would be in the same state in late fall or early winter.

The hard thing to do in the end game is to time the nute reduction with the plant slowdown so you don't trap nutes, particularly N in the plant at harvest.

Your girls have been pulling nutes out of the leaves for a bit now so the plant is clean and harvest ready. It's up to you now to chose when to chop.

My second LUI is interesting. It's in week 8 now and showed got tip burn on the last feeding in week 7, high pH and it's showng signs of slowing down but the trichs are still clear. I've given it two waterings with molasses and skipped the last feeding. In soil there is a buildup of nutes so by running just molasses it can take them up slowly. I'm going to monitor the trichs and expect them to start going cloudy soon.


Active member
Flower day... (gasp!!) 102!!

Flower day... (gasp!!) 102!!

After being away for a few days, I came back to girls that were only a bit thirsty - about 3/4-gal low, she's slowing her intake of H2O, and what I believe to be slightly amber trichs, you decide:

What do you think - perhaps the end is near?

Let's go thru the numbers:
TDS=21ppm - pretty dead water!, pH remains steady @ 5.75, temps; we have a daily low of 69, with a high of 74, it's warming-up in my neck of the woods, friends.

guest 77721

Funny, it looks like some buds are still pretty green and some are nearly dead. You could start clipping some of the more finished ones.


Active member
Funny, it looks like some buds are still pretty green and some are nearly dead. You could start clipping some of the more finished ones.

You're right about the inconsistency between live buds @ nearly dead buds - strange, being that they share the same nute bath. I have a branch that I broke very early-on in veg, thought for sure that it was gonna die - it has one of the nicest buds of this grow in it - weed is strange!!!!!

Here's what I think I'm gonna do:
I like the relaxing/couchlock/get-dumb-as-shit kinda weed high, which makes me most ralaxed (& thereby relieving my lower back pain best), so longer is better, right? I'm gonna try the 72-hr. total dark period, starting Wednesday, run it thru Saturday, and we'll see where I stand then.

Green Smoke is wise in recommending NOT stating a definite chop date - I'm am getting anxious for harvest time thou!! I think I'm gonna take the record for longest flower-time in a microgrow!

So since the quality of relaxation is paramount to me, I must be patient (I must be patient... I must be patient). I haven't even tasted this harvest yet, so I'm gonna give her a proper tasting tonight, with the popcorn culled from her the other day - you can see it in the lower right corner of the wide-shot above, next to the glasses that I forgot to take out of the picture! :wallbash:

Sure hope this weed has been worth the wait!!


Active member
Your girls have been pulling nutes out of the leaves for a bit now so the plant is clean and harvest ready. It's up to you now to chose when to chop.

My second LUI is interesting. It's in week 8 now and showed got tip burn on the last feeding in week 7, high pH and it's showng signs of slowing down but the trichs are still clear. I've given it two waterings with molasses and skipped the last feeding. In soil there is a buildup of nutes so by running just molasses it can take them up slowly. I'm going to monitor the trichs and expect them to start going cloudy soon.

One of the things I haven't done, is use one of the "Flushing agents" - like AN Final Phase, so even thou I haven't given my girls nutes for almost 3 weeks now, I think they're still running on residuals.

You use molasses, should I have added some sort of carb to perhaps aid in flushing? From what I've read, molasses gunks-up hydro setups... thoughts????