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my new 3 bag-seed plants stinks real real good.


Well-known member
hey I was wondering if I should trim some of the lower leafs to help with flower growth and to let little bit more light into the canopy. new pix at bottom of page 44. fyi.
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Crotchety Cabaholic
I'm contemplating the same thing cheesebuds. I'd like to clean things up for air flow and to focus growth on the buds and not the scruff below.
I think I may wait until the stretch is over and do it gradually over a week or so.


if you think the strain can handle it then go for it, so far i have found that on my sativa leaning strains you can easily get away with it, but it seems detrimental to my indica leaning ones, but that's just my experience with my genetics.

But if you have some big old fan leaves that are getting in the way, taking a few off wouldn't be that bad


Well-known member
so like tomorrow the 3 bigger plants will be 4 weeks flowering. I think I should have been giving them full strength bloom nuts 1 or more weeks ago.

Im wanting there flowers to beef up more. so I think for the next watering will be full strength bloom nuts to see if that helps.

dats it fo now. now its zzzzzzzzzZZZZZ time.


Well-known member
the spider mites r getting the best of me. plants r still alive but here hanging on by there hairs. Ill stll get a lil bit of herbs from them. I have tryed every thing I could try and nothing is working.

so my outdoor plants r doing good for now. I hope they will grow much bigger befor flowering time than they did last year. but 2 of them have already shown there hairs.

Ill get some new pix soon.


Active member
sorry to hear about the borg. Its much easier to treat them and eradicate the bastards in veg. once you flower life gets much more difficult. i hope the outdoors do you well, if you have any moms, your treatment for the borg starts there.


Well-known member
Soooo... here r a few new pix.
pic 1 to pic 4 r of the 3 other plants. not all shown.
pix #5 to 8 is of the hydro plant. there r still the mites. BUT they went down by 50% cuz I have been keeping the spot nice and cool and I been spraying her with plain ol water.
pix 6,7 & 8 r 3 pix of the hydro girls buds.

so how r they all looking now?


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Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Mites or not, they still look great.I hope they dont give you much more trouble good luck with the rest of the grow


Well-known member
I have good news and BAD news. the bad is that my hydro ladie ended up dead yesterday so I just harvested what was there. but she need 2 1/2 to 3 more weeks. :(

now fo the good news. there is still 3 ladies left. and they r in coco. :) they r quite a bit behind in there flowering cycle. but I think they should give my some good herbs anyway when done.

first up is a few pix of the dead one. :(
next few pix r of the other 3 that r left. :)


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:violin: Sorry to hear of the hydro death Cheese. Do you have any idea of what killed her?

On the other hand lets focus on the good news :) How far into the flowering cycle are the coco ladies?



Well-known member
thx for stopen by G.

I think there in there 4th week of flowering. but also they have been under less light for a while now and now I moved then under the brighter lights so they can flower better.

and as for the hydro one. when I took a good look at the evidence of sure horror. I saw thet the roots hsd grown over the water pimp and got tangled in it. pluss has a small might problem. and i had gotton most of them and ther egges dead.
then the water was nasty brown looken also.
I think that if on the 29th of march I had done what I use to do back in the day she would still be alive.
Back 3 years ago I had 3 mini dwc buckets like this one. and once every 2 weeks I would take each plant in the kitchen to wash the roots off with the lil water sprayer in the sink. then re fill the bucket with fresh filtered clean water to drink.
alwase had healthyer hydro plants back then.

So she is drying and been tryed a bit . and for some reason she still packs a good psychedelic punch. and the tast isn't as bad as I thought it be. also she is super dooper sticky like gum or somthin. :D :D

so hopfuly my new plants do good :D
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Sorry to hear you are having so many issues, my friend. Good to see you are still pressing forward, though. Hopefully all your hard work should pay off in the end. :comfort:


Well-known member
Ok so here r some pix of what plants r left. all 3 plants r from different seeds.
I just hope they make it to the end of there flowering cycle.
all I can do for now is take it 1 day at a time till they r finished floweren.

also I planted 2 new seeds in my 2 lil dwc buckets. I did a really good cleaning all the stuff first. scrub a dubby dub dub. :D

as for thouse dam mites. they seem to have left town... :D
well atleast Ill get somthing for my efforts which is a whole lot better than nothing.


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