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My Mom


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nothing but goodthoughts to you and yours.I work in the same field as your sister and I can honestly say when I care for any of my patients post-op who have had that type of surgery,that lady will get the very best care and xtra TLC. They are always put to the top of my list.All of the nurses I work with on my unit feel the same.Even if ya just pop in the room just to make them smile.I drive home knowing even the smallest of gestures meant something to the patient.Those are the MOST rewarding shifts. Speedey recovery wishes


special prayers to you and your family Best wishes for a speedy recovery:comfort:


Jeah some crazy storie there I'm sure(finding them)

Positive vibes and ALL THE BEST for your mom bro!


Wow, guys and gals - such kind thoughts. I'm a real suck when it comes to affection, so I'm teary eyed and deeply touched by the love. I'm trying to touch base w/ each and every post here...

Unfortunately IC mag tells me;

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

So I will have to continue my individual thank yous later...

As soon as I hear anything, I will let y'all know. It's tough with me being laid up w/ broken heel, I can't just jump up and go to her. I'm relying on family to keep me updated.

Much thanks and love...



Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
sending love and light...amazing story classy..she will be in our prayer's...


Feeling good is good enough.
I'll keep your mother in my prayers friend!

Wish her strength, recovery and Peace during this hard times.

You are not alone.


Nothing but goodthoughts to you and yours.I work in the same field as your sister and I can honestly say when I care for any of my patients post-op who have had that type of surgery,that lady will get the very best care and xtra TLC. They are always put to the top of my list.All of the nurses I work with on my unit feel the same.Even if ya just pop in the room just to make them smile.I drive home knowing even the smallest of gestures meant something to the patient.Those are the MOST rewarding shifts. Speedey recovery wishes

As a patient a couple of times I feel and felt that RN and LVN's are under appreciated so I'm taking this opportunity to say :thank you: to all the men and women who give tirelessly of themselves.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks HighDesertJoe, We usually see people when they're at their worst.So like water off a ducks back. The positive outweighs the bad.There is nothing better than haveing a patients family gather around and thank you for what you have done for their loved one. Classy keep us posted,you and yours remain in our thoughts.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
May she heal quickly and thoroughly.

Mothers are so special.

Your story made me smile... I love hearing good things like that.


No word yet - I'm gonna wait for a call from sister, don't want to bother her right now...