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nearing the start of week 11 in couple of days..Yeah, I'm quite impatient myself, woudn't be that bad if I had faster strain to accompany it. Anyways when they're done, some of it (maybe half) will go to drysift. It could be tasty and very up high.


Got a bit lazy updating..anyways neville x mango is nice up high, ideas coming and talkative, not devastating one, but maybe another phenotype or grower could fix that..in large quantiteis bit trippy, but not flooring you. Really like the hash :)

anyways here's latest batch vegging, upfront orient express and in the back 2 chemdog double diesels, seems to have some mg def, better give em' some epsoms in next watering.



Same plants in flower, chem diesels in the back and orient express upfront. Kinda hard to tell them apart from the pic thou.



Canopy from a bit different angle and lights on, same 250w in there. Today I trimmed the lower parts so less popcorn to trim. Plant are less than two feet tall, had to do a "bit" of lst to keep them even, so far so good. Cuts of both strains have been taken too.

Usually I have couple of strains at the same time, but it would be great to concencrate to single scrogged plant once. But then again it's nice to pop new beans and get some cuts and..



Another angle, couple days later. When these eventually get finished, thinking of doing single plant run just for fun. Got a candidate, a femmed hashplant x blueberry.



Hi, woops almost forgot this thread

well the oe and two chemdog diesels have been chopped dow, I did take on e final pic which is dated couple of week ago, here:


Not the best, they were kinda hard to photograph in the cab and din't dare take them out because of the smell(excuses). I'll post some dry nuggetry when they're crisp enough..decent yield, but not hitting gpws.

Next batch of victims whom have been vegged under led+ft5 which are, from the far left one midnight kush (hashplant x blueberry) and 3 bangi haze girls. These will repotted shortly to buckets, bit of veg and bloom then.


Of course, have some other stuff and plans as well, but in time. Had probs with temps recently, partially due summer and partially due trying fit 250w hid into too little space with inefficient exhaust..lesson learned with couple of crispy tops :(, my old cabsetup was better already, why "fix" it..


Well, that harvest came to 100 grams, nice, but far from what could be achieved with 250w, some people get same amount with half the wattage! I've done better myself in the past. Next time bit better maybe.

Some shots, drysfith and one nug. Gonna flip new plants in the early november (possiby maintenance visit in october).

chemdog diesel drysift:

orient express nug and drysift:


Thanks, blueschato and thehappyguy

The drysift smells wonderfull, some of the buds did not due too fast drying, but processed to hash the smells i wanted came back, hopefully it'll have some time to cure, 2-3 weeks old now.

Pic of the lates bunch in veg, gonna flip them soon, top-left is midnight kush and the rest are bangi hazes. All from seed. Midnight kush came as freebie in friends order and is hashplant x blueberry feminised, bangis are from ace seeds and regular, the lineage is congolese x nepalese i think. vegging under ufo now and gonna switch to 250w hps sfter flip.


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