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My Medical Dream Room: 6000w

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Look who decided to say hello! I am a bit dissapointed with these Nirvana PPP seeds. Out of 10 only 7 successfully germinated. The blueberry and kandy kush had no problems. I have also met someone who will be hooking me up with some Willy D and Alien OG clones, so keep an eye out for those!


It's kinda too bad there isn't running water and at least 1 floor drain in that room.

That is a task I have to do in my room this summer too. I hate not having running water close to work with.
I am gonna bust out part of the concrete floor and put in a couple floor sump sinks and a set of free standing sinks with hot/cold running water.

yes it would be nice to have running water in the room. however, the water heater about 20 feet away has a faucet that i will probably attach a hose to and bring it into the room.

as for the drain i really dont think it will be necessary. with the 6k watts it will evaporate any standing water in a matter of a few hours.
There is some trial and error is that room....and heat will be a problem....my room is almost the same size....and without AC in the summer it will be very hard to keep it cool....+.......going that big at the start is trial and error in itself....Your PG&E bill will be $1300 to $1600....to do it right every month.

Good luck.....keep us posted


natural mystic
ICMag Donor
01-27-2011, 06:49 PM was the last time that epic posted in here lool about 8 months ago :D


Well that's too bad.. Read the whole thread without looking at the dates.

Looked epic, wonder what happen :/
If that was his first grow.....most likely was not aware of the costs to grow and how easy it is to fail.....hopefully he will recover and post up


From the moment he was asking all them noob questions I just knew he'd screw up. I mean, how can he afford all that lighting and he can't afford an AC unit? For an op like that he'd need an AC unit AND a couple of dehumidifiers, along with several fans etc etc. Pity he fcuk'd up though, would've been nice to see a grow big or go home operation. Pity he went home.
It takes a least a year with a grow that size......I know from first hand experience....you have to put in at least 3 hours a day.....every day....to keep it going and make sure nothing happens.....+ know what to look for......things happen FAST......and it's super easy to fail......I see it everyday.....Also.....very important.....find other growers....not their rooms...just growers like yourself......I have 5 growers I work with....have only met 3 of them.....but we text and talk almost everyday......we work together for knowledge...not on grows.....not on locations.....just general knowledge, strains, nutrients, veg times, SOG, SCROG, soil, hydro, organics,...donations....and help each other......we are all 30 - 50 in age.
I can't......I am not sure.....I hope he is rocking it......hitting homers out of the park.....

But I have a 16 x 20 room flower room and a 5 x 10 veg room....and I know how much work it is.....and how things change over night.....++++ there are lots of crappy geneics out there.....and is just takes time to dial everything in.....At least a yr....to get dialed in...and I am totally organic in soil in 3 gal grow bags on tables.....if he attempted hydro....
the curve will be longer........Now what I mean by the curve it this.....you need to average 1 lb a light to pay all the bills.....and believe me they come fast....4 months before any $$$$ come in.....so if your first few crops are a bust.....you can get behind the 8 ball fast....I have seen it many times to growers.....then the outdoor flood comes.....and prices drop......and you have to hold....it takes money to keep going....most do not have it....and that is why you see so much stuff on craigs list for sale.......growing looks easy......it's not......you just have to be persistance....nose to the grind stone.....look long term.....and wade through all the crappy geneics to find out what
grows good in your grow room.

That is why I said I hope it is going well for him.....because that is a full time job to maintain that room.
once everything is dialed in 2lbs a light is very do-able.....but you have to have AC...dehudmifiers....5 to 7 fans....mother room, clone room....and you have to look at that stuff every day......when you get it dialed....then you can go to auto water....but not until it's dialed in.

that is just my opinion......maybe I am to diligent.....but when you start getting 1800 a month PG&E bills.....every month.....you had better be diligent.


loool How you can be so sure that he went home instead of still growing big?

are you kidding me? he aint posted in his own thread since January. That what? 9 months ago? if he is growing big still and aint even giving us numbers/smoke reports at this stage then i dont know what to say!?!?

i just hate unfinished grow journals lol

@weeddaddy. WORD TO EVERYTHING HE SAID. my grow space is a fraction of his size and i know about growing pains/running costs. i still got them.


Active member
see thats the thing....this is a really nice grow, and in a supposed "legal" state...but lets not kid ourselves..none of this shit is legal under federal law.....state medical marijuana laws are only an afirmitive defense, they can arrest you and make YOU prove your medical necessity. state cops are starting to realize this too...they dont care about your "scripts" or your "patients"...in their eyes you are a drug dealer...charges might not stick but they can still rough you up..

the only way this grow can be truely legal is if hes working for one of the government sanctioned grows in CO or one of the government coddling dispensaries in oaksterdam.....once you harvest that room you are over legal carry limits...when transporting the meds from growroom to dispensary or patient you are illegal....when collecting thousands of dollars cash and not declaring that income on your taxes you are illegal....

unless you are doing all that, which most of us arent, cus who is really gonna pay taxes on every pound they sell, you are only legal under state law....according to the feds a 12 light room yeilding 20 lbs every harvest is felony cultivation of marijuana.....selling to brokers who sell it on the black market? possible continued criminal enterprise, or conspiracy to distribute marijuana charges.....shit aint no joke.
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