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My lonely josh d


My tents gone up to 32 degrees celsius this evening, and thats with a huge amount of ventillation (10 inch rvk in a 2.4x1.2 tent). As said by nickman the winter crops are always better! Summer i always have huge humidity spikes when the lights shut off too...


Active member
Yea its hot here. Most of the plants is polinated in tent so this run will be for some f2. I can found few seeds in josh d i polinated yearly in flower with sour diesel ibl but pollen wasnt good enought to polinate her. Hope seeds is from sour diesel and not from other male.



Active member
Put another one clone to flower and will feed her much heavy with nutes planning to use pk boost also if she not impress me with much bigger calux i will let this plant go. Also dont like resin of this pheno because they are not sticky. Smell is good but only on top nugs bottom nugs lack on smell. Don't know maybe im not good enough. But its potent after all and huge yeilder.


Well-known member
Put another one clone to flower and will feed her much heavy with nutes planning to use pk boost also if she not impress me with much bigger calux i will let this plant go. Also dont like resin of this pheno because they are not sticky. Smell is good but only on top nugs bottom nugs lack on smell. Don't know maybe im not good enough. But its potent after all and huge yeilder.

as said in another post, after drying and sampling a nug, i'm disappointed , but mine toooo was not sticky, but very greasy..


Active member
I dont know why i equal stickyness = potency because i can remember sticky plants that isn't potent and opposite is true also. But its looks like more stickyness more stronger really dont know.


Well-known member
The hot temperature is another reason why some plants don’t come out so good... the heat and humidity can change the appearance of a bud... makes them more airy... more stretchy...


Well-known member
The hot temperature is another reason why some plants don’t come out so good... the heat and humidity can change the appearance of a bud... makes them more airy... more stretchy...

and destroy terpenes.... along with added taste an smells.


I'm hoping your josh dog turn out potent. My 2 are just about to show sex. The bikerkush are an awesome strain so I thought the josh dog would be the same.


Active member
Yes temp and many other factors also affect like pots size, nute ec, ph, boosters etc... Anyway clones from mother plant turn total hay worst plants i ever grow period. No smell, no taste, no high. I still wonder how mother is overall good plant with good high that i like.
Its never happening to me before but its happening maybe is my mistakes through grow but this is my result with two clones. Will pop my whole pack soon.


Well-known member
Yes temp and many other factors also affect like pots size, nute ec, ph, boosters etc... Anyway clones from mother plant turn total hay worst plants i ever grow period. No smell, no taste, no high. I still wonder how mother is overall good plant with good high that i like.
Its never happening to me before but its happening maybe is my mistakes through grow but this is my result with two clones. Will pop my whole pack soon.

If the clone plant your talk8ng about is the plant in the last few pictures, then I can see maybe why that could happen ...!!!...

When you grew the Mother Plant- the temperature was probably not as hot and humid as it was when you grew the clones...

The plant in the last few pictures just looks heat stressed to me...!!!... that could very well b the reason...!!!...


Active member
If the clone plant your talk8ng about is the plant in the last few pictures, then I can see maybe why that could happen ...!!!...

When you grew the Mother Plant- the temperature was probably not as hot and humid as it was when you grew the clones...

The plant in the last few pictures just looks heat stressed to me...!!!... that could very well b the reason...!!!...

For sure heat stress and poor grow. Temp hit 36 c° summer kick serious here i just expect more from this plant because i like mother plant have 7-8 different clones from previous seed run in tent in same condition some of them fully polinated they have smell and test good still sticky and stinky. This just turn like grass.


Well-known member
Yes temp and many other factors also affect like pots size, nute ec, ph, boosters etc... Anyway clones from mother plant turn total hay worst plants i ever grow period. No smell, no taste, no high. I still wonder how mother is overall good plant with good high that i like.
Its never happening to me before but its happening maybe is my mistakes through grow but this is my result with two clones. Will pop my whole pack soon.

That's interesting! As nickman said, that behaviour might indeed be a reaction to the excessive heat and RH. But you also said you changed your feeding-regime, didn't you!? That might also play a role in it.

If you remember my post from another thread, it was the other way around with my Josh D.
My clones turned out WAY better than the mother-plant: better yield, much better flower-structure, a lot frostier, a better and stronger smell... They ain't quite done yet, so I can only speculate on the taste and high, but I'm pretty sure, the flavor will be better as well - the high was brilliant anyway, so I don't expect much of a change in that department.
None of this seems to be consequence of my actions, since there weren't any significant changes in parameters.

I have registered differences between seed-plants with many strains in the past, but only regarding structureal aspects, never in terms of quality. Maybe it's in fact a curiosity of the line!?


Keyboard Warrior
Glad i saved mine for the winter run, i had the same issue with seed plants this run..real landracey chemdog phenos a lot like a mexican on a wide leaf frame. Im holding out hope the cooler run will be more forgiving


Active member
Yes Mohadid i dropped all stuff from my rez and run only basic nutes cut in half compare to what i normally run. Thats for sure affect negative. Seed run i was using bloom boosters also. One think catch my attention when seed plant was at the end of flower plants start to throw nugs down there when i prune nodes and this popcorn nugs is totally same like nugs from clone run.
Veg time also change a lot.