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my lady


New member
My lights: 75w HPS, two 300 watt CFL and one 100w for the bottom foliage.The soil I used is "organics choice" Miracle Grow soil. It reads that there are no added nutes.

This is my first grow. I have one female grown from bag seed, she has many characteristics of being an indica variety: about 2'6" with growth every day.I chose this plant to put all my efforts into, partially from gut instinct and part from luck.This plant has wide leaves and is pretty bushy with many nodes, and it's still growing.After 2 weeks or so this sucker had a stalk bigger than my thumb, like a fucking tree trunk.It showed pre-flowers early so after about 2 weeks i shocked it into 12/12.It responded well.

I was just getting ready to make some clones I made a big mistake and did not give gravity it's full respect... the bulb and ballast came crashing down and took out some foliage, since then I eliminated anything that was built "stupid" like that big mistake was. I know the plant must be in shock, but the only thing I see is "canooing" of the leaves vertically . I have UTFSE and saw 2 or 3 things it could be. I don't have a humidity meter or a way to tell soil PH. Those are my next 2 goals.

Anyway, I will get some pics up ASAP

thanks for any comments.

Why do I risk? I am TIRED of mexican ass weed and having to pay for it like the stupid fuckers who have it can't tell the difference between it and real fresh dank.


the above statement is entirely fictitious , i am crazy.


New member
When the lights came back on, I noticed the canooing going on even in the new leaves.I have put a hot plate in the room and am attempting to raise the humidity,
is this the proper thing to do with leave cannooing?

I also have been adding a little blood and bone meal, 2 times I have added a small amount to the topsoil (which is covered in sand due to a Gnat infestation) , that is N and P2O5 phosphate(phospherous?)

Can anyone give a suggestion to my canooing leaves?


Take Five...
What do you mean canoeing? Are the edges curling upwards? If so, most likely heat stress. Move the lights away if possible, more cooling/venting or turn one/some lights off.

Since you micro grow this seems like too much wattage for a small space and one plant.

Another cause of upturned edges is early magnesium def.

Pix would be very helpful for us to observe overall plant condition and health.


Take Five...
The blood meal is a very strong N fert, go easy with it. Bone meal is slow acting and probably will not give mush to this plant. People usually premix it into their soil weeks before use to allow it to break down.

My advice is get some proven MJ liquid ferts to feed your plant with. I use and like BioBizz.


New member

I mean the leaves are turning inward, exposing the green top surface.I have the newly added HPS 4" or so above the top of the plant and the two 300watt CFL's are arranged to hang on the outside 8" or so lower, so they really get to all the leaves and the wall reflects alot. I have a fan on them constantly. I turn the plant regularly.


Welcome to IC!

2x300W CFLs
1x75W HPS
1x100W CFL

You're posting in the micro section so I'm guessing this is in a contained area...

That's 775W. In addition, you've positioned two of the hottest lamps near the base of the plant. I mean, 300W is no small CFL. Hot air rises... What are the temperatures you're working with? I have a feeling that will be the biggest problem going forward...

If it's not temps (which it probably is), then it may be "praying for magnesium." Though, let's get back to the space and temps...

Do you have ventilation? As in: a way of removing the hot air? Or, are you just blowing fans at a plant surrounded by bulbs? Because that's what it sounds like from your post.

Pictures and description of the grow space would be very helpful too.

Good luck in your travels!

-Q :rasta:
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I think the OP might be referring to the higher number on CFLs which is the number of watts a similar incandescent light would use. I doubt those are the actual wattages of the bulbs.


New member
thanks for the replies

thanks for the replies

I do have a fan blowing on it but no, there is no fresh air source. As soon as I read what quazi said, i remembered that I have a small squirrel cage fan with about 7' of dryer hose type piping. I plan to place it under my house and have a steady suply of outside air.

there are little empty(bunches of 5-6 plus)seed pod(like the little thing seeds are incased in)seedpod thingies , i don't know what to call them popping up in groves around the 14 or so budsights.Bring them on, NOW I can WATCH a Nug grow, not just break it up and stick it in something to burn and get merry. . . Again, I am working on a way to get some pics. To be honest I am scared to post any even if I had a cam (and was actually growing something). I'll get into that on another forum but, how does that sound.Fresh air from under my house....I have the heat closed off for that room so it does not ever get very hot in there and this will be doubly so once I get this fresh air pump installed. . . . .

thanks, again, I have been diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and cannot be trusted with the facts or exactly what reality is.I am a nut.


Sounds like you have male "balls" not buds going on there unless there are 2 white "hairs" coming out of each pod then you have a male plant mate.


New member
I studied the every picture I could to sex this plant and despite the fact that something is forming, they DO NOT look like little bananas, at every node there are preflowers. Now if I can upload a pic, I can show you what I am getting. I really don't think this is a male.

How DO you upload pics? I get a box that wants some kind of URL and I don't understand what they entails. Do I have to have my pics already hosted and post a link? please help.


This is a google image i found , to a pic and a link to a thread. I have what look like female pre-flowers but they have not put out pistils yet. What I have is what is shown in this pic but I cannot find any pistil developement as of yet. It does state in this thread that pistils may not form right away I am not going to yank it yet.

Even though she's asleep i went and looked all over. I see tiny short little pistils coming out of what is forming. . . . . I am gonna give it time and pray.
I am trying to find a way to post pics though. . .
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Take Five...
I agree sounds like boys, not girls. Are you sure the preflowers you saw were female?

Like chomp said, there needs to be white hair(s) protruding from the female calyxes. No hairs, no lady.


Take Five...
You need to tell ICMag where your photos are on your computer with the browse button, then upload. It is a 2 step process and takes awhile sometimes so be patient.

That pic you posted is male, definitely.

This is a female - note the 2 fuzzy white hairs coming from the flower...no hairs, no girl.



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
The picture directly above is female, what I see in your pic is a male. The banana shape takes form after they pop and release pollen. the casing splits at the seems and whats left after the pollen is gone looks like a bunch of bananas. I'm saying it like it is. I have a male and female in a box making seeds and I have a grouping that looks just like yours and it's on the male plant.

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