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My ladies aren't too healthy


i have a few seedlings going. The color of the leaves is very lime green as opposed to dark green. The tips of the leaves are yellow. I fed them liquid karma but the veg mix, it was definitely too early for these seedlings.

I've just been using plain water and they've been transplanted into Roots 707.

Any advice or should i just keep giving them PH balance water? I've been aiming for 6.5-7 on the ph.


Active member
Seedlings as in how old?1 week....3 weeks....5 weeks?

I would add only water with your roots soil and you should be fine if they are still just "seedlings"


Guest 18340

Without pics or more details; Whenever my seedlings turned light green it was from over watering.


I'll see if i can get you guys pictures.

They were a lush dark green. Then one day i forgot to water and a few of them curled up quite a bit.

After that they recovered but the leaf tips were a bit crunchy.

Then i gave them liquid karma but it was too strong and they got yellow tips.

They about a week or so old now. The leaves on one of them is pretty droopy.

How do i know if im over watering? I got so worried about under-watering that i could easily be over watering.


New member
Are the bottom leaves darker than the top leaves? Usually the light green color of the leaves is related to nitrogen deficiency.
Are you using any fertilizers? Because it happened so quickly (like you said with one day?), The pH may be too low and because of that the nutes are "locked in". (sorry for my bad english)


I was running the PH between 6-7 aiming for 7.0. I saw in a video that they go for 5.0 to 5.5 for their rockwool cubes for seedlings. I might lower my pH.

Is 6-7 too high for seedlings?

The top of them is lime green. They are definitely a little burned because of me.

I think 2 of them may be dead already, they haven't been showing much growth.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
5.8 is for Hydro (including rockwool) 6.5 is for soil.

Your seedlings are a bit young for food at this point. However, Liquid Karma isn't food, like Steak and Lobster, it's an additive, like a Flintstone's vitamin. Food would be PureBlendPro from Botanicare or Flora series from GH.


Active member
You have severly burned your babies :(

They will probably not survive. .. . But you could try flushing those containers out.

Good luck with your next seedlings.


6.5 low to 7.0 high you should be fine if they are going in soilless or soil. That's what I have seen my "guru" go for with his.

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