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My intro and a request for a little help


Trying to have a good day
Yes, there's a relationship between soil staying too wet for too long and the amount of time it takes for it to 'go bad' on you- the reaction where the lime neutralizes acid from the peat happens in aqueous solution; basically, if your soil is wet all the time you are going to see your pH drop faster, the roots will not be able to uptake nutes also because they need oxygen, and the particle size of your medium will also break down.
It's easy to avoid this- re-pot into pots only SLIGHTLY larger each time, so that you don't end up with whole soil zones that the roots can't access and therefor jsut SIT THERE wet and stagnant when you water.

I got the above from here.It was advice that was given.

I had already did what was mentioned..but they were put in pots alot bigger..will it matter much?

the nutes being used are BC "recipe for success"..Basically the "recipe" is just followed.
And they have all been pruned lately.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Your plants should be fine, just water them a little less often...More than three or four days between watering is too much water. So just skip a day or two of water until they are under control. Check with your fingers and by lifting the pot. If u have a moisture probe chuck the worthless pos or give it to someone who needs to rely on it.

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