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MY GOD!! Now I Know WHY The Bees Are Dying Off....


this been going on for some years allready. i have heard numbers between 20-40%, and now up to 50 %. so how many per cent of the original bee population is left? they must be sperad pretty thin by now.


I'd heard about the parasitic zombie fly larvae, but the freakishly large hornets are new to me. Those big f&ckers are creepy.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I don't know the real name of the hornets I have around here but I've always called them sand hornets. If you have a pile of sand you'll find the gigantic fucks in there. These things look exactly like them. I've seen them carry off small lizards before. They are about 2 to 2.5 inches long and when you get stung it feels like you got hit with a hammer. Nasty bastards.


Active member
hmm first they going after our whales and now the bees ?

Once times an samurai forevern an samurai.
Better understand why over the last yeras,they dissapered
but not the samruai, thats bad.

mad librettist

Active member
I don't know the real name of the hornets I have around here but I've always called them sand hornets. If you have a pile of sand you'll find the gigantic fucks in there. These things look exactly like them. I've seen them carry off small lizards before. They are about 2 to 2.5 inches long and when you get stung it feels like you got hit with a hammer. Nasty bastards.

Probably cicada killers. They are massive


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Actually, it's only US bees which are dying off, probably due to multiple reasons, one being they're always in movement (on trailer trucks going from crop to crop), that's a lot of stress. Then there are possible pesticide links, and possibly some new diseases, most likely taken hold because of the pesticide weakened stressed hives.
The implications of the spread are alarming. Most of the world’s crops depend on pollination by bees. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, “man would have only four years of life left”.


Active member
Some interesting bee facts:

If you give them cocaine they exaggerate: that is, they signal other bees that they've found food, or more food, when they haven't.


Bees could be much better as sniffer creatures than dogs -- watch out if you see a cop with a bee on a leash:


And I didn't see anyone post it, so here's the revenge video where the Japanese bees meet the Japanese hornet -- they evolved together, so, unlike the European bees, the Japanese bees know how to take these hornets downtown:


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