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My girls are flowering in central texas???


I got a couple of girls of girls im growing and they are starting to bud.I will post pics later just wondering why and it july?


Throbbing Member
What is your light schedule 13-11 or closer to 14-10??? Any indica in the strains? Do you live close to Luckenbach ;)


I've got a white widow starting full bloom. Hawaiians, no, vegging like crazy. I'm at lat 33N. This widow is getting pollinated - huge yield - fast vigorous outdoor grower - early flower - strong smell. Got a little PM I need to knock out.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Nearly all indica bearing cannabis plants flower at 14 hrs. Most will flower at 14.5. Im at 36N, and my normal flower onset is the last week of july - aug 1. Of my 40 plants, i have 3 that are already producing flowers.

Since you are south of me, i would expect your crop to set flower a week to 10 days earlier, so......


I was waiting for this thread to pop up ;) I'm around 43*n and one of my bag seed plants showed sex on July 4th, I think a lot of growers are using earlier strains these days as I can remember years back I considered plants showing sex the first week of august as early. The first week of July is nuts, as well as the autoflowers, I have some of those in full swing- you know, that point when you go & look at them and you start having panic attacks because you wish they would be done but you know there is another month left.

Shit I am still putting stuff out!

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I'm in Florida and any strain that has any significant Indica genetics starts to flower for me right about now. We're 20+ days past the summer solstice and once the days begin to shorten, that is the trigger for most cannabis plants to flower. What's even worse for me is that just when these plants are finishing is the middle of hurricane season and when it's still hot, sticky and humid. So if I don't have to hump big plants in and out of shelter from the rain and humidity, they may be abused by hurricane force winds or overrun by aphids and whiefiles.

The answer (for me anyway) is that from June 1 on, all my plants have low voltage lighting around them to manipulate the photo-period and trick them into thinking that there is still 17+ hours of daylight. Keeps them in a vegetative state and I can then remove the lighting around October 1 and flower in a less humid and somewhat cooler part of the year which helps all the way around. Obviously this is not the answer for guerrilla grows, but for medical grows or urban stealth grows, this technique is outstanding. This is how I keep all my Mom's outdoors and has worked for me for 4 years now.


It is an odd year again this year. Last year was wierd too. Global shift?

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Yes kannubis YES!!!

Ive been growing for a while and the way i grow now is much differnt than in the past. For some reason, each year now has its own little set of nightmarish conditions that even experience wont prepare you for.


Hey, D.S. Toker,
I have an indi mix plant that took a super early start. Flowering was going on not just starting around June 7 or so. It was only a bit after I started tarping a pineapple express plant on June 1 when I noticed it was almost as far along with no light dep. Looks like it might have revegged a bit though because the nuggs are still only half the size of the tarped PX. June 1 was a bit over 15 hours daylength here.

Adaptation makes things work out. Glad I have thumbs too. HEHE

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