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My Girl and I found out we're pregnant...

As long as he's happy to be a parent I don't know why he'd let comments like depths bring him down anyway. Theres no need to get all huffy and puffy about it. Smoke a blunt or something and calm down. Honestly, I thought about making similar comments and realized some of you guys would probably get pissed off and not understand the humor behind it. Some people like myself and depths will just never understand why or how people get joyed over child birth. Its just a real mystery to me. I really just can't stand kids at all and am just against the idea since most (not saying you are) are idiots and they train their kids to be idiots just like them. Plus I don't know why/how anyone stays up with a child all night without killing it.

But hey, your happy... so like I said don't let us drag you down.
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Hey I wasn't thinking of posting because I don't really know ya to well, but when i read what Depths said,


All the best for you, your wife, and newborns!!!



Well-known member
Congrats ArcticBlast to you and your girl. :joint:

Twins by the New Year and you're just now finding out? :muahaha:

How were you all able to miss all of the telltale signs for so long? :nono:


Exactly :yeahthats Depths advise would be good if either 1)he was upset about being a father, 2)too poor to support his kids, or 3)too dumb to raise them. Since 1 is obviouslly not the case, and there are absolutely no indications that 2 or 3 is, i say congratulations, fatherhood isn't for everybody, but it sure helps if you start out happy about it.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor

I got a newborn too. Congrats. You like cigars? A fine cuban cigar is always cool with your friends. You should look into saving the cord blood.


ArcticBlast: Congratulations on your news, and good luck with the twins. I have two boys very close in age (not as close as you will though) and I have to say you WILL have your hands full. The "whos peen is bigger" crap that boys go through with thier siblings can be trying. There will be great times, and there will be horrible times (as there always are in life) but always remember that even the bad times work out pretty good in the end. Just hang in there and find your way threw the tough parts, so you can all enjoy the good times.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Wow thanks everyone!

Depths and George, i respect your opinion, but i'm very happy about our news!
And no, even if we wanted to go to planned parenthood, dont you think 7months is a little too late? haha :bashhead:

My girl has been showing for about 4 months, but she assumed it was weight gain :laughing:

I'm actually kind of glad that we didnt know for the whole 9 months, because now its like PregnancyExpress or something :headbange We only have to wait a month or two instead of like 8!

I want to post a pic of the ultrasound, but is that incriminating in some way?

Well, we're really excited, and have a LOT to do in the next month or so! We're moving out this weekend into a bigger and better house (in the MIDDLE of the woods :joint: ) and it already has a furnished baby room. Not to mention, the little guys' grandparents and great grandparents are FLIPPING THEIR SHIT at the fact that babies are coming, so we're going to get plenty of help in the parenting department (not to mention, free childcare heh)

Thanks so much for the replies, i'm trying to rep everyone that gave one! PhenoMenal, apparently i rep you too much haha

NAMES, people, names!
Listen, I want to apologize. I didn't realize your girl was 7 months when I made that comment, so please disregard the planned parenthood link. Planned parenthood charges $400 for a first-tri-mester abortion. Look at the bright side, because your girl is 7 months, you can get one for free. Go see Dr. Metal Flight Of Stairs. It's not too late until the baby starts poking his head through the hole. Find yourself a good flight of stairs now and fix your problem, ASAP!


New member
To depths of OG

Your a piece of crap. literaly. Every comment you make is moronic and filled with hatred. I can just imagine who you are, a lonely 16 year old boy, rejected by your classmates, must find somewhere for refuge. Unfortunately you picked here and not that 12 gauge in the mouth. Shut your pie hole buddy. Your rude and hate-filled comments are not necessary.

Your a waste of sperm buddy, shoulda been a blowjob.

To the man with the baby,

Congrats, a journey begins in your life. :)
Good luck to you my friend.
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haha yeah that is a shitty thing to say to someone i think you should have been burred with OG saying shit like that, im surprised you didn't get banned from OG

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
ArcticBlast said:
Wow thanks everyone!

Depths and George, i respect your opinion, but i'm very happy about our news!
And no, even if we wanted to go to planned parenthood, dont you think 7months is a little too late? haha :bashhead:

My girl has been showing for about 4 months, but she assumed it was weight gain :laughing:

I'm actually kind of glad that we didnt know for the whole 9 months, because now its like PregnancyExpress or something :headbange We only have to wait a month or two instead of like 8!

I want to post a pic of the ultrasound, but is that incriminating in some way?

Well, we're really excited, and have a LOT to do in the next month or so! We're moving out this weekend into a bigger and better house (in the MIDDLE of the woods :joint: ) and it already has a furnished baby room. Not to mention, the little guys' grandparents and great grandparents are FLIPPING THEIR SHIT at the fact that babies are coming, so we're going to get plenty of help in the parenting department (not to mention, free childcare heh)

Thanks so much for the replies, i'm trying to rep everyone that gave one! PhenoMenal, apparently i rep you too much haha

NAMES, people, names!

Want some names...how about Cheech and Chong. LoL.


Well-known member
Depths Of OG said:
Listen, I want to apologize. I didn't realize your girl was 7 months when I made that comment, so please disregard the planned parenthood link. Planned parenthood charges $400 for a first-tri-mester abortion. Look at the bright side, because your girl is 7 months, you can get one for free. Go see Dr. Metal Flight Of Stairs. It's not too late until the baby starts poking his head through the hole. Find yourself a good flight of stairs now and fix your problem, ASAP!

Depths of OG, I'm taking bets that you will be banned before Thanksgiving Day, untill that time comes please spare the rest of us from your sick & childish comments and save them for your boy friends in the public baths. Personally I'm surprised you have yet to be banned, however, after your latest post I'm confident you wont make it to Turkey Day.

Anyone that would like a little action & the latest odds on Dick of OG, please feel free to PM me.


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sunshine in a bag
Abortion, it really brings out the kid in you.

See, I can make tasteless jokes too!
CONGRATS! Raising children is one of the most rewarding, if not physically taxing, things you can do. I've raised one so far, and she's turned into a beautiful, smart (definitely smarter than me), ambitious 15 year old who is destined for great things. You'll be amazed, confused, happy, irritated, joyous, disgusted, and always at least a little bit proud (x2 in your case!). You've got quite an adventure ahead, and I think you'll enjoy it.

Here's to you and your wife, and the two in the oven. :woohoo:


BTW, I love BigNugget's suggestion!

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Active member
... kids ... man ... when I see parents walking around, talking like they're with their kids (go potty, poopy, hungee), when they're NOT with their kids. It makes me not want to have kids. That, and kids having a meltdown in public places aren't a big encouragement either.

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