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My GF just chopped her 13+ year dreadlocks

G. Sensi

Much respect Sistren, I feel we were both just lookin out for you....

Knotty, I dont know what would make you to feel that Man is lying... Nok didnt say his Locks were hurting him, he said his GF was feeling pain... You cant possibly tell anyone what they feel or dont feel.... Nok also said that he couldnt even be in the room when She cut them...So he must have been attached to them... He also said she became physically ILL after cutting them, so obviously she was extremely attached to Her Locks and didnt want to do it for ANY reason... Its none of my business, granted, but what do you feel he is lying about?

I question you Locks Man, why would any Dread, especially a Dread that have had his Locks for 20 some odd years, sit there and cast a stone like that? I could judge you big man as being weak for cuttin your Locks for ANY reason and I know a few brethren that would... Are you prepared to catch that same stone?

If you was really the Knotty boy you claimin to be, you would have respected that Sistren and even encouraged her to grow them back again and explain to her how you keep your back strong so the Locks dont cause damage... A real Locks Man knows Respect

Jah Bless you just the same

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posting pics of illegal plants are more likely to get you busted than hair

**But thanks for looking out for me, I removed the pic
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G. Sensi

Uh oooh.... Zombie I think you misread Tickets post.... He was talkin to Dollar thats why he quoted his last post...and then Said Happy Earth Day to you at the end as a side note

It may have been harsh but Him and I were just lookin out for you regarding the Picture (I think he was trying to say Make sure your posts are secure 1st then show us that you have Locks 2nd)
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yeah...I think I did...sorry Ticket....my bad, I'm pretty high still, it's my day of rest after all...either way...I took the pic down...I hate to rock the boat, yah know?
Well son - Lots of people grow pot. I grow plenty of pot.

But im not an idiot. People arent looking for me and my pot, nor do I think they are.

The police are not on here looking at pictures and cross referencing them with the NCRD. It isnt happening. They also are not driving around trying to match faces in the city they patrol. you are fucking delusional.

Sensi, in your first post you said that not all dreads have spiritual connection with their locks, some in fact lock their hair as purely a fashion statement. So why should I automatically feel some connection. Thats even more stupid than people who get caught up in ethnic pride drivel. as for trimming my locks. How could you judge me? My locks serve no religious purpose. There is no mandate saying I shall not touch my hair with a razor's edge. I trimmed my hair because after the 5th time they land on a 800 degree plate and get singed the combination of smells alone is enough to make you remedy the situation.

G. Sensi

KnottyDollar said:
Sensi, in your first post you said that not all dreads have spiritual connection with their locks, some in fact lock their hair as purely a fashion statement. So why should I automatically feel some connection. Thats even more stupid than people who get caught up in ethnic pride drivel. as for trimming my locks. How could you judge me? My locks serve no religious purpose. There is no mandate saying I shall not touch my hair with a razor's edge. I trimmed my hair because after the 5th time they land on a 800 degree plate and get singed the combination of smells alone is enough to make you remedy the situation.
Knotty, you are reading what you want to read....Thats true I did say not everyone has a connection, but the post I just wrote to you said nothing about Connections, spirituality, religion, ethnicity or mandates... I talked simply about Respect...

If you really have them then I KNOW with out a shadow of a doubt that in 20 years you have been misjudged and riduculed for your Locks on more than one occasion...probably lost job oppurtunities and maybe even a girl or two along the way bc of them... and having experienced this, you're the one that sounds stupid being the first to Knock a fellow Dread, what for not being Strong enough?

You may not have a spiritual connection to your Locks, but at the very very least couldnt you respect Nok's Girlfreind for likely having gone thru similar nagative experiences as you bc of them? Doesnt that connect you on some level in some tiny way?

Theres no way that Locks down to your feet didnt also weigh like 100 pounds, and even more when they were wet... They MUST have gotten caught in doorways, and clothes and that Shit hurts!! I know on days when Im sick and weak its hard just keeping my head straight, so I can imagine that other people who have longer Locks than I must feel even more pain and strain from them at times....

You called Nok a Liar, and thats a pretty hard judgement in anyones book... And Im guessin that you probably didnt read everything he said after the first post in this thread before you wrote it... I asked you WHY you thought he was lying and you managed to skip over it...

I simply said that I too could sit on a pedestal and throw judgements at you, the point I was making is that we are both wrong to do so...

Why are Your SAFETY reasons less valid then Nok's GF's Safety reasons... You dont wanna singe your hair, she doesnt want her back to hurt.... That makes her a liar?


Of course I have been ridiculed. And if you read what I posted, I never said anything bad about the girl who had to cut her hair.

100 pounds? are you serious? maybe more like 40. you must be one of those guys that thinks his pinky is 6 inches long.. and 3 inches around.


Active member
"knotty" it doesnt really matter to me if you think im lying or not. I have better things to do than to make up lies on the internet....and why would someone make up a lie about this :confused:

there are people on this website and in this thread that know me personally...i can assure you that i'm not lying