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My GF just chopped her 13+ year dreadlocks


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mostly due to medical issues (headaches, severe back and shoulder pain) my GF has cut her dreads that she has had for 13 years almost to the day, and she hasn't cut her hair since she was 11 years old. (shes 31 now)

she didn't chop them completly yet....they were all over 3.5 feet long and the longest one was 4 foot 3 inches (they went beyond the back of her knees)

well she cut them all down to 22 inches and is gonna comb and condition her hair as it grows from the scalp for the next few months so that she doesn't have to shave her head.... shell prolly chop them the rest when she has 8 or so inches of combed hair growth. (this was my suggestion to avoid shaving her head)

i wish i could post sum pics, but she is VERY well known for her dreads, and it would be a security risk.

I'm sorta sad, but I understand ....I chopped my own dreads twice in the time she's had hers, and keep my head shaved now.

she got physically sick when she cut the first one (i refused to partake in this cutting event...but wasnt mad)

...she's in good spirits right now and says it has already made a big difference.

I'm down for whatever
How the hell do dreadlocks give you headaches and back pain, etc?

I'm not calling you a liar or anything....I just don't undserstand why it would be the case.

But when all is said and done....good luck to the both of ya.


Mr.Botanical said:
How the hell do dreadlocks give you headaches and back pain, etc?

I'm not calling you a liar or anything....I just don't undserstand why it would be the case.

But when all is said and done....good luck to the both of ya.
Same reason big cans give ladies backaches...

Lotsa weight, tuggin' ya down. Musta been some hellacious headaches - glad she's gonna be OK.

Peace and pot to you both.


Active member
Mr.Botanical said:
How the hell do dreadlocks give you headaches and back pain, etc?

I'm not calling you a liar or anything....I just don't undserstand why it would be the case.

But when all is said and done....good luck to the both of ya.

the weight of her hair constantly on her neck and back....mostly (i've never was one to buy that reason) ...mostly because she's stronger than most people i know.

w/ dreads tho u get stray hairs that pulll from crazy places....that can cause headaches, and i'll attest to that.


DAMN, those must of been some monster dreadlocks! Frame em and slap em up on the wall, seems like something to be proud of.


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ICMag Donor
I have personally never understood the allure of the concept. No offense intended, I just don't see how anyone could hang with not washing their hair and scalp.


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her mom ...who supposedly hated her dreads, but we always knew that she loved 'em....actually bitched at her tonight .

her mom said she should have shaved her head and "sold" them....said she could have got a cpl. grand for them and that there are people who will buy dreads.

pretty "offensive" if you ask me....but her mom usually does go out of her way to be "offensive" like that.


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hoosierdaddy said:
I have personally never understood the allure of the concept. No offense intended, I just don't see how anyone could hang with not washing their hair and scalp.

if u have dreads u wash .

...you dont condition....and you dont comb....thats all

plz. dont make stupid comments..im not in the mood :nono:


Custom User Title
It's ridiculous how many people think dreads mean you don't wash your hair. I tried em out, the look just was not me so my head got shaved soon after. I'll probably give them another shot sometime in my life though, so we'll see. Hope she feels better now that the weight has been lifted! :wave:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I assume shes a Rastafarian... if so I'm really sorry. The King of Kings would understand her pain. I hope the both of you good health and spiritual healing.


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NOKUY said:
the weight of her hair constantly on her neck and back....mostly (i've never was one to buy that reason) ...mostly because she's stronger than most people i know.
I actually can explain this...really....and from some experience.
Most of the time when people get headaches they get what are termed "tension headaches". Now, when we say tension, it's not meant as in someone is under some emotional tension per se but it refers to the relative amount of relaxation or tension in the muscles of the head & neck. When the muscles are under too much tension they can spasam & that causes pain. There is some other stuff I could comment on here but it's not directly related to this case (check out the "webmd" site for more info on tension headache if you're interested). At any rate what was most likely happening with nokuy's GF is that extra weight of the hair was making those neck & head muscles work extra hard & being in a constant state of contraction..... that was causing the pain.
Hope she is feeling better!!


Reminds me of the Linval Thompson song or actually songs.

First: Don't you cut off your dreadlocks, let it grow let it grow let it growowow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu5JimxoIgc

Second:If you don't have a long long dreadlocks I sorry for you, I sorry for you and you and you. Every dreadlocks man must have a dreadlocks woman, and every dreadlocks woman must have a long long dreadlocks. If you don't have a long dreadlocks you never gonna reach no where. chi chi wa wa


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og dmc said:
Is that her picture in your avatar? Looks like she could use some lotion. Kinda ashy


serious prolly.

get over yourself kiddo. :bashhead:

u wanna clown lets go ta town :headbange