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My first show!

DJ Magic

thanks a lot guys. I don't really have much to compare to other than all the pictures I see here and in various books/magazines, and one tour of soma's garden over a decade ago, so I appreciate the kind words and encouragement.

and thanks for dropping in epicseeds, I was checking out your thread the other day, and I'll definitely be watching.
btw - were you originally wired for 240? If not, what'd that cost you?

DJ Magic

Day 36, and things are moving along. I didn't get any pictures of them but the Lemon G's are starting to fill in, though I think they're still going to finish a week or so after everyone else. The bubba kush nugs are rock hard all the way from top to bottom. the sweet tooths seem to be getting fatter every day, and the death stars seem to be coming along nicely as well.
I need to get some more ladybugs - the gnats seem to have decreased in number drastically, but they're not totally gone yet. sometimes the ladybugs seem to spend all their time running around the lips of the pots...but apparently they're doing some eating, and that's what counts.
how's about some pictures?

death star



Sweet Tooth



Bubba Kush



thanks for dropping in! I'm open to questions, comments, complaints, and suggestions...

DJ Magic

Time for an update:
so we're somewhere between day 46-48. I was dealing with some serious climate control issues, the room got up to 90 a couple times before I finally employed a solution that seems to have done the trick. I'm pulling cold air in from an adjacent room with a 6" booster fan in a hole in the wall just above the floor, keeping my daytime temps between 77.5-79.5. I got my repaired CO2 monitor/controller back from hydroinnovations too, and finally feel like things are running as they should be...though something tells me not to get used to such a feeling...
the girls look to be recovering from the heat stress quite well. I've cut their nutrients to half-strength (except for the cal-mag), and also added drip-clean 2 or 3 watering/feedings ago.
everyone is fattening up nicely, as they also really seem to respond well to the addition of the DynaGrow Bloom i added to their diet recently.
It still looks like some of these girls are gonna go right around the 65 days I was told they would - some are gonna go closer to 80. but everyone's gonna be right in that 15 day window i think.
how about some pictures?

Anybody got a minute?



Sweet Tooth

thanks for dropping in! say hi! I gotta figure out a way to spice up my first thread! :wave:

DJ Magic

thanks for dropping in, and thanks for the kind words. all of you here at icmag have been incredibly helpful over the last few months.
Today is day 58/59. I should be into flush by now - at least for the sweet tooths and maybe the bubba's - but I mixed too much food last time, though it was diluted to about 60%. it's been further cut in half and its at about 30% for the feeding their getting today. next one will be 15%...I just hate throwing away food, I suppose. But sweet tooth and bubba kush are just starting to show cloudy/milky, with deathstar behind them, and lemg behind that, so I guess I'm not too worried. if i don't start cutting at day 66, and wait til 68 or so on the first ones, it's not that big of a deal, right?
this being my first run, i'm not sure how long it takes in between clear>milky, and milky>amber transitions...guess I'll find out. I just know at this point I'm not rushing anything, but I want to make sure I get a good flush before cutting. I feed/water to about 15-20% run-off, and drip-clean has been in the mix for the last 5 weeks or so, but I'd still like to get a good 7-10 day flush, despite the gradual reduction in nute strength. any thoughts?
well, time to get to work...i'll try to get some pictures in the garden to share later today.


Active member
What a show :yes: keep up the good work, unfortanely I came in a little, but will defently follow the rest , again I must say really nice :yes: :yes:

:joint: :tiphat:

DJ Magic


so, got some more photos today while working in the garden...had to re-stake some of the lemg's and a deathstar that had gotten a lil top-heavy...
"That's what I like to call one of them good problems to have..."

picture time:

one of the LEMG's, starting to show some nice colors in the flowers (i have a question about these later)

one of the deathstars - also starting to show some nice colors in the flower - some light green and purples...their leaves are going yellow first, but their flowers aren't the most mature...

sweeth tooth - these are by far the most dense and heavy flowers in the garden and will be the first ones to finish i think.

another sweet tooth

bubba kush


deathstar again

and another lemg

i get more excited with each passing day.

oh yea - my question about the lemon g - the person who gave me the genetics now says he's pretty sure he mixed up the mom's when giving me the cuttings, and thinks he gave me his HP13 cross (hash plant x g-13)...I've never seen either, so if anyone has an opinion, please feel free to share. I'll say its got big indica-style leaves, especially in veg, but its a sativa-like plant in that its tall, not super bushy, and has slower maturing, not-quite-as-dense flowers...i can also say that it smells like a cross between orange rinds and gravy whenever you touch it. if anyone has a clue, let me know.
thanks for dropping by. :tiphat:

who dat is

Cave Dweller
orange rinds and grazy? :laughing: What a combo, hahahahaha. Sorry I don't have any better info for you but they are all looking really good man. :yes: