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My first observations growing with Coco: Coco vs Soil

I decided to take up growing in coco after recent horrible pH problems in soil.

This observation is hardly scientific but I figured I let you guys know about it anyways..

I have six Auto Flowering Kush Ryder plants in a 1 gallon pots. I also have three of the same plants in soil. Plus one more in a coco soil mixture. All under the same 600 watt HPS. They are 14 days old.

I feed the coco plants 600 PPM of nutrients every other day with pure watering in between to avoid salt build up. I am not doing any run off.

I feed the soil plants 600 PPM every other other day with pure water in between.

My observations: I noticed that the coco plants are growing much faster. Yet, they appear more yellow than the soil plants.

The soil plants are shorter. They do however look much greener than the coco plants.

Feel free to comment guys! Thanks for dropping by.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah your soil probably has a good bit of available nutes in it, coco has damn near none. YOu'll need to feed the coco quite a bit more than the soil I imagine.


Hey guys. Thanks for the replies. I do appreciate it.

So how much more do you think I should feed? 600 ppm is not enough? They are only 15 days old. 600 ppm is about 1 EC.

The coco plant's color is more green towards the bottom of the plant, whereas the newer growth further up (and the newest) is more or less lime green to yellow green.

Though the soil grow is slow and not as tall. It is green throughout. A healthy green.

Nitrogen deficiencies generally effect the plant from the bottom up, not top to bottom...?


i don't have any test equipment, so i can't give you numbers.... I would use very small increments and take note. too much can equal death, while too little won't get her full either.

just out of a guess maybe 100 ppm or so at a time.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
canna i noticed that too on mine like the were growing so fast they were almsot yellow... THen i put them in organic teas and they got green again.... maybe just need to do more... 600 is not the heavy of a feeding imho

i think 800 would be alright but it plant dependent one may eat 1200ppm's the other 700...

just got to see if it burns the tips... if it doesnt after a week or so you should be fine might want to increase it again... all on you... if you keep testing the waters youll be able to dial a plant in and get the most out of her....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
yea... for sure... like i said its strain dependent but thats a safe number....


well first of all, what kind of nutes are you using? yellowing from the top could be magnesium... and if your using a non-coco specific nute you might need to compensate for cocos needy-ness (higher N, more Mg, less k)

I tried feeding every other watering to cut down on nute usage and ran into problems as well. I feed full strength now every day till just barely any runoff, then flush once a week. (feed right after flush)


depends how lime color it is, new growth is lighter in color than older growth too

70's rock

My plants in coco are also, well not yellow, but light green. However, they get darker after 2-4 weeks, depending on potsize. I am fairly sure this is because coco has nearly no N and excess K. It takes a while for the medium to balance itself (there is a word for it, cation exchange?). This can be avioded by rincing well and let it soak in a nute solution a few days before using it.


Overkill is under-rated.
As long as theyve got feet I like to feed em til I get a tiny bit of tip burn, then dilute the mix with plain water a little. They will eat a surprising amount of nutes and grow astonishingly well this way, but I am about to start it with my current batch in coco for the first time.


I think the amount you are feeding is fine quit feeding and flushing.Feed every time you water start your ph at 5.8 and keep a eye on your e.c you can let your ph drift not to much.

You can either flush when your ph or e.c gets out of desired range or or give it a liberal amount of run off with every feeding and if that does not work as already stated up the e.c a fraction be care full not to burn

And my last bit of advice read Heads sticky again your answers are their



Active member
well first of all, what kind of nutes are you using? yellowing from the top could be magnesium... and if your using a non-coco specific nute you might need to compensate for cocos needy-ness (higher N, more Mg, less k)

I tried feeding every other watering to cut down on nute usage and ran into problems as well. I feed full strength now every day till just barely any runoff, then flush once a week. (feed right after flush)

I agree with greenatik, coco locks up calcium and magnesium and has an excess of potassium. When you talk about your soil plant as much slower and greener and more healthy looking, thats exactly what i was experiencing when doing the same trial. Putting more lime than usual in your potting medium would help fix this problem, but i think that you will have to add extra magnesium towards week 2-4 flowering depending on how long you veg for. There is a nice little product called Mag-i-cal that will fix this coco issue no problem.

peace stoners

PS: i have had much better looking plants using a soil / coco mix
well first of all, what kind of nutes are you using? yellowing from the top could be magnesium... and if your using a non-coco specific nute you might need to compensate for cocos needy-ness (higher N, more Mg, less k)

I tried feeding every other watering to cut down on nute usage and ran into problems as well. I feed full strength now every day till just barely any runoff, then flush once a week. (feed right after flush)

I am using tap water, which is on the harder side. FoxFarm's Nutes. Liquid Karma. SWEET....All of which are balanced and have fairly large amounts of Mg and Ca. I am using a formula that I created to hit target PPM's in the NPK range. See above!!^^^^ Mixed together, I should have enough Ca and Mg.

My plants in coco are also, well not yellow, but light green. However, they get darker after 2-4 weeks, depending on potsize. I am fairly sure this is because coco has nearly no N and excess K. It takes a while for the medium to balance itself (there is a word for it, cation exchange?). This can be avioded by rincing well and let it soak in a nute solution a few days before using it.

Good tip! I will do that next time.

I think the amount you are feeding is fine quit feeding and flushing.Feed every time you water start your ph at 5.8 and keep a eye on your e.c you can let your ph drift not to much.

You can either flush when your ph or e.c gets out of desired range or or give it a liberal amount of run off with every feeding and if that does not work as already stated up the e.c a fraction be care full not to burn

And my last bit of advice read Heads sticky again your answers are their


Cool thanks! Its good to know that at least I am on track. I just want to really dial them in so they grow optimally. As of right now I do not have a EC or pH meter. I do have a Refractometer, that gives a similar reading to a hydrometer, which measures the water's specific gravity. This reading shows how much salt there is in the water. 1.000 being freshwater and 1.015 being brackish water and 1.023 being ocean saltwater.

I also have a liquid pH test kit. I will try to shoot for 6 until I get good equipment.

I also have this new thing I will do. Its called "FLUSH FRIDAYS". I will just flush on fridays on every week. This should avoid any build ups.

I agree with greenatik, coco locks up calcium and magnesium and has an excess of potassium. When you talk about your soil plant as much slower and greener and more healthy looking, thats exactly what i was experiencing when doing the same trial. Putting more lime than usual in your potting medium would help fix this problem, but i think that you will have to add extra magnesium towards week 2-4 flowering depending on how long you veg for. There is a nice little product called Mag-i-cal that will fix this coco issue no problem.

peace stoners

PS: i have had much better looking plants using a soil / coco mix

Yeah these are autoflowers and they will flower in about 5 days lol. I do need to pick up some cal mag from botanicare.
So I just found my first male. I pulled him. MANNN, the roots were phenomenal so white and healthy looking.

I like to reuse mediums and compost them. The roots did not hold the medium like it does to soil. Its just soo fluffy and airy that the roots just let go.

Its easier to clean up because it is clean! Thus, far...I am so pleased with coco.



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