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My First Mushie Grow


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OK...the trip...it started out in the front of my forehead...a pressure building up...and I started getting rather fatigued. I think I smoked too much weed. Anyway, I had to lie down. So I started imagining all kinds of images, things in the past, all just going a millions miles an hour, like a giant string of movie clips. And then my body became more sensitive to touch which was interesting. At first the rush didn't feel too great, but once the trip got going, it was mellow and nice. I eventually drifted off to sleep and that was the end of it.

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
Penis Envy!!

Penis Envy!!

I cannot believe it. Just yesterday I saw the PE cake all dried out and it looked dead on top. So, today I was going to chuck the whole thing, just like the B+. A bit of explanation...when I dumped these in the back of my shed, I merely slid the whole thing with the black plastic bag on the bottom onto the wood chips behind my shed. I watered daily and just let the couple hours of sun have their way with them. Then I decided to case and cover the B+. That was about two weeks ago. The PE just sat there uncovered for about a month now.

So, I lifted the PE cake from the black plastic and this is what the bottom of the cake looks like:


Wow! So I have a clear lid on that and it is sitting next to the B+ which also has a clear lid. Both are still at the back of the shed outside.

I think I'm gonna case the PE and just leave it for a while. Or maybe just leave it uncased? Heck there's a couple small pins already. Nice.


OK...it's uncased and covered with the clear lid. Just rained last night, so it is humid and about 72 degrees outside. And the cake is nice and moist, but not damp.

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
Will do, 79. I've left it uncased and covered with a clear lid. Is it a problem if they get direct sunlight (in the morning) for a couple hours a day? Still covered with clear lid, of course. Wasn't too sure if that was a problem. I figured it would encourage pinning.

I'm gonna pick up some rye berries tomorrow and probably start the Honduras strain this week.

~Abbie :joint:


cant stop wont stop
what up Abbie, sorry to hear about the tough luck, but hey thats what 1st runs are for..
cant wait to see what ya salvage on those odoors and much luck with the new strains :joint:


Active member
Hey check out the penis envy mushies I'm getting...





That's three different locations, left (two pics), upper right, and bottom right.

It has been nice and warm and humid here, 73 deg F and 83 percent humidity right now. I had the lid off for a while to let the rain drizzle onto the cake and it is nice and wet now, but no standing water around the cake. I'm leaving the lid on now to keep the rain out.

Can't wait for these...looks like I might get more than a handful this time...

~Abbie :joint:


Wait until you see how long PE fruits take to develope.. They take longer then regular Cubensis.. About a week really.. The stems get really thick.. As you get into the 2nd and 3rd flush they start looking more and more like regular Cubes.. PE is a weird strain..


Active member
Thanks for stopping by Baba and 79. Growing mushies outdoors might just be the thing for me. Maybe a spring & a fall run each year.

So, I just couldn't sit still and had to take another peek at the PE's and while looking at the side of the cake I saw this buried in it:


It is a full sized PE that grew inside the bulk substrate. I guess it could have grown up and out and grown more, but who cares...I'll wait until my current mushies in the pics above grow up to pick big ones.

And I just chomped it. Hehe.....

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
Took some pics this morning outside behind the shed...






It's been about a week now. Patiently waiting...

Weather looks like it will top out at 83 tomorrow and then drop to a high of 73 on Monday, and highs in the mid 70's all next week. I wonder how this will affect the mushies.

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
OK...time for another trip report...all the mushies on the right half of the cake basically died. The heads turned a dark grey/black, so I picked them and cleaned them. I dehydrated them real good and ate them this morning at 11am.

By 1pm I was at my Ma's celebrating her birthday, she's 81, she took a tiny tequilla shot, drank a couple margaritas, and shared a few bowls. She's a partier to the end, bless her heart.

So anyways, by 1pm we had all ate, and I was feelin' GOOD. Red wine, weed, food, chocolate, trip kickin' in...so I got a bottle of water and headed outside to catch some rays filtering through the trees. Temps in the 70's, a little breeze, just an awesome day. I was trippin' balls on these little PE's.

All in all, a really beautiful day. Well worth the hassle and wait since starting early July. These are little gems. Highly Recommended.

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
I also wanted to add that I got some organic rye berries at the co-op today. And I rinsed it and put it on to soak overnight with some gypsum added to the water. I plan to make 6 quarts. I have 2 syringes, Costa Rica and Honduras, each syringe holds 6 cc's, total of 12 cc's. So I was gonna put 2 cc's in each quart jar, for 6 jars. When these are ready, I'll grow these in my tent in my shed.

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
Just wanted to say this thread is officially over, lol. I harvested all the PE shrooms yesterday and dried them. I got a nice baggie of little shroom bits and pieces that I am eyeing very closely while licking my lips. Mmmmm..... But, I must wait and find a couple of times that will be optimum for these. I'm thinking about two trips with what I have. We'll see....gotta get some shroom chocolates made first.....

~Abbie :joint:

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