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My first Micro Grow


new cab is up and running

new cab is up and running

Here are a couple pics of the new cab. As you can tell I have put it in a spare closet with my rubbermaid cab. I'm thinking of working in that 4" elicit fan that I have to keep the closet air flowing.


the cardbord box on the side is to sort or muffle the vibrations of the fan ( i stuffed a bunch of rolled up socks in there to help with the noise)


And her are the 4 girls that I choose tro start...all 4 are bubble gum (2 are clones from indoor plants and the other 2 are clones from outdoor plants)


week 4 update

week 4 update

Edit* week 4 is kind of a cunfusing title...... in actuality the 4 bubble gums in the new cab have been flowering for 2 weeks and the casey and the other bubblegum have been flowering for 1 weeknot much changed last week so i decided to wait on the update. So where to start.... well as you can tell the new cab is filling out quite nice.


I threw I thre in 2 more girls last week (anothe bubble gum and the casey jones). A buddy of mine wanted to trade so he is trading me 2 bubblegum and the 2 pearly girls clones for 4 OG clones :woohoo:.

Here are the bubblegum ladies that are left. (note the two on the far right are still in the veg stage at about month and a half.)

I know I should flip them but I have no more room I suppose I will flower in my veg cab once the OG girls arrive. So basically 6 in one and 6 in the other that will be about 1.5-2 months behinbd the first ones. (trying to keep track of the dates is the hardest part.

Now ont he the 2 outdoor clones. as you can see im trying to lst but these damn things just wont stay down. and they are always thirsty so bending has become a delicate task.


now on to the casey
this little lady shot up in the last week. Wasn't expecting much out of her, but now I'm keeping a close eye.


I should also not the last 2 times I watered I added some nutes a good buddy of mine gave to me. its called Elenors VF-11. contains 0.15% nitrogen, 0.85% Phosphoric Acid, 0.55% Soluble Potash (I'm sure some of you know what that means, and I would love to hear what you have to say so please comment)

I will post some pics of the OG ladies when they arrive, but untill then thanks for stopping by.:wave:




I know its been a minute, but wasn't able to load pics this week (untill today)..........so here we are at week 3 for the first 4 bubblegum girls and week 2 for the casey and the last bubble gum (these pics are from last sunday, this sunday will be week 4 and 3)

pic of the cab

the first 4 ladies to enter the cab (all BG)

and the casey with the last Bubble Gum

as you can tell the cab is pretty much filled. The casey has grown so much I had to figure out how to make more room. in the next post I will show you how I re arranged them. I did have more clones to put in here, but one turned herm on me so I figured it would be best to scrap the rest of them just in case. I did get the ZOG clones from my friend, but they were about 30 inches tall :yoinks:! so I'm experimenting with them at another friends house (Will start a new thread on the OG if it takes off), basically we are planting it out doors just to see how well it will produce durring winter (it doesn't get to cold in this part of cali so we are hoping for the best)


2nd Update

2nd Update

so here is what I did to make the casey fit....

DSCN1099.jpg she is bent over (lst) I connected her to the wires in the back of the cab so she doesn't hit the fan. I was having problems with the leaves being chewed up by the fan blades, plus the top of her was at the top of the cab (Above the lights).

Here is a pic of the cab now with everyone in


as you can tell my space is somewhat limited for the casey but I had no choice as putting her outside around my place is all bad. I figured it can't hurt to lst since she is so big.

as of right now the first 4 BG clones are starting to frost over nicely (I whish i could show you, but my camera doesn't take good close up shots) while the casey and the last BG girl have just finished stretching and are showing some nice white hair growth. I'm hoping to harvest around begining to mid november.
your plants are taking off! for real your cab is looking van nuys! that casey is taking off....how I wish I had known she was such a big girl before summer ;D


I know I can't belive how big she is either! I found 3 more casey seeds and just started germinating today :woohoo:......I think I might build another cab just for them so the can bush out a bit more.


Here are a couple pics of the new cab. As you can tell I have put it in a spare closet with my rubbermaid cab. I'm thinking of working in that 4" elicit fan that I have to keep the closet air flowing.

View attachment 24586

the cardbord box on the side is to sort or muffle the vibrations of the fan ( i stuffed a bunch of rolled up socks in there to help with the noise)

View attachment 24587

And her are the 4 girls that I choose tro start...all 4 are bubble gum (2 are clones from indoor plants and the other 2 are clones from outdoor plants)


On the second picture in this post I see some like 'splitter' for your lamps, how do you cal these?
Nice grow btw!:joint:



On the second picture in this post I see some like 'splitter' for your lamps, how do you cal these?
Nice grow btw!:joint:

not sure what you asking..... do you mean what do I call them? or how do I calaberate them?........They are just a simple Y or 3 way splitter found at any hardware store in the light fixture section. I think the Y spliter was 2.99 or 3.99 and the 3 way was only a few dollars more.


not sure what you asking..... do you mean what do I call them? or how do I calaberate them?........They are just a simple Y or 3 way splitter found at any hardware store in the light fixture section. I think the Y spliter was 2.99 or 3.99 and the 3 way was only a few dollars more.

Yeah I meant the fitting for your lamps, I'm going to search for those! Thanks for the answer :)

Kanye WeED

Active member
Dont usually like micro grows but for some reason this is really interesting sir

what r u gonna do when thos plants grow into those lights man!!


Dont usually like micro grows but for some reason this is really interesting sir

what r u gonna do when thos plants grow into those lights man!!

:joint: thanks for the compliment!.....as far as the light/plant height situation I'm dealing with it as best I can I suppose. The casey jones is one big girl had to bend her over stuff her on the side. I plan on putting her in the midle once the first 4 bubble gum are done (which are pretty much topped out about 1" or so from the light) and letting the her(the casey) go for about 10 weeks. My other 4 week girl is a bubble gum and she is shoved all the way in the back right. not quite sure where to put her after the first for are done (in about 3 more weeks)




being a little lazy this week so here is a shot of the cab as a whole and one of the 5 weeks beauties ....... Evereything is looking good so far and hopefully I will be harvesting the first 4 in about three weeks :woohoo:.
