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my first hydro...my diy aero/dwc/drip and diy led's!!

I nerded out and added cams hooked to my server. I might stream the feed to my web sight. Thchll.com

I might start doing a grow journal on it. . .
I'm not 100% if I want do that. Before I had my sight running movies and tvshows.
I have friends and FAM that check it out. No one knows about this set up I have.
I'd like to keep it this way. If I can get others to join my sight and do the same things it won't out me so bad. But for now I need to do some Maintenance on the sight before I promote it to the masses.

If you have any ideas or criticism. Or web design experience. I can make different levels of administration.

I'm actually going to start a thread eventually to try and recrute some great minds.
Lady's are looking happy/ healthy on day 4 just waiting for roots to pop.

Ph 5.8
Ppm n/a


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So I did my first water change and introduced some flora nova

PH: 5.7
Ppm: 940
My shitty water started at 440ppm so I added 500.

Roots seem to be thriving. I haven't noticed any new growth. But leaves seem limp and curling dry tips..

I added a cheep eBay timer that I set up with 1on/5off
I hope the drooping is from over watering/lack of nutes. I shut off the drippers and only use them for testing water now. We will see the outcome.


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I didn't update for awhile. But here it goes. I'm pretty sure everything is good and am about ready to flip the lights 12/12.

I hope someone can help me with this.

My water comes out with a ppm of 440. After adding nutes I'm at 1300 pppm does that mean I'm really 940 ppm?

I'm confused on the whole ec conversation thing.

No nute deficiency that I can see. The roots are thick and white.


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So ya I started my 12/12 cycle June 20th . I changed 50%of my res with flora nova bloom the 19th I also used some of fox farms open sesame. 3 days in and no sign of over feeding. Just vigerous growth.

I'm going on vacation for a week. I'm going to throw a few extra gallons of tap water in and take the risk! I think I'll be fine I go days without checking anyways..


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