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My First Grow: Dirt


New member
Let's start out to say I have read a shit load of tutorials on growing, and I have come to the conclusion I am set as much as I need to be in order to grow in the knowledge department. Here are my idea's.

Germination Cycle
15 seeds in a small paper towel, humidity and temp gauge under a black ceramic bowl on top of a black ceramic plate till I see the little stem pop out. Temp is between 75° and 90° with 95% humidity.

Vegetative Cycle
Lights On for 19 hours at temp between 77° and 87° with 40 - 60% humidity
Lights Off for 5 hours at temp between 63° and 73° with 40 - 60% humidity​
Flower/Bud Cycle
Lights On for 12 Hours at temp ??? with humidity at ???%
Lights Off for 12 Hours at temp ??? with humidity at ???%
If anybody could give me some small advice for a shitty home grow, it would be awesome. This first grow is just one to see what works and what doesn't, but I do want to get some yields out of it. Thanks guys.


New member
So I decided to just throw 6 seeds into a flower pot since the bowl method was not working. I ended up putting tinfoil over it and set up a heat lamp right over the top of it and it stayed at exact 80°F and 95% Humidity. Now the plants are starting to sprout out the top and I am about to transplant each one into there own milk jug cut in half. Here is a picture of whats going on so far.



New member
While reading through some post's, I have decided to take one plant and put it in a Gatorade bottle while keeping the rest in the flower pot. It has been 24 hours and another one has sprouted.

I have a few questions regarding the leaves. The leaves that sprout first (Not the Marijuana leaves which are rough, the smooth leaves) are becoming browner and have small indents on them. Wondering what those are. I am also in lack of a large CFL Light bulb, so as of right now, I am using a 9W CFL. :wallbash:



nice seedlings bro perhaps you should replant those little ones in the big container to seperate ones fast peace


Active member
looking good. a 9w light is good for them for now, you don't want to go too crazy for a lil while. You want to help the seedling become a plant, not try pump it up.

I agree with bigtower. Things are looking good but you might want to seperate those seedlings before they get bigger. They tend to root very quickly and can become an issue before you know it!

Good luck!

- SubN


New member
What should I do about just having one lamp though. My room mate is going to buy more Gatorade bottles, since we only had 2 laying around, I have 5 sprouts. Should I just keep using one 9W CFL Bulb for all of them until they get larger.


Active member
well they will need light regardless, so yeah i'd continue to use the 9w. After you get the bottles, transplant them.

- SubN

Hella THC

You need to upgrade your lights ASAP unless you're planning to grow in a shoebox. A 9w CFL won't do much for your plants after this phase of growth.

probably spider mites get some neem or lady bugs

This is highly unlikely. Highly. Super highly turbo unlikely. Your plants are brand new. Your grow has been covered with tin foil, your humidity is in the 90s... there are so many reasons it's not spider mites, I just can't list them all. If it is, wow, I'll be surprised, but the leaves you are talking about, starter leaves or cotyledons if you want to be technical, will naturally die over time. Sometimes this happens quickly, other times more slowly.

Can you get a close up of those spots you're talking about? I wouldn't be worried man. Just keep an eye on the new growth. Take notice and make reactions based on that new growth and you should be all good. Just like in real life, a plant can't fix what's been done, but it can change the future. Worry about the future growth.


- Hella

Hella THC

How they doin?

Did you get them separated and transplanted?

Did you upgrade any equipment yet?

Hope things are well,

- Hella


New member
Sorry for no updates lately. I am been extremely busy with school and haven't had times to take pictures or post. Not to mention a girl is finally coming into me life. :)

Anyways, they are separated into gatorade bottles, and my room mate said he will buy me a bigger bulb when he gets his check on friday. Here are some pictures of the plants so far. The reason why they look darker green is probably cuz of my camera, but if your worried about something, let me know.





After I water my plants (I have a small spray bottle) which I do usually about 5 or 6 times a day by squirting the soil 4 to 5 times, they always get white-ish weird stuff on the soil around the edge of the container after about an hour. Anybody know what this is?

Also, the leaves that are growing out look really awkward. Maybe it's just me, but if somebody could look at the close up of the plant and see if anything odd is going on, thanks.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
they look fine, just checking but you do have drainage holes in the bottom of the containers dont you?

i would start watering a bit more but let them dry out a bit inbetween - water properly till water comes out of the holes in the bottom and then leave to dry out for a day or a couple of days. you can tell by the weight of the container how dry they are.



New member
These babies are going on 26 days and I have had to keep an eye on them more than usual. One of the leaves closer to the bottom keeps being covered by another leaf because of the light cycle. What should I do with that?

Another thing is how there are 2 or 3 leaves with light green-yellow blotchy spots on them. Not enough water? Could it be because occasionally I sprits them with a squirt or two of distilled water from a water sprayer?

When should I think about trimming? It's very difficult to get all the leaves the right amount of sun light since I go to school and I am out with friends till 3 in the morning.

My light cycle is on at 6:00 in the morning, and it turns off at midnight. Midnight because thats when I usually go to bed cuz I'm to high to stay up any longer.:joint:


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